Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 529 Huge amount of money (seeking a monthly ticket!)

The account Hyuga Kyou mentioned was naturally the verbal agreement with the three generations of Hokage on the cliff before.

At that time, Hyuga Kyou, as the leader of the god organization "Yan Luo", proposed to the three generations of Hokage a price of 10 million yuan to save a shadow and 5 million to save a jounin.

According to the standards on the black market, the price of the Shangnin in the five major ninja villages is at least tens of millions, and some elite Shangnin can even reach high prices of tens of millions, while the shadow has no price, because the black market does not want to cause trouble, no May publicly release a bounty for the shadow of the five major ninja villages that rule the ninja world on their own territory.

And on the cliff that night, except for the three shadows, the rest were all jōnin without exception. Many were elite jōnin masters, and some were even elders in various villages and candidate shadows, so Hyuga Kyou proposed at that time. The price is very fair, which is one of the reasons why the three generations agreed without thinking.

Hearing Hyuga Kyou mention the account, the third generation nodded, and immediately handed a list that had been prepared at hand to Hyuga Kyou.

After taking the list, Hyuga Kyou glanced slightly.

I found that the list of ninjas in the five major ninja villages that were rescued was clearly listed above, and even which were the wounded and which were the corpses, they were all clearly marked.

According to the enumeration on the list, Hyuga Kage rescued a total of three shadows, including the fourth generation of Raikage, the fourth generation of Kazekage, and the fourth generation of water shadow, as well as forty-seven of the five major ninja villages.

As for the others, they are all dead bodies.

Not counting the corpses, according to the three rescued shadows and the forty-seven jounin, Konoha has to pay a total of 265 million to the god organization!

After seeing the huge number at the end of the list, Hyuga Kyou didn't care about whether the list was true or not, because he was very satisfied with the huge sum of money.

Hyuga Kyo has no hobby of accumulating money. Money has only one function in his eyes, and that is to support his scientific research.

Although the further development of 'Gui Ya Luo's Technique' is an unpredictable bottomless pit, it is possible to fill in any amount of money, but as long as Hyuga Kyou gets this huge sum of more than 200 million, he can immediately put a lot of money that only exists at present. The idea on paper was put into practice.

Seeing Hyuga Kyou read the list, the third generation coughed lightly and said, "Your Excellency should know very well that our Konoha Village has just experienced a catastrophe and is currently undergoing reconstruction, so we cannot pay this amount in one lump sum. huge sum of money."

Hyuga Kyou said indifferently: "As far as I know, several other Ninja villages have made it clear that they will pay this sum together after the war. Lord Naruto, am I right?"

Because of Yutachi Yakura, Hyuga Kyou knew the contents of the Five Shadows Secret Society after the war.

Among them, the four major Ninja villages clearly stated that they would jointly bear the rescue money paid to the god organization. After all, it was not justifiable for the severely injured Konoha family to bear this huge sum, and the other four major Ninja villages could not afford to lose face.

And this is also the reason why Hyuga Kyou asked for this amount of money when the village was rebuilt, because more than 200 million yuan was evenly distributed to the Five Great Ninja Villages, and the family was only 50 to 60 million yuan at most, which was nothing at all. Not to mention the reconstruction of Konoha, the richest daimyo of the country of fire will definitely support it, and the other four major Ninja villages will also lend their strength to help, so this money is not a problem for Konoha at all.

The third generation frowned and said tentatively: "It seems that your god organization is also cooperating with other Ninja villages!"

The secret society of the Five Shadows after the war has a very high level of confidentiality. Many of the contents are only known to the Five Shadows, so the three generations immediately judged that there are other Ninja villages in the five major ninja villages that cooperated with the god organization, and even leaked the five shadows secret meeting. The content on the page, but which Ninja village it is, is difficult to judge for three generations.

Hyuga Kyou said noncommittally: "This has nothing to do with the accounts, and I have nothing to comment."

The three generations and Xiaochun, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at each other and said, "You are right, other Shinobi villages have indeed stated that they will bear their part of the money, but they have not sent the money over yet. , so we Konoha cannot pay your god organization the full amount at one time."

Hyuga Kyou glanced at Sandai and saw some clues.

Obviously, the village is not unable to pay the money in advance, nor does it want to rely on it, but the three generations want to use this as an excuse to achieve some other goals.

"Old Fox!"

After a belly slander, Hyuga Kyou said, "Lord Hokage, speak up if you have something to say."

The three generations stared at Hyuga Kyou and said solemnly: "I want to meet your leader 'Yan Luo' and talk about Xiao Organization."

Hyuga Kyou shook her head: "It's not the time yet."

Without waiting for the third generation to answer, Xiaochun, who was on the side of the bed, stood up from the sofa and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hyuga Kyou pondered the words and said: "I know what you want to do, but now is not the best time to eradicate the Akatsuki organization. There are many factors involved, and I am sorry that I cannot tell them all."

Naturally, what he said were all pretexts, and there was only one real factor, which was that he couldn't beat it.

In the previous World War I, Hyuga Kyou had already tried his best. Whether it was trying to seal Obito, or risking to force Nagato back, he had already exerted his fighting wisdom to the limit, but the gap in hard power was obvious. There, it is not that Hyuga Kyou can easily erase one or two tactical successes.

It can be said that Nagato, who has both the six-path immortal body and the six-path immortal eyes, has left all the rest of the ninja world behind, and took the lead in stepping into a new level.

The third generation asked with a solemn expression: "Many factors? I need to know what the factors are!"

"Uchiha Madara!"

After thinking about it for a while, Hyuga Kyou threw out a name.

The three generations were startled: "You mean that the member of the Akatsuki organization who calls himself 'Uchiha Madara' is the real Uchiha Madara? He...he is still alive?!"

Hyuga Kyou replied: "Of course he is not, but the real Madara Uchiha is probably still alive and hidden in Akatsuki's organization, so we'd better not act rashly."

These half-truths were deliberately frightened by Hyuga Kyou. He didn't want to have any meaningless conflicts with Akatsuki in the near future.

Now the funds are about to be in place, and the development of the "Gui Ya Luo Technique" also has an idea, and the "Blood Follower Net Luo Project" is also progressing smoothly. The only thing he needs now is time, and he needs a period of peace to develop.

No one can say how long the deterrent power of 'Yam Luo' will last, but Nagato, who has just suffered a setback, will definitely choose to lie dormant for a while, but if the Five Great Ninja Village tries to provoke the organization beyond its capabilities, Nagato will take another shot. If so, things will get out of hand...

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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