Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 771 Nomination Right (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)

Strictly speaking, Konoha's last legitimate Hokage was not the three generations of Hokage sitting at the head of the conference room at this time, but Danzo who had defected.

Danzo is the agent Hokage who is truly recognized by both the village and the country of fire, and is the official and legal successor of the three generations of Hokage.

Of course, after Danzo privately held the 'Blood Successor Fusion Ceremony', causing the Konoha ninja to be killed and injured thousands, and after he defected, his identity as Hokage's agent was naturally deprived by the village.

Therefore, in detail, the current Konoha Village, the position of Hokage is actually vacant.

The reason why everyone acquiesced to the third generation to replace Danzo to perform the role of Hokage is just because after Danzo defected, the whole village was panicked and urgently needed a qualified and prestigious strongman to stand up and stabilize the hearts of the people.

Today, Uchiha Fuyue uses this as an excuse to request the official election of the five generations of Hokage at a high-level meeting, which is irrefutable in legal terms.

After just pondering for a while, the three-generation Hokage on the main seat nodded and said, "Yes, the village should officially elect the fifth-generation Hokage!"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun's face changed: "Rizhan, how can you..."

The three generations of Hokage first made a calm gesture to Xiaochun, and then said to everyone calmly: "I temporarily took the position of Hokage, just because of the situation at the time, and now the situation has returned to peace, it's time for an election. The fifth Hokage."

Sandai really didn't want to hand over the position of Hokage to the Uchiha family, but he didn't want to break the rules of the village.

Because this set of rules is the guarantee that the Hokage family can continue to inherit, if he breaks this rule himself, then others can follow suit in the future.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun also quickly realized this, and immediately shut up.

At the very beginning of the meeting, such an exciting topic was raised, which caught the high-level officials who attended the meeting off guard. Some people were surprised, some people were thinking, and some people's eyes were flickering.

For a while, the meeting room fell into a brief silence.

The one who broke the silence was still the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Fuyue. He smiled and said confidently: "As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, I announce that I and Shisui will participate in the campaign for the fifth Hokage at the same time!"

As soon as Fuyue's voice fell, many high-level executives turned their attention to it.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said bluntly: "I'm afraid this is not in line with the rules!"

There is a mature set of rules for Konoha to elect Hokage, that is, the former Hokage or the advisor elders are nominated, and then all the Jounin trust votes are conducted, and those who pass can become the new Hokage.

Except for the first and second Hokage who personally created Konoha, the subsequent Hokage, without exception, were all elected through this set of rules.

For example, the third generation is nominated by the second generation.

When running for the fourth generation of Hokage, the three generations of the former Hokage nominated Minato Namikaze, and Danzo, the consultant elder, nominated Orochimaru, and Minato Namikaze defeated Orochimaru in the vote of confidence and successfully boarded the fourth generation. Fire Shadow.

Later, Danzo became the acting Hokage, and he also removed the three generations through a vote of confidence, and as his advisor elder, nominated himself and became a Hokage candidate.

It's just that he failed to pass the vote of confidence of the entire Jōnin, so he only became a temporary proxy Hokage, not the official Hokage of the fifth generation.

It can be said that it is this set of rules, or more specifically, the 'nomination rights' possessed by the former Hokage and the advisor elders, which are the key to the inheritance of the Hokage family.

As long as the nomination right is kept, the Hokage family can easily control the selection of the successor!

Glancing coldly at Xiaochun who turned to bed, Fuyue said sharply: "I think everyone present should not be forgetful. The fourth generation nominated by the three generations died inexplicably, and during the three generations' tenure, the village suffered unprecedented suffering. After that, Danzo, nominated by the advisory elders, defected as Hokage's agent, making the village a laughing stock for the entire ninja world!"

Listening to Fuyue's icy accusation, Xiaochun turned speechless, and the three generations in the main seat also looked sad.

The death of the fourth generation can also be said to be an accident, but the destruction of the village and the defection of Danzo are indeed the unavoidable responsibility of the Hokage family.

In particular, the fact that Danzo defected as an agent of Naruto has made the Hokage family a little difficult to talk about, because there has never been a bizarre incident of the shadow of a village defecting in the ninja world, and Konoha is ashamed in this regard. home.

Unlike the speechless Hokage family, the patriarchs of the major families participating in the meeting whispered to each other, even the three 'Pig Deer Butterfly' who have always supported the three generations are no exception.

Because Fuyue's words do have some truth, the Hokage family has indeed made frequent moves in recent years, and there has been an infighting between Danzang and the three-generation Hokage family before.

Danzo, who successfully seized the position of Hokage, not only failed to fulfill Hokage's obligations, but held a 'Blood Succession Fusion Ceremony' in private for his own selfishness, and ignored the lives of Konoha ninjas, causing Konoha Hundreds of thousands of ninja casualties, which made the major families' trust in the Hokage family fell to the bottom.

After examining the expressions on the faces of the patriarchs of the major families, the third generation knew that it was no longer possible to forcefully suppress the Uchiha clan, so they could only choose to compromise and said, "If your Uchiha clan insists, I approve!"

Fuyue immediately said: "We insist, this time, Zhishui and I will participate in the five-generation Hokage election at the same time! Moreover, I propose this election to join the competition. After all, the threat of Xiao's organization is imminent, and we Konoha need a A powerful Hokage!"

The reason why Fuyue pulled Shishui is to further increase the chances of the Uchiha family being elected, and because it is a formal candidate, Shisui, a member of Uchiha, has no reason to refuse.

As for Shinichi, because he had defected, he was no longer with the position of Hokage, so Fuyue did not include him in the campaign for the fifth Hokage.

Looking at Fuyue who was full of confidence, Rizu was also a little moved, but he finally sighed and said to himself, "Unfortunately, it would be great if the giant Tenseisen had been found!"

This time, the Hokage Department was forced to make compromises and relax the restrictions on nomination rights, which was actually an opportunity for the Hyuga clan.

It's just that without the help of the giant Tenseigan, Hizu has no confidence to compete with the Uchiha clan with Kaleidoscope Shakers, so he can only regretfully watch the opportunity slip away in front of him.

The other major ninja tribes also had their thoughts, but when they thought of facing the kaleidoscope of the Uchiha family, the thoughts that had just been alive were quickly extinguished.

On the main seat, Sandai, who had been silently observing everyone's expressions, said at this time: "In the name of the former Hokage, I nominated Jorin Kakashi to run for the fifth Hokage!"

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

The first one is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket!

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