Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 540 The Rough Road (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

This is the first time Danzo has heard of this theory, not to mention him, even the Orochimaru on the side, and the chief research officer at the root are frowning at this moment, and they are lost in thought.

Whether it is Orochimaru or the chief research officer of the root, due to the limitations of his own vision, he does not pay enough attention to the importance of completing the chakra of the attribute, and he does not know enough about the role of yin and yang in the blood fusion ceremony. , so they didn't find the fatal flaw in the fusion ritual of Belu Huxueji at all.

After listening to Hyuga Kyou's explanation, they were startled and realized their previous negligence.

Until this moment, Orochimaru put away the calmness on his face, his eyes like snake eyes, swept towards Hyuga Kyou, and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that the research related to the 'Ghost Yaluo Technique' by the God Organization has already been done. It got so deep!"

In the field of scientific research, Orochimaru had never convinced anyone, but the theory proposed by Hyuga Kyou had to convince him, and at the same time, it also made him more and more vigilant about the God Organization.

dong dong...

Pushing the cane in his hand, Danzo broke the brief silence in the conference room and asked Hyuga Kyou, "You said that the old man has an advantage in this regard, do you mean that the old man already contains the Yin attribute chakra and Yang attribute chakra, don't you need to worry about complementing the two chakra attributes of Yin Dun and Yang Dun?"

Hyuga Kyou nodded.

Danzang frowned, and said in a slightly brisk tone: "If that's the case, then what is there to worry about!"

"It's not that simple." Shaking his head, Hyuga Kyou explained: "I said it before, your body is a bit special. Although you transplanted the cells of Sharinyan and the first generation of Hokage, the method was too rough and left behind. There are a lot of hidden dangers. Hmph, rather than fusion, it is better to say that these two forces have temporarily resided in your body. You must know this better than me."

Saying that, Hyuga Kyou turned her gaze to Danzo's right arm.

Restricted by the previous technology, Danzo's transplantation technique is the lowest and most unstable 'limb fusion'.

Danzang's right arm, which is full of shackles, doesn't even belong to him, and the way he transplants the first-generation cells is also very crude. It is not a cell-level transplantation, but directly implants the first-generation flesh and blood into the body. , like the right arm, is also a 'limb fusion'.

Among all fusions, 'gene fusion' is the most thorough. Although the failure rate is extremely high, once it succeeds, it will be very stable. For example, at the beginning, Hyuga Kyou fused all the recessive genes of the Hyuga clan. The Tensei Eye was opened, and there was no rejection or runaway phenomenon.

'Cell fusion' is second, but after success, it will tend to be stable.

'Limb fusion' can be said to be the lowest and most unstable. Even if Danzo is lucky enough to succeed, his body will always be under the threat of rejection and runaway.

This can be seen from the original time and space, the battle between Danzo and Sasuke.

In that battle, Danzo's excessive consumption of chakra caused the balance between Yin and Yang in his body to be broken.

"How dare you..."

Hearing Hyuga Kyo's unceremonious evaluation of her transplant, Danzo was exposed, and her face was uncertain.

But at the same time, because of Hyuga Kyou's frankness, deep down in his heart, Danzo had a little more trust in the "Flag Demon" of the poisonous god organization in front of him.

Hyuga Kyou didn't care about Danzo, who was a little embarrassed, and still said indifferently: "Considering that there are too many other people's flesh and limbs in your body, especially the flesh and blood of the first Hokage, you are choosing the fusion 'Blood Ji Limit'. At the same time, you have to figure out the main chakra attribute of the original owner of your right arm, and only in this way, Only then can we ensure the balance of all chakra attributes!"

On this critical issue, Hyuga Kyou barely concealed, and revealed all the precautions and details he knew.

Because Danzo is a 'guinea pig' who has both human and financial resources, and dares to make a drastic transformation of itself, it is rare in the entire ninja world and is an extremely scarce resource, so Hyuga Kyou must maximize the digging of Danzo's '' Pathfinder value', let Danzang take a good look at this rugged road that finally leads to the 'Blood Follower's Snare'!

After experiencing the initial shock, Orochimaru also recovered at this time.

He was keenly aware of Hyuga Kyou's thoughts, and guessed that the God Organization did not hide any secrets in assisting Danzo, and most likely, like himself, had the idea of ​​treating Danzo as a 'guinea pig', so his face turned again. Putting on that sly smile, he said to Danzo: "I can use my technology to conduct a comprehensive inspection and transformation for your body, so that your body will become more stable!"

Orochimaru can be said to be the top of the ninja world in terms of human body transformation. Take Orochimaru himself as an example. His body has been transformed to the point where it is almost harmless, plus his unique 'Orochimaru-style substitute technique' , It is almost impossible to kill him through ordinary Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.

But Orochimaru's tone of voice when he spoke was too playful, especially when combined with his snake-like vertical pupils, it gave the impression that the words 'there is a conspiracy' were written on his face!

Hyuga Kyou frowned, glared at Orochimaru, and conveyed a message to Orochimaru with his eyes, "Hey, how do you guys treat Danzo as a 'guinea pig' so blatantly? 'Information.

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, and he looked back at Hyuga Kyou, as if to say, 'Don't worry, even if Danzo knew we were treating him as a 'guinea pig', he would not refuse! ’

Looking at the eye contact between Hyuga Kyou and Orochimaru, Danzo's face sank like water.

Just as Orochimaru had expected, Danzang's thoughts on the God Organization and Orochimaru were not clear, but he also figured out a few things, but he didn't care, as long as he could achieve supremacy. The power of , to the peak of power, he doesn't mind being used by the God Organization and Orochimaru.

What's more, in his eyes, whether the God Organization and Orochimaru are using his power and body to conduct experiments, or whether he is using the technology provided by the God Organization and Orochimaru to achieve his own goals, as far as the current situation is concerned, No one can judge, all this can only be judged by time...

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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