Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 579 Talent of the Immortal Race (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

"Hey, did you hear a sound just now?"

Carrying a lantern, a monk from the Temple of Fire muttered.

The companion on the side looked around the quiet Buddhist temple carefully, and whispered: "It should be some small animal, didn't a squirrel walk in before."

"Well, let's go back then."

As the two monks spoke, they respectfully bowed to the Buddha statue sitting on the main seat of the Buddhist temple, and then left the temple lightly.

When the monks walked away, the light of the lantern gradually dimmed, and there was only the flickering candlelight on the candlestick in the Buddhist temple. At this time, a dark shadow fell steadily from the beam to the ground.

Lingering in front of the sculptures, the shadow couldn't help but praise: "It's really pleasing art, eh!"

The shadow who sneaked into the Temple of Fire was undoubtedly Deidara.

If he is wandering in the ninja world, if he really has any purpose, it is to find art that can move him, and this is the reason why he sneaked into the temple of fire.

Touching the sculptures cast in bronze, looking at either the ferocious and terrifying King Ming, or the kind and peaceful Buddha, Deidara suddenly became interested, and hurriedly put his hand into the ninja bag at his waist, using a A group of pure white detonating clay, one by one, made a lifelike clay doll of Mingwang and Buddha.

Holding a pile of detonating clay puppets in his palm, Deidara looked at the sculptures in the hall and said, "Art that cannot be exploded is imperfect art. Let me sublimate you, eh!"

After all, Deidara threw the pile of detonating mud puppets in his hands around him.

The pure white detonating mud puppets crossed arcs in the air. Under the reflection of the flickering candlelight, the shadows projected on the wall looked like dancing demons!

In the swaying light and shadow, the corner of Deidara's mouth rose, and a seal was formed on his hand: "Drink!"

boom boom boom...

In an instant, the roar resounded through the night sky, and the violent explosion almost drowned the hall in an instant. In the red light of the sky, the entire Temple of Fire turned red.

"what happened?!"

"An enemy attack?"

"Quickly put out the fire! Quickly put out the fire!"

For a time, panicked howls and hurried shouts came one after another.

The originally peaceful and peaceful Temple of Fire suddenly fell into a commotion. The monks rushed out of their houses in groups, or picked up batons to guard and patrol, or carried wooden barrels to participate in the firefighting.

Among the crowds that came and went, the number one expert in the Temple of Fire, Di Lu, frowned, and glanced around with sharp eyes.

Soon, Dilu found a footprint that was clearly different from the monks in the temple in an inconspicuous place in the temple.

"This is? Hmph, sure enough, a thief has sneaked into the temple!"

Di Lu's face sank, followed the footprints, and disappeared in the temple with a flash.

In the forest outside the Temple of Fire.

Looking back at the soaring fire behind him, Deidara, who had left the Temple of Fire, was still immersed in the joy of the explosion just now.


Accompanied by the sound of the wind breaking, a monk from the Temple of Fire suddenly stopped in front of Deidara, who was following the footprints to the land.

Without waiting for Deidara to ask, Dilu asked, "Who are you and why did you commit murder in the Temple of Fire?"

Deidara shrugged: "I'm just admiring art, eh!"

"Appreciate art!?" Di Lu was stunned for a moment, and immediately said angrily: "Is it also admiration for art to blow up the Buddhist temple? Don't be sophistry, just grab it!"

Deidara said rightfully: "Of course, explosions are art!"

Looking at Deidara's expression of disregarding order and life, Dilu, who had served as the guardian of the Kingdom of Fire, felt a little uneasy from the bottom of his heart, so he said loudly: "I can't let a dangerous person like you go. , rampage in the land of fire!"

After saying that, Di Lu folded his hands together, and his body exuded an indescribable aura.

"Do you want to see my art too? Hmm!"

Deidara smiled while inserting his hands into the ninja bag at his waist.

Dilu said regretfully: "I'm sorry, I can't control the power of this move. If you die in my hands, I will save you in front of the Buddha!"

With the eruption of Dilu Chakra, a phantom like a Bodhisattva was projected on his body.

Feeling the serene chakra emanating from Di Lu, Deidara stopped the movement in his hand, and was a little lost for a while, and muttered in his mouth: "It's beautiful, what kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Seeing that Deidara had stopped his movements, Dilu did not rush to launch the offensive, but explained slowly: "This is the 'talent of the immortals' that can only be practiced by the monks of the Temple of Fire!"

'The talent of the immortals' is a cultivation technique unique to the Temple of Fire. Its essence is to combine the chakra in the ninja's body with the natural energy scattered in the air. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a branch of celestial arts, or in other words, it is a relatively superficial way of using natural energy.

Although the 'talents of the immortals' of the Fire Temple are far less efficient than the three secret realms of Miaomu Mountain, Longdi Cave, and Shibone Forest in terms of the utilization efficiency of natural energy, the monks of the Fire Temple cannot enter. The 'immortal mode' that truly transcends immortals, but it also makes use of natural energy, so the land and land that master the 'talent of the immortals' will be valued by the great name of the country of fire and selected as the famous ninja world The 'Guardian Ninja Twelve'.

Deidara, who stared at the land for a long time, said slowly: "So this is the real art in the Temple of Fire! However, what is missing, eh!"

"What's wrong?"

Di Lu's brows furrowed even tighter. He felt that he and Deidara were not on the same channel and could not communicate at all.

At this time, Deidara took out two balls of detonating clay from the ninja bag at his waist: "Thank you for the art you showed, and now I will show you my art! Hmm!"

Looking at Deidara who was indulging in self-indulgence, Di Lu suddenly thought of something, and said in surprise, "Are you the rebel of Yanyin Village, the Deidara who committed crimes all over the Ninja world?"

Deidara muttered, "Have you heard of me too?"

Dilu's expression became more solemn: "Give up your resistance, I will give you a fair trial."

Deidara threw out the detonating clay in his hand, and in an instant, the detonating clay on the ground swelled up and turned into bizarre detonating clay puppets, swooping toward the ground.

Seeing this, Dilu no longer hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Come on, kill with a thousand hands!"

In an instant, the bodhisattva phantom behind Dilu turned into the King of Angry Eyes, and at the same time, countless phantom fists flew out, knocking all the detonating clay puppets that were rushing towards him.

Dilu said lightly: "These are useless to me, let's catch them!"


As soon as Dilu's voice fell, the soil under his feet cracked open, and then an explosive centipede burst out of the ground and quickly entangled Dilu.

A triumphant smile appeared on Deidara's face, and a seal was formed on his hands.

But just as he was about to detonate the detonating centipede that was entangled in Dilu's body, suddenly, a pair of scarlet eyes came into his field of vision...

The first update is here, thanks to the VDE lipstick classmates for the reward, so that the book has a second leader, and there will be more updates in the evening!

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