Looking at the frenzied and distorted faces of the people in front of him, Zhishui felt terrified for the first time. If this madness was allowed to spread in the house, the only thing waiting for the Uchiha family would be destruction!

After making up his mind, Zhi Shui stood up and said, "Patriarch, force is not the solution to the problem, and with the strength of our clan alone, we are no match for the village at all."

"Zhishui, what nonsense are you talking about!?"

"Are you afraid?"

"Uchiha is the most powerful. As long as we win three generations, the people in the village will agree with us!"

The house was suddenly noisy.

"Cough cough..."

The patriarch Fuyue coughed twice and stopped the Uchihas who were in a mess.

Shishui did not give in at all: "Blind action will only make the Uchiha family step into the abyss!"

Fuyue gave Zhishui a deep look, and then waved his hand: "I'm here today, let's go."

Walking home alone, Zhishui covered his eyes with one hand, and secretly said in his heart: "Maybe my kaleidoscope Sharinyan was awakened to save the family, but Bie Tianshen can really change Uchiha's fate. ?"

Hyuga mirror home.

Looking at the scroll of the seal of the four elephants, Hyuga Kyou was thoughtful.

The difficulty of learning the seal of four elephants is much higher than he expected, and it even involves the transformation of chakra attributes, which is a sealing technique that truly understands the changes of chakra.

Perhaps because of this, many powerful forbidden techniques were developed on the basis of the Seal of Four Signs.

At this moment, Suzu walked into the room with the fragrant dishes.

Hyuga Kyou, who smelled the fragrance, moved her index finger and said with a smile, "It's really fragrant!"

Ling knelt on the side and whispered: "I haven't heard from you before, I thought something happened to you, I..."

Hyuga Kyou smiled gently: "Didn't I tell you already, don't worry, in fact, this mission is not that dangerous, it just took some time to hide."

Ling pouted: "You always do this, in order to deceive me, you say things that are obviously dangerous easily."

Hyuga Kyou hurriedly changed the topic: "By the way, is the loss of the clan big this time?"

Ling sighed and said in a low mood: "Including Xiao's father, the clan has lost more than ten members of the clan this time."

Takashi Hyuga was Suzu's neighbor and had a good relationship with Suzu. His father was one of the few elite Joinin members in the Hyuga family. Da's hands.

With the death of Hyuga's father in battle, the Hyuga family, including the retired seniors, the number of elite Jonin can only be counted on one hand.

Thinking that there were many more orphans in the family, Hyuga Kyou's face also sank.

Ling continued: "The patriarch said that if you are free, please go to the clan."

Hyuga Kyou nodded, now that his Tenseikan can be opened and closed freely, there is no need to hide from the clan.

After eating the cooking made by Ling, Hyuga Kyou walked towards the clan.

Although the Hinata clan did not move to live together like Uchiha did, the vast majority of the clan still gathered near the old house of the clan, so this area was also called the clan of the Hinata clan by the villagers.

Arriving at the gate of the Zong family's old house, Hyuga Kyou was just about to knock on the door.

At this time, a waiter came out and said, "Master Jing, the master is waiting for you inside!"

When Hyuga Kyou heard the words, she was in a trance.

This was the first time in the family that he was called 'Sir', and the waiter who called him was a Chunin, which was never possible in the past.

Strolling into the old house of the Zong family, after passing through a corridor, Hyuga Kyou finally saw Hyuga Hizu, the patriarch of the current Hyuga clan.

"Lord Patriarch."

Hyuga Kyou bowed politely.

Hyuga Hizu, who was sitting upright, nodded: "Sit down."

Sitting across from Hyuga Hizu, Hyuga Kyou asked, "Is there anything the patriarch asked me to do?"

Hizu pondered for a while and said, "Uchiha Shisui is your teammate in Anbu, right?"


"Then you must have heard something about Uchiha?"

Hyuga Kyou frowned slightly: "Patriarch, what do you mean?"

Hizu said bluntly: "This conflict with Yunyin completely exposed the village's suspicion and fear of Uchiha. I'm worried that the village will take Uchiha's hand."

As the patriarch of the wealthy Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizu is well versed in the way of balance. Whether the village eliminates Uchiha, or Uchiha expands and controls the village, it is unacceptable for the Hyuga clan.

Only when Uchiha and the village reach a balance can the Hyuga clan become the target of the two sides to win over and ensure their own safety.

But now, the balance between Uchiha and the village is collapsing little by little. In the eyes of discerning people, a violent conflict is getting closer and closer.

Hizu continued: "Uchiha and our Hyuga are the same wealthy family, and they are also Hitomi Shu blood. If they are easily eradicated, the prestige of our Hyuga clan in the village will also be affected. And if they control the village, we will There will inevitably be suspicion and exclusion, so I hope that you will use your identity as Anbu to do your best to prevent this conflict from happening."

Just like Shisui's situation in the Uchiha clan, because Hyuga Kyou is also the only Hyuga clan currently serving in Anbu, no matter what the Hyuga clan wants to do, he cannot do without his support.

Hyuga Kyou replied immediately: "I understand!"

On the issue of dealing with Uchiha, the attitude of Hyuga Kyou and the family is unified, that is, Uchiha cannot fall.

Why the reputation of the Hyuga family is so good is not brought out by Uchiha bit by bit over the years. Once Uchiha is gone, it may be Hyuga who is faintly excluded as an alternative.

After all, Hitomiju Blood Ji Ninja is indeed better than the vast majority of ordinary ninjas in all aspects.

After talking about Uchiha's question, Hizu then took out a few bounties and handed them to Hyuga Kyou, saying, "In the near future, you'd better be more careful."

Hyuga Kyou took the reward and looked at it, only to see that it was his own portrait painted on it, and the number of rewards at the bottom was a series of zeros. He counted it for a long time before he said: "Twenty million taels?!"

Rizu said leisurely: "There is a second one."

Hyuga Kyou quickly turned to the second reward list, and this reward was also painted with his portrait, and the number of rewards at the bottom was also a series of zeros, and the amount even exceeded the first one.

"Twenty-five million taels? This...what's the matter?"

Hizu didn't care too much: "I'm afraid you have offended someone. This kind of reward is rare, and it may attract some bounty ninjas, so you should be more careful recently and don't leave the village casually!"

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