After a few ups and downs, Ding You fled to the bonfire.

He glanced at the Hyuga mirror sitting on the ground, nibbling on the rabbit's leg, raised the corner of his mouth, showing an unpredictable smile, and said in his heart, "Go to hell, idiot!"

At this moment, the mysterious ninja who used the magnetic escape also rushed to the bonfire.

"This..." Ding You was shocked, and immediately woke up: "His goal is not Hyuga Kyou, but me!?"

With Ding You's strength, he couldn't dodge the attack of thousands of copies as dense as raindrops, so even though he was dodging and moving, he still got dozens of thousands of copies in the blink of an eye.

Compared with Shuriken and Kunai, Qianben's power is undoubtedly much smaller, so although Ding You, who is full of thousands of books, looks scary, in fact, he will not die for a while.

After staggering a few steps, Ding You collapsed beside a big tree, and pointed with trembling hands to Hyuga Kyo who was still silently nibbling on the rabbit's legs: " are with him!"

At this point, he naturally knew that the other party was likely to be with Hyuga Kyou, but he couldn't figure out how a sandy hidden elite who had mastered the magnetic escape could be mixed with Hyuga Kyou.

Hyuga Kyou stood up at this time, walked slowly to Ding You, and asked calmly, "What order did Danzo give you?"

cough cough...

After coughing sharply for a while, Ding You snorted coldly, "How dare you collude with Sha Yin, Lord Danzo will never let you go."

As if remembering something, Hyuga Kyou said to herself: "The ninjas at the root should all be marked with a curse. It seems that there is no useful information to ask."

All the root ninjas have been hidden by Danzo with a special curse mark called the 'tongue scourge stamp'. This curse mark engraved on the tongue can prevent the root ninja from revealing any information about Danzo.

Returning to the campfire, Hyuga Kyou continued to eat rabbit meat, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

Ding You looked at Sun Xiangjing suspiciously, and then at the mysterious Magnetic Ninja who had been silent for a while.

In his eyes, Hyuga Kyou doesn't seem to care about this mysterious magnetic ninja at all, and this mysterious magnetic ninja doesn't seem to care about Hyuga Kyou's ignoring attitude.

But no matter what, Ding You felt that it was necessary to pass on the information that Hyuga Kyou colluded with Sa Yin, so he mustered his last strength and spread out a scroll he was carrying.

"Ninja, super beast fake painting!"

bang bang bang...

Following a series of muffled noises, small and flexible ink-washed birds flew out of the scroll that was spread out by Ding You.

There were dozens of these ink-and-wash birds, and they dispersed in the blink of an eye, disappearing into the quiet night.

Ding You, whose vision was gradually blurred, showed a gratified smile as he looked at the ink and wash birds that were passing away, but suddenly, the smile on his face changed to panic, because he found that all the ink and wash birds were captured by an invisible force. Adsorbed, fell into the hands of Hyuga Kyou, and finally turned into balls of ink.

In this panic, an iron spear mercilessly pierced his head!

After eating the food and drying the ink on her hands, Hyuga Kyou put away the three-generation Kazekage puppet, and then carried Ding You's body towards the nearest Konoha post.

Arriving at the outpost, Hyuga Kyou said to the responsible Chunin: "I was attacked by bounty ninjas. During the battle, unfortunately, this fellow at the root was affected. You sent the body back to the village and reported the situation to Hokage-sama. "

Looking at Ding You, who was already dead, Chunin looked embarrassed.

In Konoha, even Shisui and Hyuga Kyou, who came from wealthy families, are reluctant to deal with the roots. It is conceivable that the commoner ninjas are even more attentive to the roots of Danzo.

Seeing that the other party was a little embarrassed, Hyuga Kyou patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, just do as I say. If there are root ninjas asking you, you can tell them everything you know."

Hyuga Kyou's current identity is not only a special Joinin, but also Anbu directly under Hokage. For the general Chunin in the village, he has the power to temporarily assign tasks.

So even though the Chunin was very reluctant, he still agreed.

After a few simple explanations, Hyuga Kyou left the post.

Ding You's body, for Hyuga Kyou, sent back to the village openly and openly is much better than quietly disposing of it.

As a result, he was carrying a huge bounty on his back, and the senior management of the village knew about it, and he was assassinated by a bounty ninja just today, so it is absolutely reasonable to put Ding You's death on the bounty ninja. reason.

Second, it has also released an attitude towards Danzo.

As for Danzo's reaction, Hyuga Kyou didn't care.

Danzo is not the kind of person who will let you go if you are soft-spoken. The original time and space Shishui was so obedient to him, but the result was that a kaleidoscope was stolen and he was forced to commit suicide. .

So even if Hyuga Kyo is soft now, Danzo will not let Hyuga Kyou go, and even if Hyuga Kyo agreed to Danzo's invitation from the beginning and joined the roots, with Danzo's temperament, he would still engrave Hyuga Kyou. It's the mark of the bane of the tongue, because Danzo doesn't trust anyone at all, even his cronies.

The two-month vacation is neither short nor long.

Hyuga Kyou couldn't spend a lot of time on the road, so he checked the map, chose a remote and rugged route, and then flew in the air using the magnetic escape of the three generations of Kazeyin puppets, and quickly rushed towards the country of wind.

Hyuga Kyou went all the way without danger, and after two days, finally crossed the country of the river and entered the territory of the country of wind.

The ruins of the ancient city of Loulan are located in the vast sand sea of ​​the Land of Wind. Even if there is a map, it is difficult to find if you are not familiar with the local terrain.

Fortunately, Hyuga can fly with the help of a magnetic escape, and it is much faster to find it than a normal ninja.

However, it took him nearly ten days to find the ruins of the ruined ancient city of Loulan in the vast sea of ​​sand.

Looking at the towering towers in front of him, Hyuga Kyou secretly sighed: "If it weren't for these towering towers, I really wouldn't have found that there are dragon veins under the ground!"

At such a close distance, Hyuga Kyou didn't even feel the slightest trace of chakra escaping from the dragon veins. This shows how strong the seal of the fourth generation on the dragon veins is.

However, for this result, he had long expected that if the seal of the fourth generation on the dragon veins was so easy to crack, Sha Yin would not leave the treasure house of the dragon veins unattended.

After restraining his complicated thoughts, Hyuga Kyou strode into the ruins of the ancient city of Loulan...

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