
In panic, Iwata involuntarily flew towards Hyuga Kyou.

Hyuga Kyou, who fell to the ground, propped herself up and tried her best to use the Baguazhang!

bang bang bang...

With a burst of applause, Iwata was thrown out by Hyuga Kyou's soft punch and fell into the mud not far away.

"Cough cough..."

After a set of soft punches, Hyuga Kyou coughed out another mouthful of blood.

Although he was deliberately attacked before, and Yanmodo appeared, but the injury on his body was not fake. In fact, he did not expect that Iwamodo's mud whip was so powerful. The fall to the ground actually directly hurt his lungs, and until this moment, he still had some qi and blood, and he was dizzy.

After breathing for a while, Hyuga Kyou said lightly, "Stop pretending, I know you didn't faint!"

When Iwamoto heard this, he stopped pretending and jumped up from the mud. He asked in surprise, "Little devil, what was your move just now?"

Hyuga Kyou spat lightly: "Che, why should I tell you?"

"It's okay, I'll let you say it later!"

Saying that, Iwamoto slowly pulled out the short sword from his waist.

Iwamado is worthy of being the elite Jōnin of Yanyin. When he was controlled by Wheel Ruyi just now, he had already secretly performed earth escape ninjutsu, hardening part of his body, so although Hyuga Kyou's soft fist sealed part of his meridians, No harm was done to his body.

The meridians were sealed, but Ninjutsu could not be used. As an elite Jōnin, even if he didn't use Chakra, he was also a first-class expert in Taijutsu and swordsmanship.

At first glance, Hyuga Kyou was seriously injured, so he felt that he had a great advantage and the situation was still under control.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou didn't talk nonsense, Shi Shiran took out a scroll with "three" written on it, and summoned the three generations of Kazekage puppets in front of Iwata.

"This is...?"

Looking at the cloud of iron sand floating around the puppet of the three generations of Kazekage, Iwamoto was stunned.

As a ninja who has experienced two wars in the ninja world, Iwamado's knowledge is far beyond that of ordinary ninjas, so just a quick glance, he recognized that this is Sayin's unique blood follower 'Magnetic'!

It is undoubtedly a very risky thing to expose the puppets of the three generations of Fengying Ren in this environment, so Hyuga Kyou has no unnecessary nonsense, and immediately urged the three generations of Fengying Ren puppets to launch an attack.

Magnetic escape, iron sand rains!

In an instant, the iron sand that filled the sky turned into sharp thousand books, and shot at Immado like raindrops.

clang clang...

The short knife danced in Immado's hands with gorgeous knife flowers, and with the piercing metal collision sound, it blocked most of the iron sand thousand books!

Seeing this, Hyuga mirror frowned.

He thought that by sealing Immado's Chakra, he would be able to resolve the battle quickly, but he didn't expect Immado's swordsmanship to be so superb.

However, with a short knife alone, it was obvious that the endless iron sand thousand books could not be stopped, so after a while, Iamado's limbs, waist and abdomen were filled with iron sand thousand books.

Iwamoto gritted his teeth and shouted, "Secret technique, blood explosion technique."

The blood explosion technique is Immado's unique secret technique. After it is used, the amount of chakra in the body will increase sharply, and it can relieve most illusion techniques, as well as ninjutsu such as confinement and sealing.

With the activation of the secret technique, Immado's face flushed red, as if he was drunk.

Hyuga Kyou, who subconsciously felt the danger, hurriedly flew back.

At this moment, in the field of vision of his Tensed Eyes, the Chakra in Immado's body is like a burning flame, turbulent and violent!

This feeling, Hyuga Kyou is a bit familiar, like Kai in the state of 'Eight-door Dunjia', but Kai who opened the eight-door Dunjia, the Chakra in the body can still be traced, while the Chakra in Iamado's body is completely It is disordered and violent, as if it could completely engulf him at any time.

Undoubtedly, this is definitely a secret technique with great negative effects, and secret techniques like this are bound to have extremely powerful power, and are a killer that can change the situation of the battle!

In just a few short breaths, the meridian that was sealed by Hyuga Jingrou's fist was broken by Iwamodo on his own. After that, I saw his hands that quickly formed seals turned into afterimages.

"Tu Dun, Mud Dragon even bombs!"

"Tu Dun, the earth spear even stabs!"

"Tu Dun, the mud whip is entangled!"

In the low voice of Iwata's killing intent, three large earth escape ninjutsu were activated almost simultaneously.

For a time, the whistling mud bombs, the silent soil spears, and the crackling mud whips attacked Hyuga Kyou and the three generations of Kazekage puppets beside him from all directions.

Faced with such an all-round attack, even with Tenseigan, Hyuga Kyou is not sure to dodge completely. What's more, he is still injured at the moment, so he has to choose defense.

Magnetic escape, iron sand defense!

The sand and iron that filled the sky immediately turned into iron sand balls, protecting Hyuga Kyou and the three generations of Kazekage puppets inside.

boom boom boom...

Countless mud bombs, soil spears, and mud whips slammed on the iron sand sphere one after another, making a deafening loud noise!

Inside the iron sand ball, Hyuga Kyou squatted on the ground, calmly thinking about countermeasures.

The explosive secret technique is bound to be unsustainable, so according to common sense, as long as it drags on like this, the scale of victory will definitely tilt towards Hyuga Kyou.

But considering that this ambush was carefully arranged by Iwagak, the enemy may not be just the four-member Iwagak beheading team that I had seen in the land of ghosts before.

If there are other Iwagakushi ninjas involved, it is difficult to tell whether it is pros or cons to continue to drag on.

After weighing it a little, Hyuga Kyou decided that even if she took some risks, she would make a quick decision. After all, the puppets of the three generations of Kazekage were too sensitive.

After making up his mind, he immediately urged the three generations of Fengying Ren puppets to use the strongest move.

Magnetic escape, sand and iron world method!

Most of the iron sand in the iron sand ball that protected Hyuga Kyou was pulled away in an instant.

Seeing countless iron spears piercing, Iwamado's already hideous face was filled with madness again.

He actually gave up the defense completely and launched the earth escape with all his strength, as if he was intent on perishing with Hyuga Kyou.

It was difficult for Hyuga Kyou to judge the other party's true intentions for a while, but after fighting to this point, he didn't have time to make any other plans. The battle between life and death could not tolerate half-heartedness!

Almost at the same time, both attacks hit each other.

Immado's entire right shoulder was penetrated by the iron spear, and his limbs were also stabbed by the forked iron spear. The whole person seemed to be stuck on the iron spear, and the blood dripped down the iron spear, staining a large area of ​​red. quagmire.

On Hyuga Kyou's side, too much sand and iron were drawn out because of the sand and iron world method, which caused the defensive sand and iron ball to expose half of the gap. Although it blocked most of the mud bombs and mud whips, it was accidentally hit by a mud spear. Taking advantage of the loophole, stabbed his right leg...

The second update, continue to ask for recommended tickets

In addition, thanks to [Hunyuan Wuji Supreme Cang Qiong Emperor] for the reward

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