Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 505 Hole Card (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

This ray of silver moonlight that was accidentally sprinkled made Hyuga Kyo suddenly realize that she still had a hole card!

"It's been so long, the descendants of Otsutsuki on the moon should also let their guard down, right?"

Hyuga Kyou thought, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more obvious.

It had been four or five years since the last time he resonated with the giant Tensei on the moon.

At first, the descendants of Otsutsuki on the moon would occasionally search the ninja world with giant Tenseisen to investigate the reason why the giant Tenseisen suddenly resonated.

Hyuga Kyou, who noticed this, decisively cut off the connection between her Tenseisen and the giant Tenseisen, and was always vigilant, avoiding the giant Tenseisen's repeated searches of the Ninja world.

And as time goes by, the frequency of giant Tenseikan's search for the ninja world has become lower and lower. Until the last one or two years, perhaps the descendants of Otsutsuki gave up the search, or something happened on the moon, in short, The giant Tenseisen's search for the ninja world stopped completely, not once again.

Of course, Hyuga Kyou knew that once he tried to use the power of the giant Tenseigan, he would definitely arouse the vigilance of the descendants of Otsutsuki on the moon again, but this was the only way for him to solve his predicament.

As for the descendants of Otsutsuki on the moon, there seem to be few left in Hyuga Kyou's impression.

In the original time and space, about seven or eight years later, when Toto Otsutsuki tried to destroy the ninja world, the descendants of Toto Otsutsuki who were confirmed to be alive on the moon seemed to be the only Toto Otsutsuki left.

In other words, how many Otsutsuki descendants are left on the moon is actually a topic worth discussing.

The various thoughts that diverged were all stopped by Hyuga Kyou at this moment, and a magnificent ray of light bloomed in the sapphire blue eyes of his reincarnation under the grimace mask, and a faint connection began to be established.

"Just a little bit, give me some more time..."

The distance in space could not be crossed immediately. If he wanted to resonate with the giant Tenseigan on the moon, Hyuga Kyou still needed some communication time.

Nagato's eyes quickly swept across everyone on the opposite side, only pausing on Jiraiya's body, and finally gathered on Hyuga Kyou's body again, and said, "Are you hesitating? It seems that you are not what I imagined. so powerful!"

Obito and Jue also showed a playful look at this time.

Obviously, Hyuga Kyou's hesitation at the moment made them both have some doubts.

A look of worry flashed across the wrinkled face of the third Hokage, Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other silently, and shared each other's guesses and worries with cryptic eyes.

In the sky.

Onogi's face sank, and he muttered, "Isn't even the leader of the divine organization confident of defeating the Samsara Eye?"

Behind Hyuga Kyou, Shisui and Itachi's clenched palms were already sweaty.

Those who knew Hyuga Kyo knew better than anyone that if they had the confidence to win, Hyuga Kyo would never hesitate to watch the 'outer golem' on the opposite side absorb the insides of Yutachi Yakura and Kirabi. tailed beast.

"Isn't even the senior unsure?"

Thinking of this, Zhishui made a certain determination, and glanced at Itachi beside him.

Itachi tacitly understood Shishui's eyes.

Undoubtedly, Shishui has already decided, and once the war begins, he will risk his life to create a chance for Hyuga Kyou to win.

Itachi also secretly made up his mind. As a Konoha ninja, if he died on the night when the village was destroyed, he would be considered dead and have nothing to say!

At this moment, Shisui and Itachi both cast their eyes on Hyuga Kyou's back. They firmly believed that the leader would be able to help the village survive the catastrophe tonight.

Just at the moment when the atmosphere was so solemn and suffocating, Hyuga Kyou suddenly said to the three generations of Hokage not far away, as well as the ninjas of the five major ninja villages including Terumi Mei and Chiyo: "Hey, save one shadow, ten million, save one Joinin, Five million, isn't that too much?"

Three generations of Hokage froze for a moment before realizing what Hyuga Kyou was talking about.

The other people looked at each other in dismay, completely unaware that the leader of the God Organization would talk about business in such a chilling occasion, and it was a head-to-head business.

Without waiting for the others to react, the old and hot three generations of Hokage promised: "Please try to save everyone, all the expenses will be borne by Konoha!"

After the three generations of Hokage finished speaking, the ninjas of the other major ninja villages immediately cast their grateful glances.

At the same time, the confidence he had just lost in the God Organization came back all of a sudden. At this moment, including the three generations of Hokage, all the ninjas in the five major Ninja Villages felt that the hesitation of the God Organization leader just now was mostly pondering. business thing.

Shishui and Itachi looked embarrassed, and they made up their minds to sacrifice their lives. Unexpectedly, the leader turned around and talked about business.

Hearing Hyuga Kyou's words, Nagato was a little annoyed, and said coldly: "Yan Luo, you are too arrogant! Hmph, you can't save a single one today!"

Hyuga Kyou took a step forward and said lightly: "I don't know where your inexplicable confidence comes from, but since you want to fail, then I will give you failure!"

After saying that, Hyuga Kyou gently snapped her fingers.

In an instant, except for the two people, Yutachi Yakura and Kirabi, who were controlled by the 'foreign golem', all the ninjas in the five major ninja villages who were lying near the cliff whose lives and deaths were unknown were all pulled by a strange force. , was instantly pulled in the direction of the Hyuga mirror.

"Vientiane Tianyin!? How can..."

Xiaonan, Obito, all three of them were shocked.

'Wanxiang Tianyin' is not an ordinary ninjutsu, but a pupil technique exclusively for the 'Reincarnation Eye'. They did not expect that the "Yan Luo" of the divine organization could also perform this level of pupil technique.

"Could it be... Does he also have reincarnation eyes?"

For a time, this thought flashed through the minds of the three of them at the same time.

Nagato's eyes narrowed, but his expression did not change much.

In the previous fight, he had already discovered that 'Yan Luo' could also use his 'Shen Luo Tian Zheng' and 'Vientiane Tian Yin', so the scene in front of him did not surprise him too much.

The Five Great Ninja Villages saw that 'Yan Luo' just snapped his fingers, and all the wounded on the battlefield flew over by themselves.

This kind of ability is really amazing to them, even the experienced and well-informed three generations of Hokage and three generations of Tsuchikage can't tell what kind of ninjutsu this is.

At this time, Nagato, who had been secretly brewing pupil power since just now, no longer hesitated, he stretched out his right hand and aimed at Hyuga Kyou, and said coldly: "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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