Looking away from the large nutrition tank, Hyuga Kyo squinted, thinking about Danzo.

"Reincarnation eye..."

Feeling the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye still restless in the eye socket, Hyuga Kyou whispered.

After competing with Danzang for the power of 'Senluo Vientiane' at the ceremony, the pupil power of the pair of eternal kaleidoscopes in his eyes has improved a lot, and it seems that he is only one step away from the 'Reincarnation Eye' .

Therefore, the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope that devoured the eyes of the other party's writing wheel, and the restlessness of the 'Reincarnation Eye' was not only owned by Danzo, but also deeply felt by Hyuga Kyou.

This feeling is very wonderful, as if with a little more effort, the 'Reincarnation Eye' that can distort the boundaries of life and death is within easy reach.

Previously in the woods, Hyuga Kyou took a lot of effort to suppress this greed and the influence of the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes on him.

He was constantly alerting himself that if he was driven by greed, he would bring about his own destruction.

In the ninja world, no one carelessly underestimates the enemy, the capital of reckless actions, Kaguya who overturned in the hands of his sons, Madara Uchiha who was planted in the hands of Hei Jue, etc., are all bloody lessons.

Restraint is a very precious quality for ninjas.

The boundless greed needs to be restrained, the arrogance caused by the gradual increase in strength, the arrogance caused by the frequent success of the plan, and so on also need to be restrained.

Only when you have a calm mind and judge the situation, can you live longer and go further!


After exhaling, Hyuga Kyou once again suppressed the restlessness of the eternal kaleidoscope in her eye sockets, and thought about the 'Samsara Eye' with a calm state of mind.

He now has a new idea for the 'Eye of Reincarnation'.

Through the meticulous summary just now, Hyuga Kyo discovered that the risks in the 'Blood Ji Fusion Ceremony' are actually quite large, so prepare a pair of 'Reincarnation Eyes' in advance and hand them over to a trusted subordinate, such as having a whirlpool The incense phosphorus of the blood of a family can be used as the last insurance.

Once there is a problem with the ritual and he dies unexpectedly, he can use the pre-arranged pair of 'Reincarnation Eyes' to resurrect once and get a chance to come back.

Therefore, the problem of Danzang must be solved, and the pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes of Danzang must also be recycled, but how to operate it and how to minimize the risk is the key to the problem.

"The situation in Danzo is indeed a bit weird..."

Hyuga Kyou couldn't help frowning when she thought of the conversation between Danzo and the fourth Raikage in the woods.

On the way back to the air fortress, he had already analyzed the reasons for Danzo's strange performance. As far as he wanted to come, the reason why Danzo was like this was because of the 'curse seal' of Orochimaru and the unexpected interruption of the ceremony. Caused.

Orochimaru's 'curse seal' is not the real solution to the fusion of souls. The erosion of natural energy in the 'curse seal' only weakens the six souls in Danzo's shell, including Danzo himself. The strength weakened the suppressing power of Danzo's own soul over the five souls that had merged into him.

The unexpected interruption of the ceremony caused Danzo to fail to mix all the souls in the body like Beiluhu.

Although Beluhu couldn't solve the problem of soul fusion, he at least completed the entire ceremony and mixed all the souls that were integrated into his body with his own. Although he was also influenced by other souls, his personality changed. He was irritable and easily lost control of his emotions, but it was his own soul that controlled his body.

Therefore, on the one hand, because of the 'curse seal', the weakened Danzo's soul lost its absolute suppression power over other souls. On the other hand, the ritual was interrupted, so that all souls in Danzo were not forced by the ritual. Mixed together, but in the way of coexistence, they lived together in the body of Danzo.

"It seems to be the only way to explain it..."

This is the only reason Hyuga Kyou can think of to explain Danzo's different behavior and temperament.

Thinking of this, he immediately channeled a communication ninja, and sent a message to Yakura, the fourth generation of Mizukage.

If his guess is correct, it means that there are multiple independent wills in Danzo's body, and after careful recall, he found that four independent wills other than Danzo appeared one after another during the battle. These four independent wills, without exception, all appeared after Danzo closed the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker.

The first independent will appeared when Danzo used 'Jing Dun' to destroy the wooden escape ninjutsu left over from the first generation in order to escape from the volcanic cave. Therefore, this will should be the ninja who has 'Jing Dun' but has not received an orthodox ninja education.

The second independent will appeared when Danzang performed 'Xundun' after using 'Jingdun' to destroy the structure of the mountain. At that time, Danzang showed panic and panic, not like a qualified and cold-hearted person at all. The ninja, so this will should belong to the Vortex remnant who was merged by Danzo with 'Quick Escape'.

The third independent will appeared when Danzo used 'Boiled Dun' to slaughter Yunyin ninjas in the forest. At that time, Danzo did not have the fear when he used 'Jing Dun', nor the panic when he used 'Xun Dun'. , behaved quite well, so this independent will should be that of the Kirigakushi ninja with 'Boiled Escape' who was merged by Danzo.

And the fourth independent will obviously belongs to the Yunyin ninja who has 'Lan Dun' and is named 'Hamui'.

At present, these four independent wills seem to only exert their own 'blood successor limit', so there are both fights and compromises with each other, which makes Danzo frequently change the will that dominates the body.

It is precisely because of this that Hyuga Kyou sent news to the fourth generation of Mizukage Goji Tachibana Yakura.

If the Kiriyin ninja with 'Boiling' gains control of Danzo's body, and controls Danzo's body to escape back to Kiriyin Village, then he can receive the news as soon as possible, and then convene people to encircle and suppress it. Hidden.

As for the secret of the pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in Danzo's eyes, Hyuga Kyou is not too worried.

Those who knew this secret, except for him and Orochimaru, have all been buried in the cave, and Danzo himself, and the independent wills in his body, obviously will not take the initiative to sell themselves, and even if an independent will wants to. To betray Danzo's eyes is the secret of a pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Shakers, and the pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Shakers that can affect Danzo's will will also be prevented.

Because in the face of crisis, Danzo's pair of eternal kaleidoscope Shakers will definitely support Danzo's soul for self-protection, and as long as he has the support of the eternal kaleidoscope Shaker, Danzo's soul can easily regain his body control over...

The third is here! It's been more than four o'clock. I hope everyone will support the recommended ticket and monthly ticket! Thank you all!

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