Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 562 Dark History (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

After knowing the history of the infighting between the Otsutsuki family and the branch family on the moon, Hyuga Kyou can almost conclude that the original intention of the Hyuga family to develop the "Cage Bird Curse Mark" is to prevent the Otsutsuki branch family from being plundered by the moon.

But there is a time lag problem that cannot be ignored.

Hyuga Kyou had studied the 'Cage Bird Spell Seal' in private, and even he had to admit that it was a very clever spell seal. During his tenure in Anbu, he also read the top-secret files privately, and found that including Konoha himself, the five major ninja villages had tried to crack the "Cage Bird Curse Seal" of the Hyuga clan, but all ended in failure.

It can be seen that the 'Cage Bird Curse Seal' has indeed reached the top level of the ninja world. If the right medicine cannot be prescribed, even the five major ninja villages will not be able to solve it.

And this brings up a question!

In a hurry, it is impossible for the Hyuga clan to develop such a high-end spell seal. The most optimistic estimate is that it will take at least ten years to develop the original version of the ‘Cage Bird’s Curse Seal’.

But if the Otsutsugi branch on the moon really regards the Hyuga clan as prey, how could it be possible to wait in vain for more than ten years, and watch the Hyuga clan slowly develop the 'Cage Bird Curse Mark' that protects their own white eyes?

This is totally illogical!

Under normal circumstances, the Hyuga clan would only have a few weeks at most, or even a week's reaction time, after they noticed the attempt to separate the family from Otsutsuki on the moon.

Under such a sudden crisis, the Hyuga clan did not have time to develop the 'Cage Bird Curse Seal'. Even if they resolutely abandoned their clan land and evaded in the ninja world, it would be difficult to dispel the covetousness of the Otsutsuki branch on the moon. It is even more impossible to use this method of evasion to gain the time for the development of the 'Cage Bird's Curse Seal' for more than ten years.

You must know that developing a spell at the level of 'bird in a cage' is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also requires a lot of financial support. In the state of fleeing the entire clan, the Hyuga clan simply does not have the basic conditions to develop a 'bird in a cage' spell. .

"What method did the family use to overcome this time difference and win precious time for themselves to develop the 'Cage Bird Curse Mark'?"

A new doubt came to Hyuga Kyou's heart.


At this moment, he suddenly closed the family tree in his hand.

Because the answer is right in front of you!

Hyuga mirror boldly guessed that in order to protect themselves from the knife of the Otsutsugi branch at that time, the Hyuga clan probably used the same inhumane method as the Otsutsugi branch, at the expense of hundreds of clansmen, and hastily created the product. A giant Tenseigan.

Because this is the only way to truly frighten the lunatics on the moon, dispel their covetousness, and win a moment of respite for themselves.

Then, the Hinata clan could calmly start the development of the "Cage Bird Spell Seal", breaking the idea of ​​Otsutsuki's family separation from the root.

Although it is a self-protection, this is undoubtedly a dark history that cannot be looked back on for the Hyuga clan. Therefore, after devoting the strength of the whole clan and spending more than ten years to develop the 'Cage Bird Curse Seal', the Hyuga clan chose Cover up this dark history.

"Hey...Is this idea too outrageous!"

Thinking of this, Hyuga Kyo, who had recovered, took a deep breath, but he did not deny his guess because of this, but the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

"Assuming my guess is correct, where is the giant Tenseisen created by the family now? Why haven't any records and rumors been left in the ninja world? Could it be that after the initial development of the 'Cage Bird's Curse Seal' was completed, The family destroyed it?"

With her brows furrowed, Hyuga Kyou returned to her original question and said, "But if it is destroyed by the family, what is it that suppresses the population of the Hyuga family and the upper limit of the strength of a single clan?"

Hyuga Kyou vaguely felt that if the Hyuga clan really created a giant Tenseigan hundreds of years ago in order to protect themselves, then the giant Tenseisen must not have been destroyed by the Hyuga clan. , Why is the strength of the tribe getting weaker and weaker, and the population is slowly decreasing.

"If that giant Tenseigan really exists, it must be absorbing the white-eyed chakra of the Hyuga clan somewhere! And its state must be very wrong, otherwise, it's impossible for my Tenseisen to not perceive its existence! "

Hyuga Kyou narrowed her eyes and looked around at the secret library in front of her.

With this suspicious target, he turned over the various books in the secret library, but to his surprise, there was no record of the giant Tenseigan in all the books, not even a few words about it.

For a time, he couldn't help but wonder if his speculation was wrong.

"Am I guessing wrong? Or which patriarch destroyed all the information related to the giant Tenseisen? What is the purpose of his doing this? A trump card like the giant Tenseisen, although the method of making it is inhuman, but What's the point of destroying or covering it up when it's already made?"

"Unless...unless the ancestors of the Hinata clan have noticed that the giant Tenseigan will suppress the future of the clan?"

Hyuga Kyou is really unable to determine whether there is such a wise man who can maintain his heart and weigh the pros and cons in the face of the huge temptation of power among the ancestors of the Hyuga clan.

You must know that the Otsutsugi branch on the moon may be extreme or crazy, but they are not stupid if they can destroy the clan.

Therefore, as the population decreases year by year, they must also perceive the danger of the giant Tenseisen to the family's future, but they can't give up the infinite power brought by the giant Tenseisen, and sink into the temptation of this power, which eventually leads to the whole family. In the absence of foreign enemies, it has reached the brink of genocide.

Comparatively speaking, the ancestors of the Hinata clan were much more rational, but there were various signs that the ancestors of the Hinata clan should not be able to make up their minds to destroy the giant Tenseisen in the end, so the giant Tenseisen was nine times out of ten. It was sealed somewhere, and probably because of the long-term sealing, the state of the giant Tenseigan was abnormal.

The ancestors of the Hyuga clan destroyed all records about the giant Tenseisen in order to prevent the emergence of profit-seeking careerists among the younger generations, so they destroyed all records about the giant Tenseisen, causing even the clan to lose their understanding of this history.

"No, in order to prevent the comeback of the Otsutsuki branch, the ancestors must have left some kind of clue about the giant Tenseigan, and it should be hidden in these books, perhaps some kind of secret code, some kind of password, or maybe it is directly the giant A map of where Tenseisen is located?"

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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