Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 656: The Battle of Kaleidoscope Pupils (Ask for a Monthly Pass!)

The Styx that swept through the air was like a blood-colored ribbon flying in the air. Not only was it extremely fast, but its trajectory was also extremely erratic and completely unpredictable.

And no matter what it encounters along the way, be it rocks or trees, all will disappear in an instant, as if it never existed, even the rain in the sky and the soil on the ground are the same, all cannot be spared!

In the face of Danzo's terrifying and powerful kaleidoscope pupil technique, Hyuga Kyou, Shisui, and Itachi also used their own methods. They either activated pupil technique or inspired artifacts.

On the side of Hyuga mirror.

After launching the kaleidoscope pupil technique 'Susanoo', he immediately urged 'Golden Flame Susanohu', inserted the four flaming long swords held on his four arms around, and then urged Jin with all his strength. Flame, so that the whole 'Golden Flame Susanoo' looks like a huge golden flame torch, wrapped in golden flames.

Itachi activated 'Amaterasu' and protected himself with the black flames that burned everything.

Shishui didn't have the pupil technique that could resist Danzo's 'Santuchuan', so he had to use all his strength to mobilize the artifact 'Yagata Mirror', shrinking his own 'Yagata Susanoo' behind the artifact.

In the blink of an eye, the bloody Styx floated across the rain screen and swept towards the three of Hyuga Kyou.

Hyuga Kyou, who was at the forefront, was naturally swept by the blood-colored Styx River. The blood in the Stygian River instantly overlapped with the dazzling golden flames on Hyuga Kyo's 'Golden Flame Susanoo', sending out a burst of ' Puchi puchi' screeching sound!

In an instant, amidst this harsh sound, a pungent mist surged out, filling the surroundings, adding an unspeakable hazy illusoryness to the gloomy island.

At the same time, one end of the blood-colored Styx swept in front of Itachi, making a large-scale contact with the black flames guarding Itachi's 'Ten Fist Susanoo'.

This one is the water that can corrode everything, and the other is the black flame that never goes out.

Two things that are impossible to meet in the ninja world under normal circumstances, at the moment of encounter, a fierce battle of life and death begins!

The black flame spread wildly on the blood-colored Styx, trying to burn the blood, and the blood in the Styx also madly corroded the black flame, trying to dissolve the unyielding black flame.

Both sides are unique existences, and for a while, no one can do anything about the other!

After being delayed by Hyuga Kyou and Itachi for a while, the other end of the blood-colored Styx finally swept to the "Yagata Susanoo" that was rapidly retreating from the still water.

Zhishui made a decisive decision, and quickly used the divine weapon 'Eight-hand Mirror' to resist the swept blood-colored Styx, and then took advantage of the situation to press down, and pressed the blood-colored Styx that was swept towards him to the ground.


The artifact 'Yatagara Mirror' can resist the blood-colored Styx, but the ground has no such ability, so when Zhishui pushed the blood-colored river that was swept towards him to the ground, the entire land in front of him was instantly corroded. An almost bottomless pit!

clack clack...

This bottomless pit seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. Various cracks on the ground were intertwined at this moment, creating a chain effect. Crash!

The huge shock caused the four 'Susanohu' who were fighting fiercely on the island to be unstable at the same time, staggering a few steps.

At this moment, both the Hyuga Kyou side and the besieged Danzo realized that the island seemed to be unable to withstand the devastation of the four 'Susanohu' and was on the verge of collapse.

But despite this, neither side has any plans to back down!

At this point, either Hyuga Kyou and Danzo can no longer accept failure. As far as they are concerned, only one of them can leave this island alive today.

Of course, if the island can hold up.


Danzo folded his hands together, his expression twisted and his saliva splashed while shouting, while he tried his best to urge the pair of bewitching eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in his eyes.

And under the full urging of his pupil strength, the blood-colored Styx that was consumed in the golden flame and the black flame was constantly replenished.

As a result, this one-to-three contest became a stalemate in the consumption of each other!

Frankly speaking, Danzo's kaleidoscope pupil technique 'Santuchuan' is very domineering. It perfectly combines the elements of destructive power, weirdness, and speed. It is also very likely that in front of this kaleidoscope pupil technique, one encounter will end with hatred.

But Hyuga Kyou and the others are not weak. The reason why they were temporarily suppressed by Danzo as one against three is not only because of the domineering of 'Santuchuan', but also because Danzo suppressed them in terms of pupil power.

Although Hyuga Kyo's eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not inferior to the group's possession, this fire escape clone transplanted with the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye has neither the blessing of the first generation cells, nor has it experienced rituals. In terms of chakra strength, it is not the present at all. The opponent of Danzo who can almost be called the 'perfect ninja'.

Without the support of a powerful Chakra, he was naturally at a disadvantage in the competition of pupil power.

However, Zhishui and Itachi are all kaleidoscopes, and they are inferior to Danzo's eternal kaleidoscope in terms of pupil power. Even if Itachi has the domineering kaleidoscope pupil technique like 'Amaterasu', it is still the same as Danzo. suppressed.

The fierce confrontation with the pupil technique continued, but the island under his feet couldn't hold it any longer.



The sound of rocks cracking came and went on the island, and the cracks on the ground became more and more and deeper, and some even directly connected to the sea, causing the sea to pour in.

In the rain curtain of lightning and thunder, and under the surging waves, the entire Niado Island is like a big ship that is about to capsize, struggling to support.

The blood-colored River Styx in Danzang is like a brush, and Niaodu Island is like a painting on a canvas. In the stalemate, the blood-colored River Styx that keeps rolling up and down is like a brush randomly rubbing on the painting. One by one, the traces of the existence of the island were erased!

More and more seawater poured in, almost submerging seven or eight parts of the island. Many broken rocks on the island fell into the turbulent sea with the roar and disappeared, which made the area of ​​the island in rapidly shrinking.

In such a harsh environment, Hyuga Kyou knew that he had to fight, so he gritted his teeth, and at the same time pulled out the four flaming long swords that were defending the surrounding bloody Styx, and threw them one by one at the group not far away. The hidden 'Demon Susanoo'.

At the same time, he also urged his 'Golden Flame Susanoo' to forcibly cross the blood-colored Stygian River at the cost of sacrificing half of his body and pounce on Danzo...

The first is more offered! The cold isn't over yet, and chapter 2 might be a little late, but I promise it will be! Ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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