A person's external spirit can reflect his true heart.

This point, Hyuga Kyou firmly believes.

Hiiragi Uchiha's immersion in swordsmanship on the outside reflects his inner pride in his swordsmanship and his trust in the sharp short sword in his hand.

It is also this pride in his own swordsmanship and trust in the saber that makes him unconsciously take risks every time he falls into a fierce battle.

He had never noticed this shortcoming.

In other words, in the entire Uchiha clan, except Shishui, no one noticed this.

And the little details are sometimes the key to deciding the outcome!

After a close battle with Hiiragi Uchiha, Hyuga Kyou backed away and used the terrain of the grove to fight with him.


With the sound of a screeching short knife breaking into the wind, another big tree as thick as one person was cut off in the middle.

Counting this one, there are already eight or nine big trees in the grove that have been killed by Hiiragi Uchiha.

And with the smoke and dust stirred up by the fallen tree trunk, Hyuga Kyou successfully opened the distance from Uchiha Hiiragi.

Uchiha Hiiragi shouted murderously: "You coward, do you just hide?"

Hyuga Kyou looked calm: "Are you just cutting down trees?"


Hiiragi Uchiha was speechless for a while.

Hyuga Kyou did not continue to ridicule, but concentrated on coping with Uchiha Hiiragi's wave of ferocious attacks.

Hiiragi Uchiha is worthy of being the elite of the Uchiha clan. Even if he doesn't use illusion or ninjutsu, his strength is definitely at the Ninja level.

To be honest, there is no need to rotate Ruyi and the three generations of Kazekage puppets, Hyuga Kyou really has no good way to take Uchiha Hiirana. If there is no information conveyed by Shisui in advance, this battle will only be troublesome.

Right now Hyuga Kyou's tactics are very simple, that is to drag!

He has to drag Uchiha into a restless heart and murderous chest, and only in this way will Uchiha show his flaws.

Like most Uchihas, Hiiragi Uchiha's patience was not very good. After chasing Hyuga Kyou for a long time, his mood became more and more unstable.

Every move is full of killing intent, but if the killing intent is too strong, there is bound to be a lack of change.

As a result, in the eyes of Hyuga Kyo's Tensei, Uchiha Hiiragi's swordsmanship has more and more flaws, and several times, Hyuga Kyou can even barely seize the opportunity and use the Baguazhang to counterattack.

But Hyuga Kyou was not in a hurry.

He believed in the information from Zhishui, but he believed in his own eyes more.

After another chase, the two jumped out of the already messy grove and came to a lake. The villagers who were washing clothes by the lake screamed in surprise.

Standing on the lake, Hyuga Kyou panted lightly and said, "It seems that you are stronger than the last guy."

Uchiha Hiiragi roared: "You guy who only hides in Tibet is not qualified to judge us Uchiha!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Hiiragi Uchiha coughed violently a few times.

There is no doubt that his physical strength is not very good, and he has been in a state of anxiety that the killing intent cannot be vented, causing his physical strength to be much greater than that of Hyuga Kyou.

Knowing that the time is ripe, Hyuga Kyou smiled and said, "Hiding in Tibet? Your superficiality is really shocking!"

Before Uchiha Hiiragi could answer, Hyuga Kyou took the initiative to attack.

Seeing this, Hiiragi Uchiha was refreshed, and immediately slashed at Hyuga Kyou.

In an instant, turbulent waves stirred up on the calm lake surface, and in the waves, the two fought fiercely.

As soon as they fought, Hyuga Kyou felt that Uchiha Hiiragi's swordsmanship was much messier than before. Although the killing intent was still blazing, the swordsmanship was less swift and a lot more ruthless!

However, killing intent alone cannot kill people.




In Tensei Eyes, Hyuga Kyou discovered Uchiha Hiiragi's flaws one after another.

But he still wasn't in a hurry. What he was waiting for was not just the chance to defeat Uchiha, he was waiting for a chance to take away the short sword in Uchiha's hand.

He wants to completely destroy Hiiragi Uchiha's confidence!

After a few breaths, an opportunity finally appeared.

Hyuga Kyou no longer hesitated, and immediately turned her palms into fists, hitting Hiiragi Uchiha's chest.

And as Hyuga Kyou had expected, Uchiha Hiiragi not only did not choose to retreat, but instead attacked him with a knife and slashed at him.

"Sure enough, he likes to take risks!"

The corners of Hyuga mirror's mouth rose, and she smiled slightly.

At the same time, his feigned fist swung up suddenly, hitting the wrist of Hiiragi Uchiha's sword, and his other hand took the short sword away.

The whole process of taking the knife was only in the blink of an eye.

After Hyuga Kyou grabbed the knife and retreated, Hiiragi Uchiha was still there, not responding.

Playing with the short knife in his hand, Hyuga Kyou said indifferently: "It is indeed a good knife, but the person who uses the knife is a little worse."


Hyuga Kyou threw the dagger back to Hiiragi Uchiha: "You lost!"

After all, Hiiragi Uchiha, who was stunned, left the lake.

Not long after, Zhishui appeared in front of Hyuga Kyou and asked, "Senior, is it going well?"

Because Uchiha Hiiragi's strength is very strong, Shisui is not sure to follow him quietly, so he did not watch the whole battle like he followed Uchiha Shinichi last time.

Hyuga Kyou nodded: "It's going well, but that Uchiha Hiiragi is quite strong. If I hadn't agreed with him to test the physical skills, the result is really hard to say."

During the battle, although Hyuga Kyou looked light and cloudless, as if she did not take Uchiha Hiirana in her eyes at all, but in fact, under the circumstance that you can't use Wheel Ruyi and the three generations of Kazekage puppets, this is about the limit of Hyuga Kyou. .

And if it is not limited to use only taijutsu from the beginning, I am afraid that it is difficult to say whether it can beat Uchiha Hiiragi.

Zhi Shui smiled and said, "I'm not worried at all about Senior."

"You also know that some methods are inconvenient to use in the village." After a pause, Hyuga Kyou continued: "If you Uchiha send out stronger ones next time, I really can't deal with it."

This time against Uchiha Hiiragi, Hyuga Kyou has already taken a trick. If Uchiha sends a more powerful Jōnin than Uchiha Hiiragi next time, then Hyuga Kyo's odds of winning are not high.

Moreover, Hyuga Kyou accepted Uchiha's challenge, in addition to having the intention to hone herself, she also wanted to make a name for herself through Uchiha's name.

Although Uchiha is not likable, their name is still quite loud. Although the ninjas in the village don't say it, they have already equated Uchiha with the elite in their hearts, and the village executives are against Uchiha. Full of suspicion, so stepping on Uchiha can be regarded as the most efficient and safest way to make a name for yourself.

Shishui hurriedly assured: "Please rest assured, if Hiiragi loses, the clan will not send anyone to challenge you again in a short time."

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