The red-eyed dragon quickly noticed the two menacing figures, and his expression changed greatly: "Everyone, pay attention, another enemy is approaching!"

Loquat Shizang's face was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Right now, Wu Squad hadn't even seen the face of the hunting target, Orochimaru, and the troubles bumped up one after another, which really annoyed him.

The ghost shark put the double-knife flounder on his shoulders, and while looking at the two figures that rushed over, he said, "There is something wrong with these two chakras!"

Long's face became more and more solemn. As a Hitomitsu blood follower ninja, he naturally noticed the difference before the ghost shark.

In the corners of his eyes, his pair of red eyes flashed with incomparably coquettish brilliance, as if he wanted to see through the two figures that were coming towards him, but no matter how he activated his red eyes, what caught his eye was a strange and unspeakable chakra. , that is a kind of chakra that is both huge and sullen, giving people a kind of ghostly feeling.

As the two figures got closer and closer, the members of the fog team also saw the appearance of each other.

The other party was wearing armor that was clearly in the style of the Warring States Period, and the forehead guards on his forehead were all Konoha. Although his expression was a little dull, his aura was unusual. , but it gives the feeling that there are thousands of troops, which makes people unconsciously feel an inexplicable heart palpitation.

"Hey, why does it look familiar?"

Loquat Shizang and Ghost Shark had this thought in their hearts almost at the same time.

If the corners were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the identities of the two galloping at a glance. After all, one of them was the target of his assassination.

Long shouted: "The chakra reaction of the two of them is very violent, especially the one on the left wearing the red armor, the chakra reaction in his body is close to the fourth generation!"

The 'fourth generation' in Ryu's mouth is undoubtedly the Gotachibana Yagura, who is the pillar force of the three-tailed people.

For a ninja, the chakra reaction in the body can be on par with that of Ren Zhuli. Regardless of the rest, this alone is enough to surprise and fear!

At this moment, the two figures who rushed to the front of the fog team suddenly stopped, and the man in the red armor made a mark on his hands, and immediately shouted: "The Secret Art of Wood Escape, the tree world is coming!"

boom boom boom...

As the ground shook and the mountains shook, countless trees broke out from the ground, tumbling over the three people who were wrapped in the fog team.

"The first Hokage!?"

The faces of the three members of the fog team froze for a while, and then shock and confusion flooded their faces.

There is no doubt that the Sengoku-style armor, Konoha's forehead guard, and the iconic wooden dungeon are all concentrated on one person, and the three members of the fog team instantly guess the identity of the ninja wearing the red armor. !

The white-haired ninja in blue armor also clasped his hands together and shouted, "Ninja, the art of darkness!"

A few people in the fog team who were dodging the sea of ​​trees in a daze, suddenly darkened in front of them, and felt like they had fallen into an abyss. Not to mention that they couldn't see the five fingers, even if they put the five fingers in front of their eyes, they couldn't see clearly.

"Second Hokage!?"

After guessing the identity of the first Hokage, it was not difficult for the members of the fog team to guess the identity of the second Hokage. For a time, their hearts fell to the bottom.


After waving the beheading knife and cutting off the branches that were entangled in him, Loquat Shizang shouted: "Escape for your own lives, and good luck to everyone!"

Gui Sha and Long did not question either. Facing this situation, retreat was the only option.

The three of them are all experienced ninjas, and their ability to escape is top-notch. Before they were completely submerged by the sea of ​​trees, they all rushed out of the sea of ​​trees and the 'darkness technique', and fled in embarrassment. go.

Lianhua, who was fighting with Junmalu farther and farther, also noticed the situation here, and with a sigh, she left Junmalu directly, and with a flash, fled the battlefield, and while escaping, she shouted: "I want to If you want to save your life, don't use the 'corpse bone vein' anymore, as long as you don't use the power of your blood veins, you will have no problem living to the age of 30!"

"Master Orochimaru doesn't need waste..."

Junma Lu, who was standing still, muttered to himself, and immediately exited the cursed state.

Orochimaru's need for him is the only meaning for him to survive. If he can no longer use the 'corpse bone vein', then he has no meaning to Orochimaru.

If so, he would rather die!


on the high cliff.

After seeing the fog team recognizing the identity of the first and second Hokage, they immediately fled, not even having the courage to fight, and Orochimaru looked unhappy.

With a sneer, he said, "Master Orochimaru, Xiao Organization must have underestimated you too much."

Orochimaru shook his head: "Those guys are not easy, just relying on this technique may not be able to clean them up."

The first Hokage and the second Hokage in the state of 'Reincarnation of the Dirt Earth', and the three members of the fog team, although the battle was short-lived, Orochimaru still saw some clues.

Although the three members of the fog team were in a panic, in fact, they escaped from the first generation's 'The Arrival of the Tree Realm' and the second generation's 'Darkness Technique' without paying much.

This undoubtedly shows that the first generation and second generation in the state of 'reincarnation of dirty soil', whether it is the power of the spell, or the subsequent manipulation of the spell, are extremely thin and rigid. There is no possibility of human escape!

Hearing the regret in Orochimaru's words, he smiled and said, "Your improvement on 'Reincarnation of Dirty Earth' has been very effective!"

Orochimaru smiled arrogantly.

The 'Reincarnation of the Dirt Earth' that he performed at this time was not the 'Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth' created by the second-generation Hokage. Only dare to channel the creator of the second generation, the creator of the forbidden technique of 'reincarnation from the dirty earth'.

However, due to the strength of the first generation and the second generation, it is too powerful. If you are not careful, you may get rid of his control, so he had to impose multiple restrictions on the 'dirty body' of the two, and this also led to ' The first generation and the second generation in the state of Reincarnation of the Dirty Earth are a bit rigid, without the spirituality of a living person, and their strength is also vastly different from before their death.

Seeing that several people in the fog team had fled far away, he said, "It seems that the limit of this technique cannot be tested this time."

At this time, Orochimaru lifted the 'reincarnation of the dirty earth' and said, "It doesn't matter, there will be a chance soon!"

Dou looked at Orochimaru: "You want to...?"

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips: "Yes, this time I will personally go to Konoha to discuss the alliance!"

As soon as the Sound Ninja Village was established, it sent a request to Konoha to form an alliance.

Dou asked again, "Do I need to notify Danzo?"

"Danzo..." With a light snort disdainfully, Orochimaru said: "His roots have been disbanded by the old man, and he is no longer qualified to cooperate with me."

The second update is here. At the end of the month, don't forget to vote for the monthly vote! Continue to code, there should be another update tonight!

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