Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 736 Letter from a distant relative (seeking a monthly ticket!)

The cause of Mizuki's death was finally determined by the village as a sudden illness, and the reason for this was to cover up this almost farce accusation against Hyuga Kyou.

After all, if this farce was publicized, not only would the village be swept away, but the Hyuga clan would become a laughing stock.

Under the instruction of the three generations of Hokage, the high-level people who participated in the meeting tacitly chose to remain silent afterwards, as if this high-level meeting did not exist.

But no matter how the village suppressed it, the influence of this absurd farce was slowly fermenting in the hearts of the high-level officials.

After this incident, many high-level villagers have clearly realized that Hyuga Kyou is by no means an ordinary Jōnin, an ordinary wealthy child, and his attitude towards Hyuga Kyou is also quietly changing.

And the Zong family who promoted this farce was naturally a lot more honest, and several of the clan elders didn't even leave the Zong family mansion very much.

This time, it can be said that the Zong family was disgraced. Fortunately, the village blocked the news in time. Otherwise, the Hyuga clan would inevitably become a joke of the villagers after dinner.

Regarding these, Hyuga Kyo, as the party involved, did not pay too much attention.

Without external disturbances, he quickly devoted all his energy to optimizing the 'Yin Seal' and cultivating the 'Eight Gates of Dunjia'.

As he expected, the combination of 'Yin Seal' and 'Eight Gate Dunjia' is indeed very effective.

Every morning, he first took the time to store the chakra of his whole body into the sealed area of ​​the 'Yin Seal', causing his body and spiritual body to fall into extreme fatigue.

Then, with a tired body, go to practice the 'Eight Doors Dunjia'.

The profound meaning of 'Eight Doors Dunjia' is to break through the limits of the body step by step through continuous practice. Therefore, cultivating the 'Eight Doors Dunjia' in a limit state can at least improve the practice efficiency by 50%.

In other words, if Hyuga Kyou cultivated in this way for one day, it was equivalent to one and a half days of cultivation in the normal way.

As for the price, it's just the loss of his body, and with the strength of his yin escape deity, as long as he doesn't accumulate these losses for a long time, he won't hurt the root of his body.

To this end, Hyuga Kyou specially formulated a training table.

In the seven days of the week, the four days of one, three, five, seven are used to cultivate the 'Eight-door Dunjia', and the remaining two, four, and six days are used to put the Yin Dun deity into the large nutrient tank, and use the nutrient solution to make up for the loss. Don't let losses accumulate from less to more.

And in the three days of free time on 246, his spiritual body was not idle, but took advantage of the opportunity of the Yin Dun deity repairing in the large nutrient tank, and then developed the earth escape clone that had not been fully developed before.

clap la la...

The sea breeze rolled the waves against the beach, stirring up a wave, which reflected a colorful rainbow under the bright sun.

Standing on the beach, Hyuga Kyo, who is controlling the earth escape clone, is holding her breath at this moment, earnestly controlling the fusion of the three chakra properties of earth, fire, and wind in her body.

Time flies, and two full weeks have passed since the last farce.

In the past two weeks, Hyuga Kyou handed over everything else to Shisui, Itachi, Yakura and others, while he wholeheartedly cultivated the 'Eight-door Dunjia' and developed the 'Soil Dun avatar'.

Due to the improvement of cloning technology, Hyuga Kyou's earth escape avatar has a very high affinity for earth attribute chakra. He learned 'explosive escape' with little effort, so he only mastered the blood of 'explosive escape'. Following the boundary, it is not enough to make this Earth Dun clone equal to the previous Water Dun clone, Fire Dun clone, and Wind Dun clone in terms of development level.

Therefore, Hyuga Kyou must be proficient in mastering the "dust escape" that has already touched the threshold in order to complete the final development of this earth escape clone.

However, touching the threshold of 'Dust Escape' does not mean that he has learned 'Dust Escape'. He has tried many times to the mirror these days, but he is unable to display 'Dust Escape' stably.

After summarizing the reasons, he found that the problem was still in the fusion of Chakra's properties, so today he did not randomly release the 'dust escape' like before, but seriously groped for the earth, fire, wind, these three. The most reasonable fusion ratio of chakra.


After a long time, Hyuga Kyo sat down on the beach, gasping for breath.

He failed again in the previous attempt. He was always uncertain about the fusion ratio of earth, fire, and wind, resulting in the inability to fuse a stable and controllable 'dust chakra'.

"It would be great if I could ask the three generations of Tukage!"

The best fusion ratio of the three chakras of dust, fire and wind is not unknown in the ninja world, and the three generations of soil shadow Ohnogi who mastered the "dust escape" are the insiders.

But after thinking about it for a while, Hyuga Kyou tossed this idea behind her head, because the process of groping for the best fusion ratio was actually developing a Tudun clone.

The ultimate goal of Hyuga Kyou is not to learn 'Du Dun', but to develop the avatar by learning 'Du Dun', so that the avatar fits perfectly with the spiritual body.

During the break, Hyuga Kyou glanced at the cliff not far away.

This seaside cliff has traces of destruction by 'Dust Dun' everywhere. From a distance, this cliff seems to have been cut by a sharp knife tens of meters long, with various fractures. Smooth and tidy, the angle is tricky, some special stone fractures, even smooth ones can emit the sunlight above the head.

Looking at this cliff, Hyuga Kyou grinned.

The smooth fractures on the cliff are undoubtedly the traces left by him when he practiced 'Dust Dun' these days. Although he could not fuse the stable and controllable 'Dust Dun' chakra, if it just broke out instantly , he could barely do it.

And this coast is located in the eastern part of the country of fire, facing the country of vortex across the sea. It belongs to the intersection of the three forces of Konoha, Yunyin, and Kiriyin. In several ninja wars, this area is the main area. One of the battlefields was very chaotic, so when the Kingdom of Vortex was destroyed, there were no more villages nearby, and there were few people within a radius of 100 miles, so Hyuga Kyou deliberately chose this place to develop Tudun clones.


Konoha Village, the mansion of the Hyuga Sect.

Rizu slowly put down the letter in his hand, and asked the elders of the clan in front of him, "What do the elders think about this matter?"

The letter in Hizu's hand was written by Toto Otsutsuki. He briefly described his identity in the letter, and then made a request to privately meet the contemporary patriarch of the Hinata clan.

In the face of Sunzu's inquiry, several patriarchs and elders were silent.

The clan did not know everything about the distant relative on the moon. The ancestors only erased the records about the giant Tenseigan, and the clan still vaguely knew about the distant relative on the moon.

But the two sides have not moved for hundreds of years, and the other party suddenly received this letter, which really made everyone in the sect a little puzzled...

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The second is here. There are only four or five days left in this month. Please continue to ask for monthly tickets. Please support us! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

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