Ye Cang, the leader of the Shayin Dark Army, who had just returned to the village after completing the mission, hurried to the Fengying Building, but before she could enter the building, she encountered the four generations of Fengying who led the crowd.

Ye Cang frowned and asked anxiously, "Gai Luo lost control again?"

Shidai Fengying nodded with an embarrassed expression.

With the passage of time, the violent Ichiao Morizuru has a more and more serious influence on the young Gaara's spirituality, which also makes Gaara, who is the main force of the sand hidden Ichiao, out of control for a long time. On the edge of the game, he often falls into a state of loss of control, which brings huge losses to Sandyin, which is also the reason why the four generations of Kazekage tested Gaara tonight.

However, judging from the results of the current test, Gaara obviously failed because he was out of control again.

At this time, Sandyin's elders Chiyo and Hailaozang also rushed over.

Feeling the violent chakra of the one-tailed Shouhe that filled the air, Chiyo said with a gloomy face, "You must control Shouhe as soon as possible!"

Because of the fighting style, there is no good way for the puppet master to take the tail beast.

Even a puppet master as strong as Chiyo had a hard time facing the upper tail, and basically he could only protect himself, but couldn't suppress the rampant Ichiao Shoukaku.

The same is true of Ye Cang, who has the limit of the scorching blood, and there is little chance of winning against the last tail.

In the entire Shayin, the only one who can suppress the one-tailed guard crane is Luosha, the fourth-generation Kazekage who has the boundary of the magnetic escape and blood, which is also one of the reasons why Luosha can become the fourth-generation Kazeying.

Through the 'Eye of Sand', I found that Gaara walked into the guest house staggeringly, and the four generations of Fengying's face became more and more gloomy.

Seeing this, Ye Cang asked, "What's wrong?"

Four generations of Fengying replied: "He has entered the guest house."

"Guest house?" After a pause, Ye Cang asked, "Are there any important people in the guest house?"

A Shayin Anbu behind Shidai Fengying stepped forward and said, "Today, two Konoha messengers came to the village and happened to be arranged in the guest house."


Ye Cang was taken aback.

Although Gaara is only six years old, in Sandyin, he is already a veritable monster. The Yashamaru who died in his hands tonight was the elite of the Sandyin Anbu, but he could easily kill him.

It can be said that in a state of loss of control, the ordinary Jōnin is no match for Gaara at all.

Therefore, Ye Cang is very worried that Konoha's messenger will die in Gaara's hands. At that time, it will be difficult for Sandy to explain to Konoha. At this time, once Sandy loses Konoha as an ally, the situation will be even more difficult. .

Four generations of Fengying also knew that this was his own mistake, and he didn't talk nonsense, so he galloped in the direction of the guest house with a gloomy face.

in the guest house.

"Do I love Luo..."

Hyuga Kyou secretly said, he was really curious, how did a child from Gaara come to the guest house at night.

Zhi Shui was on guard and said, "Senior, this child looks a little wrong!"

Hyuga Kyou nodded.

Even an idiot could see that Gaara in front of him was a little abnormal. At this moment, his face was grim, his expression was distorted, and the corners of his mouth were still overflowing with saliva. It makes people shudder.

Gaara staggered towards Hyuga Kyou and Shisui, and said in his mouth, "Death, you all have to die!"

As if echoing Gaara's words, a stream of sand surged up from Gaara's side, and charged towards Hyuga Mirror and Shishui as if spiritual.


Hyuga Kyou raised her hand slightly, and repelled all the sand that came to her face.

"Looks like it's out of control..."

His eyes narrowed, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

There is no doubt about the lack of talent in Sarawak.

And Gaara, who is the main force of one tail, is the key for Sa Yin to maintain the status of the five major ninja villages in the future. Once Gaara has a problem, then there is no need to do anything extra, as long as it is ten years later, Sa Yin will naturally Weakened to the point of inexhaustible, and even completely lost its status as one of the five great ninja villages.

At that time, Sandyin will change from Konoha's ally to Konoha's vassal, and finally may even become Konoha's puppet.

Once the overall situation is settled, as long as the operation is done properly, no war or bloodshed, Konoha will be able to annex Shayin and peacefully swallow the entire Shayin village.

And this time is undoubtedly the best time to calculate Shayin. As long as Shayin gives up Gaara, Shayin will lose his future.

In this case, Hyuga Kyou doesn't even need to find an excuse to shoot, because even if he shoots, it is a legitimate self-defense, and no one can fault it.

After making up his mind, Hyuga Kyou's eyes became colder. He knew that the best way to stimulate Gaara was to let Gaara, who has never been injured, bleed once, just like Sasuke in the original time and space!


In a flash, Hyuga Kyou deceived Gaara in front of her.


Without Gaara's active control, the sand surged up and rushed towards Hyuga Kyou from all directions.

Hyuga Kyou waved her hand fiercely, and all the sand was repelled and flew out, even the layer of sand armor made of sand that was protecting Gaara!

Although he was out of control, Gaara's consciousness was still alive, and his distorted face showed a look of shock.

This is the first time Gaara has seen someone who can remove his own sand so easily, which shocked him, who was full of murderous intent, and felt a little fear in his heart.

Looking down at Gaara condescendingly, Hyuga Kyou's expression was flat, and she slowly took out a kunai from the ninja bag around her waist.

Gaara's body subconsciously trembled as he stared at the cold light of Kuai. Without the protection of sand, he once again turned back into that loveless, helpless six-year-old boy.

Hyuga Kyou didn't hesitate, and as soon as she raised her hand, she stabbed the kunai in her hand into Gaara's shoulder.

Looking at the blood flowing out of the wound, Gaara was stunned, as if she hadn't reacted.

Gaara is no stranger to fresh blood, but he has never seen the blood flowing from his body, so he was a little stunned for a while, and some couldn't believe it.

Hyuga Kyou pulled out the kunai that had pierced Gaara's shoulder, brought out a stream of hot blood, and splattered it out.


The young Gaara realized at this time that he was really injured, shock, anger, fear and other strong emotions, and at the same time, he was on the verge of collapse, and he completely ran away.

In an instant, Gaara slowly closed his heavily rimmed eyes and completely lost consciousness.

At the same time, the one-tailed stork within Gaara's body took over his body and quickly completed the transformation of a tailed beast.

boom boom boom...

In a loud 'bang rumbling', the giant body of a guardian crane smashed through the roof of the guest house, revealing its true appearance in Shayin Village!

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