Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 839 Cry and repent! (Ask for a monthly pass)

After browsing the memory light ball of the day difference, Hyuga Aoki did not kill the unconscious day difference on the ground.

Among the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Aoki hated only the Zong family, and rejected his good intentions, making him embarrassed, and inexplicably became the Hyuga Mirror of the Fifth Hokage.

Of course, he couldn't tell whether he hated Hyuga Kyo more or was more jealous.

As for the day-slip that passed out on the ground, Hyuga Aoki not only did not hate it, but also had some sympathy.

In his opinion, the life of the day was like a joke made by fate. Just because he was born a little late, he lost his position as the head of the family, and was reduced to the same engraved 'caged bird spell on his head as him'. 'Prisoner of fate!

Immediately, Hyuga Aoki grinned again.

Although the day difference has been reduced to a split, his strength cannot be underestimated, even compared to the family master, he is not much inferior, but he is such an elite jōnin-level master, in front of him even half the strength of resistance. No, it can't help that Hyuga Aoki has a deeper understanding of his own strength.

"Now in the village, no one should be my opponent..."

After a self-deprecating smile, Hyuga Aoki felt that even if all the masters in the village, including the three generations of Hokage and Sannin, besieged him together, he would be sure to sweep away these masters!

Because he has deeply realized that Tenseigan is invincible!

After walking out of the damaged house, Hyuga Aoki glanced at the Hyuga clan not far away, and then disappeared in a flash...


In the mansion of the Hyuga Sect.


Hearing the constant roar from the outside, the clan elder walked out of his bedroom with an irritable expression, and asked a branch member who was responsible for serving him: "How is the situation outside? Nothing happened to the clan. Bar?"

The branch members quickly replied: "Elder, everything is normal in the clan. As for the situation outside, I...I..."

Seeing the members of the branch stammered, apparently not hearing any useful information, the clan elder immediately scolded: "It's really useless trash!"

"Sorry to disappoint you!"

The branch members hurriedly knelt on the ground and fell down deeply.

The patriarch frowned and asked again, "Is there any news from Hyuga Kyo?"

The branch member who was kneeling on the ground replied helplessly: "I'm sorry, but I haven't heard of Hokage-sama's whereabouts yet."

"Then what are you still doing here, go look for it!" After waving his hand suddenly, the clan elder continued to shout: "After finding that guy Hyuga Kyou, ask me carefully, what is going on tonight, Why is the whole village in chaos?"

When it comes to Hyuga Kyou, the clan elders are full of anger.

The previous battle at the clan meeting, and the incident that Mizuki falsely accused at the village high-level meeting, made him and Hyuga Kyou face completely torn apart, so he did not speak because Hyuga Kyou became Hokage, but He became restrained and respectful, and still called Hyuga Kyo's name in his own way.

"Yes, I'm going to find out!"

After answering, the branch members hurriedly withdrew in relief.

After the branch members left, the clan elder returned to his bedroom and sat down angrily.

The riots outside, and the sound of explosions from time to time, made it hard for him to sleep, but he had no plans to go out to help the village defend against powerful enemies.

In his opinion, as the elder of the clan, his life is precious, and there is absolutely no need to participate in such a dangerous battle. Even if the village really sends someone to ask for the support of the Hyuga clan, it will be a matter of separation.

"Hmph, this guy Hyuga Kyou is getting more and more outrageous. Even if you become Hokage, you can't forget the family. Protecting the noble clan is their mission, and they should feel honored!"

The patriarch said something to himself naturally.


Suddenly, a voice full of jokes and ridicule came from the shadows in the house.

The patriarch was startled and asked, "Who!"

At this moment, Hyuga Aoki came out of the shadows with a sinister smile on his face.

And after seeing Hyuga Aoki, the clan elder seemed to have seen a ghost and shouted, "You... how come you are still alive, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

After confirming that Aoki Hyuga had defected, it was not someone else who executed the "Cage Bird Curse", but he himself, so he was extremely shocked that Aoki Hyuga was still alive!

Hyuga Aoki cracked his mouth: "I'm still alive, you must be surprised!"

The patriarch subconsciously formed a seal and shouted, "Forbidden!"

Hyuga Aoki took a step forward and slowly walked towards the clan elder, the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more prosperous. At this time, he enjoyed the feeling of playing with the enemy!




The patriarch kept launching the 'Cage Bird Curse Seal', but found that Hyuga Aoki in front of him was not affected at all, so the surprise on his face gradually turned into fear, and even Lian Yin's hands trembled uncontrollably.

"Why is this? It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible, how can you break free from the shackles of the caged bird just by virtue of your disability?"

After the curse seal failed, the patriarch slumped on the ground, his body moved backwards, and his mouth was muttering in horror.

At this time, Hyuga Aoki grinned and stretched out his arm to grab the patriarch's neck, and lifted the patriarch like a pig and dog: "If I remember correctly, you were the one who proposed the execution of Aoba back then!"

Looking at the hideous smile on Hyuga Aoki's face, the patriarch's face turned pale with fright: "No, no, it's none of my business, then... that's the decision of the head of the family!"

Hyuga Aoki increased the strength in his hand a little bit and said, "So, did I remember it wrong?"

Almost breathless from being pinched, a clan elder with a flushed face like a pig's liver began to beg for mercy: "Please... please let me go! It's my fault! It's my fault!"

"Cry and repent!"

Seeing the enemy struggling in front of him, the smile on Hyuga Aoki's face became more and more distorted.

At this moment, he finally tasted the taste of revenge, and this taste is so sweet, so tempting, intoxicating and hard to extricate!

Suddenly, the patriarch who was in deep panic and despair, the white eye of his left eye changed into a scarlet writing wheel without warning, and it was not the ordinary three-gou jade writing wheel, but showed three blades. A kaleidoscope writing wheel with a shuriken pattern!

at the same time.

The moment he saw the kaleidoscope writing wheel in the left eye of the patriarch, the crazy Hyuga Aoki fell into a sluggishness...


The second is more, please recommend tickets, monthly ticket support! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

The second is more, please recommend tickets, monthly ticket support! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

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