I wanted to mention "Dragon Vessel" and "Spider" to Orochimaru, but considering that it was difficult to explain how she knew these secrets, Hyuga Kyou hesitated for a while, but in the end she didn't speak.

And looking at Orochimaru's demeanor, he doesn't seem to be interested in artificial tailed beasts.

But this is also normal. Chakra is not a problem at all for Orochimaru, who has mastered secret techniques such as 'Baqi Technique' and 'Physical Regeneration', and is developing 'Reincarnation without Corpse'.

After weighing it, Hyuga Kyou asked: "Master Orochimaru, I don't know what it takes to get the information about the artificial tail beast from you?"

Orochimaru looked at Hyuga mirror with interest: "I'm curious, why are you so obsessed with artificial tail beasts? Is there any other reason?"

Hyuga Kyou asked back: "Then why are you fascinated by forbidden techniques? I am the same type of person as you. In terms of research, there is no need for reasons, just interest."

"This explanation can't convince me." After shaking his head, Orochimaru suddenly smiled: "Okay, I also want to see what kind of monster you can make."

Hyuga Kyou was overjoyed when she heard the words: "You agreed?"

Orochimaru stretched out two fingers: "I will give you all the information, but there are two conditions."

"Please speak!"

Orochimaru smiled and said: "First, the research results should be shared with me, and second, I want you to collect information on all members of the Anbu, including the old man's Shadow Guard."

Hyuga Kyou, who had no room for bargaining, had no choice but to nod in agreement.

At night, Hyuga Kyou got all the information about the artificial-tailed beast in the village from the one-eyed pit viper.

From this, it can be inferred that Orochimaru stole most of the forbidden techniques and research materials in the village before he defected, and this may be one of the reasons why the village's senior officials carried out a bloody purge of Orochimaru's old department.

Spreading out the scroll that recorded the experimental data of the artificial-tailed beast, Hyuga Kyou just glanced at it slightly, and her brows furrowed tightly.

The complexity of the artificial tail beast is far beyond his previous expectations. There are more than 700 kinds of complex techniques alone, and many of the sealing techniques are so complicated that it is difficult for even a ninja to perform. .

In addition, artificial tailed beasts also have high requirements for the body.

According to the records in the scroll, the village had tested seventeen kinds of high-strength materials, but only one material called 'Lichai glue' could barely hold a huge amount of chakra.

And shell glue is a special product of the land of swamps, and it is a kind of glue located in the deepest part of the swamp.

Because of this, lac is difficult to mine and the output is scarce. The price on the market is almost equal to gold. It is a very rare and expensive material.

I thought that the huge amount of chakra source was a difficult problem in the manufacture of artificial tailed beasts, but after reading the information, Hyuga Kyou realized that from the technique to the shell material, almost all of them are difficult!

"It's no wonder that Shennong, who controls the remnants of the Kong Ninja Village, has tossed for so many years, but only came up with a nondescript zero tail."

After a light sigh of relief, Hyuga Kyou put away the scroll.

At the moment, whether it is technical reserves or material reserves, Hyuga Kyou is far from enough, so in a short time, he is simply unable to start the artificial tail beast plan.

Early the next morning, Hyuga Kyou arrived at the reporting location of Anbu.

After changing to a new ninja certificate, he officially became a special Jōnin in Konoha Village, and at the same time, he also officially joined Anbu, which is directly under Hokage.

In the equipment warehouse, Hyuga Kyou saw Kai and Shishui.

After saying hello to each other, the three of them carefully selected the equipment.

In front of the mask stand, Hyuga Kyo took a fancy to an eagle face mask, and tried the size on her face. It felt just right, so she chose this mask.

Kay chose an ordinary dog ​​face mask.

Shishui hesitated for a long time between the fox face mask and the cat face mask, and finally gave up the fox face mask that looked too deceitful and chose the relatively docile cat face mask.

In Hokage's office.

Hyuga Kyou, Kai, and Shisui, who had already changed into Anbu costumes, stood upright in front of Hokage's desk.

The three generations looked at the three of them carefully, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yes, they are all in good spirits. From now on, you will be added to the eleventh class of Anbu."

After all, the three generations clapped their palms lightly.

A figure fell beside the three of them.

The three generations introduced: "This is Kakashi, he will be the captain of your eleventh class."

Kakashi took off the fox face mask on his face and said indifferently to the three: "I'm Kakashi, please take care of me!"

The three of Hyuga Kyou also took off their masks and politely returned the salute to Kakashi.

"There is a very tricky task right now." Knocked on the table with a pipe, the third generation continued: "A few days ago, the witch of the land of ghosts sent a request to Konoha, hoping that we would send someone to help them seal the threat. Exotic monsters in the ninja world, this is your first mission to join Anbu, mission level S!"

When Hyuga Kyou heard this, her heart suddenly froze.

He just thought of the monster 'Spider' yesterday. Today, the third generation has been assigned the task of sealing the monster. He doesn't know if this is a coincidence or if the village has noticed something.

Sandai stood up at this time, turned to look at the village outside the window, and said, "We don't know the details of this mission, so you must rush to the land of ghosts as soon as possible to join the witches in the land of ghosts. The land of ghosts may Other ninja villages have also sent requests, so this mission may encounter ninjas from other villages, you should pay attention and try not to conflict with ninjas from other villages."

The four of them said in unison, "Yes!"

The time was short and the task was urgent. The four did not dare to delay. After leaving the Hokage office, they went straight out of the village and rushed towards the country of ghosts.

After leaving the village, Kai excitedly said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, I'm also in the end, I finally caught up with you!"

Kakashi responded weakly: "Yes yes yes."

Kai didn't notice Kakashi's impatience at all, and continued to say cheerfully: "Kakashi, chasing after me like us is the real youth. When I think of this, I feel full of energy!"

Kakashi turned his head and glanced at Hyuga Kyou and Shisui who were slightly behind the team, while continuing to deal with Kai: "Yes yes yes."

The second half of the team.

Sensing that Hyuga Kyou seemed to be a little restless, Shishui asked curiously, "Senior, what's the matter with you?"

Hyuga Kyou shook his head: "Nothing."

Hyuga Kyou is indeed a little suspicious at this moment. He only met Orochimaru yesterday and mentioned about Chakrayuan. It was a coincidence that he was dispatched to participate in the task of sealing the sprites today.

However, he recalled it carefully. It seems that the witch of the land of ghosts died at this time after sealing the monster, leaving behind a next-generation witch, Shion, who was about the same age as Naruto...

The third is more, continue to ask for recommended votes for support!

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