Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 555 Self-directed and self-acted (seeking a monthly ticket!)

Just when Konan was still having a headache over the matter of Bei Liuhu, in another underground secret room of the Akatsuki organization base, the avatar of Baijue who had just returned from Konoha was reporting to Obito and Jue the conditions proposed by Hyuga Kyou and Itachi. .

"Oh, it seems that I underestimated him!"

Listening to Bai Jue's avatar's description, looking at the severed right arm of Bai Jue's avatar, Obito chuckled lightly, but the expression on his face was as usual, as if he was just a little surprised by Hyuga Kyou's actions.

Jue on the side asked, "Are we going to agree to their conditions?"

Obito put his chin on his hand and thought for a while, then said, "If you don't agree to them, I'm afraid they won't be able to gather information about the God Organization for us at ease."

Jue asked again: "The two children are put together?"

Obito nodded and said, "Well, let's put them together. Anyway, these two children are useless in our hands."

It is a well-known fact that Sasuke and Neji fell into the hands of the Akatsuki organization at the same time, so either one of them will be released or they will be released together. Otherwise, it is impossible to appease the two informants at the same time.

And the fog team that raided Orochimaru's hideout not long ago just sent back a message that their raid this time failed, and they fluttered and failed to find the nine-tailed man Zhuli in Orochimaru's hideout. With this raid, the exchange of hostages between Akatsuki and Orochimaru naturally fell through, so Sasuke and Neji had no effect on Akatsuki.

Using two children who have lost their role to appease the two informants who can inquire about the intelligence of the God Organization, this transaction is not a loss in Obito's view.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

With that said, he dived into the ground.


Inside the base of Orochimaru.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, he respectfully bowed to Orochimaru who had just returned from Konoha: "Master Orochimaru!"

"Nothing happened during my absence, right?"

Orochimaru asked casually as he walked towards the cave.

He wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, mulled over his words, and said, "Shortly after you left, the Akatsuki organization raided here. In order to prevent Naruto from being taken away by them, I had to take Naruto and Hinata to hide. Into the Longdi Cave."

Orochimaru abruptly stopped walking towards the cave, staring at Dou with snake-like eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say, you entered the Longdi Cave?"


Under Orochimaru's gaze, Dou lowered his head, feeling uneasy in his heart.

When encountering a strong enemy, he retreated into the Ryudi Cave to escape. Although it was allowed by Orochimaru, Orochimaru never allowed Naruto to practice immortality in the Ryudi Cave, so he was a little worried that his own opinion would be met by Orochimaru. Pill Punishment.

After a while, Orochimaru withdrew his gaze, continued to walk towards the cave, and asked, "What did you guys do in Longdi Cave?"

Dou followed Orochimaru step by step, and told them about their experience in the Longdi Cave from beginning to end, but when Ji Jijima was instructing Naruto's immortal art, Dou was unable to watch, so he only knew that Naruto seemed to be He has mastered immortality, but he doesn't know the whole process of Naruto's cultivation of immortality.

Listening to Dou's description, the corner of Orochimaru's mouth slanted upward, revealing a playful smile. Obviously, Naruto's experience in Longdi Cave aroused his interest.

Soon the two of them came to the cave and saw Naruto sitting cross-legged on the ground, scratching his ears and muttering, "How could this happen? Was it possible before?"

Pocket said to Orochimaru speechlessly: "Master Orochimaru, this is the situation."

The reason why Dou told Orochimaru just now that Naruto was suspected to have mastered the celestial arts was because not only did Naruto claim to have learned the celestial arts when he was in Ryudi Cave, but even Hime Ichijima, who was in charge of instructing him, made it clear that Naruto had mastered the celestial arts. technique. But for some unknown reason, Naruto couldn't enter the 'immortal mode' as soon as he got out of the Dragon Earth Cave.

This had to give Doudou a new understanding of Naruto's "unreliable", and even gave him an unreliable impression of Hime Ichijima, who was in charge of guiding Naruto's immortal arts.

Orochimaru stepped forward and observed Naruto carefully for a while, then asked Naruto a few more questions, and then smiled.

Doubt wondered: "Master Orochimaru, have you found the crux of the problem?"

Orochimaru glanced at his pocket and explained: "The foundation of immortality is the natural energy dissipated in the air. It is because of the accumulation of too much natural energy in the body that I have the ability to communicate with birds and beasts. And Naruto The reason why he can't enter the 'immortal mode' should only be because the natural energy he absorbs is not enough."

Different from those who had experienced the trip to Longdi Cave and had various impacts and influences, Orochimaru, as a bystander, had a more objective way of thinking. In addition, he had studied Chongwu and natural energy for many years. He soon discovered the reason why Naruto could not enter 'Sage Mode' after leaving Ryudi Cave.

After listening to Orochimaru's explanation, Dou suddenly realized.

Tou also knows Chongwu very well, so he knows the origin of Chongwu's body mutation, and therefore knows that the concentration of natural energy in Longdi Cave is far higher than the outside world, but he has encountered too many in Longdi Cave before that subverted his three views. , something that made him speechless, so his thoughts were a little confused, and he couldn't be keenly aware of it at the first time.

After clarifying his thoughts, he asked, "So, did Naruto really master immortal art?"

Orochimaru put away the smile on his face and said solemnly: "Yeah, I really didn't expect this little guy who can't even learn the 'Separation Technique' to master the Immortal Technique!"

Dou said with great joy: "This is great, with Naruto, we can get a glimpse of the true face of Xianshu."

Orochimaru shook his head: "These two children will be handed over to Danzo immediately."

Tou was taken aback: "What!?"

"Don't worry, it's just temporarily handed over to Danzo." After patting his shoulders, Orochimaru raised his lips and smiled: "Let's go and arrange, and the performance should be more realistic, like being rescued by Danzo. In addition, Tell Naruto not to reveal the matter of cultivating immortal arts easily."

Guessing that Orochimaru and Danzo may have some agreement, Kao said no more, and nodded quickly.


After half a day.


The sound of continuous explosions reverberated in the valley.

Danzo took the lead and led a group of root ninjas to attack the Orochimaru base in the valley. After killing more than a dozen base guards, Naruto and Hinata who were temporarily transferred here were rescued.

Looking at the ferocious root ninjas, Naruto looked ignorant and did not understand the situation at all. Hinata was even more frightened and shivered, and hid behind Naruto.

Danzang glanced at the two nervous children indifferently, and then announced loudly, "The nine-tailed man Zhuli rescued successfully!"

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