Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 545 Naruto's real bloodline limit (seeking a monthly ticket!)

In Xinya's dark spiritual world.

Naruto still kept the awkward posture of sitting on the ground outside, looking up at a picture that appeared in the air. This picture was like a real scene, and Naruto was like an immersive bystander. .

In the picture, Xin Ya and a powerful ninja with dark blue hair and a robe of the Kingdom of the Cloak are fighting side by side in the desert, resisting the enemies constantly pouring out from all around.

Although the combination of the two was extremely powerful and defeated many enemies, there were more and more enemies around, and the situation had collapsed. The ninja who fought side by side with Xin Ya immediately issued an order to retreat.

However, Xin Ya, who was in full swing, was unwilling to evacuate. It disobeyed the ninja's order to retreat and attacked the enemy group again.

At this moment, an attack from behind hit Xin Ya's right eye, Xin Ya turned around in horror, and found that it was the partner who was fighting alongside it who attacked it.


In shock and anger, Xin Ya slowly fell to the ground.

At the last moment, the scene reflected in Xin Ya's left eye vertical pupil is the indifferent and alienated gaze of the ninja, the gaze that can pierce the soul and cut through the bone marrow!

After watching the picture, Naruto stood up slowly: "Xin Ya, is this your experience? It turns out that your eye was blinded because of this!"

"Little devil, who allowed you to enter my heart without authorization!"

Xin Ya's angry voices came from all directions, and the aggressive posture seemed to swallow Naruto in one bite.

Naruto looked directly at Xin Ya's huge orange vertical pupils and said, "Although I have not been betrayed by my companions, I understand the taste of loneliness, Xin Ya, you must be lonely too?"

I don't know why, after reading Xin Ya's experience, Naruto's fear of Xin Ya disappeared, replaced by a strong sympathy!

Looking at Naruto's sincere eyes, Xin Ya was stunned for a moment, and then roared a little angrily: "Little devil, what kind of eyes are you looking at, this uncle really enjoys loneliness!"

Naruto said to himself: "I am the child of the fox demon, and I have no parents since I was a child, so I understand the taste of loneliness better than anyone, and the taste is really bad."


Xin Ya snorted heavily. Although his expression was still grim, he couldn't help but calm down and listened to what Naruto said.

Naruto continued: "Later I made friends, met Sasuke, Hinata, and Neji, and realized that only with my friends can I get out of loneliness!"

"Partners!?" Xin Ya said coldly: "Little devil, you are too naive. The meaning of partners' existence is betrayal. They will betray you when you trust them the most!"

Naruto shouted: "Although I don't know why your partner did that, I will never betray my partner, never!"

Xin Ya put its huge snake head in front of Naruto, and the bifurcated Xinzi even approached Naruto's face, and said angrily: "You are a kid who doesn't understand anything, those two people outside are Your partner, this uncle will give you a choice now, either let this uncle eat you and let them go, or let this uncle eat them and let you go, how do you choose?"

Seeing his figure reflected in Xin Ya's one-eyed vertical pupil, Naruto took a deep breath and said, "Big Brother Dou and Little Sister Hinata are in danger because of me, it's my fault, I don't know. You are such a big snake, so please let them go and eat me if you want!"

Xin Ya said coldly: "You better think about it, I really can eat people!"

Naruto gathered up his courage and shouted, "You eat me!"

With Naruto's shouting, the surrounding fog quickly dissipated, and in an instant, Naruto and Xin Ya both withdrew from the spiritual world and returned to the cave.

At this moment, Xin Ya raised his head high: "Have you really decided?"

Naruto got up from the ground, walked to Xin Ya step by step, and said, "Yes, Xin Ya, I want you to understand that even if I die, I will not betray my companions!"

The pocket on the side did not know what the two experienced in the spiritual world. When he saw Naruto Da Lala walking towards the menacing big snake Xin Ya, he suddenly said in surprise: "Naruto, come back!"

Naruto turned his head and said, "Big Brother Dou, I want to convince him!"

Dou sternly scolded: "Idiot, how can this monster be persuaded with just a few words! Come back quickly, don't die in vain!"

At this time, Dou was completely speechless to Naruto.

Before, he always thought that Naruto was just a little bit of a leaf. In the standard of Orochimaru, he may be regarded as an idiot, but in the standard of ordinary people, Naruto is not so unbearable. On the contrary, Naruto is still quite good in some aspects. talented.

But today he realized that he was wrong. Naruto is indeed a complete idiot. He would use his mouth to convince a monster like Xin Ya in a whimsical way. This is no different from sending him to death!

"Forget it, let him go, once he is in danger, the nine tails in his body will probably go berserk immediately, then I will take advantage of the nine tails and Xin Ya's two monsters to fight, and take the eldest lady of the Hyuga family to escape from here. ..."

Dou held up the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and calculated his own thoughts.

In Dou's view, Naruto is sure to die this time. At this time, instead of worrying about Naruto's life and death and missing the opportunity to escape, it is better to take advantage of Naruto's death.

Immediately, Tou raised Hinata who was beside him, waiting for Xin Ya to swallow Naruto in one bite.

On Xin Ya's side, it looked at Naruto with a fearless face, and there was a touch in his heart, but also the anger of being underestimated, so it opened its bloody mouth and roared: "Do you think this uncle Don't you dare to eat you? Well, since you are courting death, then the uncle will fulfill you!"

At this moment, Naruto stretched out his right hand to Xin Ya and said, "Xin Ya, I want to be your friend!"

Listening to Naruto's words, Dou in the distance was speechless, and secretly said: "This idiot, I shouldn't have brought him into Longdi Cave, hey, I really don't know how to explain it to Lord Orochimaru!"

Hinata, who was being held by the pocket, looked at Naruto like a star, looking at Naruto who dared to face the big snake alone, with a look of adoration all over his face.

And just when Dou thought that Xin Ya, who opened his bloody mouth, would swallow Naruto in one gulp, Xin Ya closed his mouth and snorted heavily: "Hmph, I want to be friends with this uncle, but I can't. So easy!"

He was ready to break out of the pocket towards the entrance of the cave. Hearing this, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Then, he looked at Xin Ya with a dull expression...

The third is more, I'm sorry for being a little late, continue to ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded today, thank you all!

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