Inside a cave in the Land of Birds.

The four people from Class 11 sat around the bonfire, eating and chatting.

It has been three full days since the last time he was ambushed in the forest of the Land of Bears. Except for Shishui, everyone in the team was injured, so Kakashi decided to take a break in the Land of Birds for a while.

As for the final battle in the forest, Shisui and Kai arrived in time and cooperated with Hyuga Kyou to solve all the enemies.

After the war, the four met together and found out that in addition to the four-member team of Iwagak's beheading force, there were also twenty-four wandering ninjas from the Land of Bears who participated in the ambush this time.

Among them, Iwataka, the leader of the Iwagin Beheading Force, took the initiative to find Hyuga Kyou, and the remaining three members of the Beheading Force each led eight wandering ninjas from the Land of Bears, and were responsible for killing the remaining three in the eleventh class.

Iwamado is an elite jounin, there is no doubt about it, the other three members of the decapitation team are also at the rank of jounin, plus twenty-four wandering ninjas in the country of bears who are close to the chunnin.

These people gathered together, is already a considerable force.

What's more, the battle broke out under the condition of an ambush, so the 11th squad was able to wipe out the enemy completely, and it didn't have any downsizing itself, which was really a dazzling record.

Among the few people, the most relaxed is Shishui.

With the blessing of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, the ordinary illusions he casts are extremely powerful, even if it is Shangnin, if he is not careful, he will be attacked.

And the member of the decapitation troop sent to deal with Zhishui was directly hit by his illusion, and he died in confusion before he even had time to use his own ninjutsu.

And after losing the command of leading the team, the remaining eight wandering ninjas were solved by Zhishui chopping melons and vegetables.

Kakashi's performance was slightly inferior to Shisui.

Because the body has to bear a writing wheel eye that does not belong to him, Kakashi, who is very talented, does not outperform his peers by much in terms of chakra volume. In addition, the A-level ninjutsu Chidori consumes a lot. Therefore, after a fierce battle, it is inevitable that he will collapse.

Kai is normal.

After all, he is not yet fully developed. Without the use of Bamen Dunjia, he will not be able to reach the true level of Shangnin. He was besieged by a Shangnin and eight wandering ninjas who were close to the Chunin, and he could save his life. It's been hard to come by.

Hyuga Kyou's performance is not good or bad in his own opinion.

Mainly because of the final confrontation, he was completely deceived by Immado and put himself in danger all of a sudden, especially Immado's last self-destruction, which has made him terrified until now.

Kakashi shook his head and said bluntly: "There are not many people in the whole village who have such a record as you!"

Hyuga Kyou asked curiously, "Why, is this Iwata famous?"

"Of course!" Nodding, Kakashi continued: "As far as I know, there are only seven decapitation troops in Yanyin Village, and one of them was besieged by more than 100 ninjas from our village in the country of grass. It's almost the same thing!"

Kai looked surprised: "We more than 100 people besieged the four of them, and we almost died together!?"

Kakashi looked serious: "Well, that battle was very tragic. Although the opponent was resolved, in the end, only six or seven people on our side seemed to survive."

Shishui said gloomily: "Several of our Uchiha elites were killed by Iwakin's beheading troops."

Kai was a little stunned: "Then didn't we do a great thing? By the way, counting the one we killed, there are only five of Yanyin's beheading troops left."

Kakashi shook his head and said, "No, there are only three left, and two more were annihilated by the Fourth Eye!"

Hyuga Kyou muttered with a speechless expression: "No wonder Iwata is so brooding about the fourth generation."

During the fight, Iwata mentioned the four generations many times, and until this time, Hyuga Kyou didn't understand where the resentment of the four generations in Iwata's heart came from.

Of the three decapitation troops that were lost, except for the one that was besieged in the Country of Grass, the other two were all killed by the fourth generation alone. Whoever changed it would hate the fourth generation.

Kakashi said worriedly at this time: "I'm worried that Iwagakura will take advantage of the theme this time."

The well-fed Hyuga Kyou leaned to the side: "What's there to worry about, we are just self-defense, we can't just grab it, let them kill it."

Kai shook his head: "By the way, why did they attack us?"

Kakashi and Shisui looked at Hyuga Kyou together.

Hyuga mirror shrugged: "Don't look at me, I don't know very well."

Iwamado may have some special ability, and he vaguely sensed something, so he focused on eradicating Hyuga Kyou for Iwano, so as to prevent Hyuga Kyo from becoming Konoha's second "golden flash".

But how could Hyuga Kyou publicize this kind of thing.

Once it spreads out, it is not only easy to attract the prying eyes and hostility of Yanyin, but also the unwarranted suspicion of the village high-level.

After all, Hyuga Kyou was only promoted from wartime Chunin to Special Jōnin more than a month ago. The rapid increase in strength has already attracted the attention of many people. If it is rumored that the captain of Iwanin's beheading force will be extremely jealous of him, he wants to Quickly after killing him, it would be difficult to hide the secret of his Tensed Eye.

Even now, after knowing the weight of the decapitation troop in Yanyin, Hyuga Kyou has a headache.

He didn't even know how to explain to the village that he had killed Iwamodo. After all, according to common sense, a special Junin who had just been promoted would never be able to compete with an elite Junin like the captain of the beheading unit.

After everyone finished eating, Zhi Shui took the initiative to say, "Let me be on duty tonight."

Hyuga Kyou naturally had no objection, and he was the one in the team who was injured the most.

Kai smiled and said, "You'd better stay in the middle of the night, and I'll stay in the middle of the night."

After resting for a few days in the Land of Birds, Class 11 set foot on their way home again, and this time they went well, without any trouble on the way, and returned to the village safely.

Because it is the Anbu directly under Hokage, after returning to the village, the eleventh class came directly to the Hokage office and reported the details of the mission to the land of ghosts to the third generation.

After hearing that the monster sprite has strength comparable to the tailed beast, the third generation was very surprised, and after learning that the eleventh class was ambushed by a beheading force of Iwain in the country of the bear, the third generation fell into silence directly.

After pondering for a long time, the third generation classified the mission of the country of ghosts carried out by the eleventh class as a secret, and sealed it in a confidential archive that only Hokage can read.

At the same time, a gag order was issued to all members of Class 11.

Any information about the ambush battle between the monsters and the kingdom of the bears must be kept secret and not disclosed to anyone...

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