Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 861 Disguise (asking for a monthly ticket!)

While galloping, Hyuga Kyou left the country of rain and stepped into the neighboring country of grass while groping for the performance of the puppet.

According to Hyuga Aoki's memory, the new base of Akatsuki's organization is in the mountains in the northwest of the Country of Grass. Of course, because of the previous lessons, the base of Akatsuki's organization is not only here, this is the only one that Hyuga Aoki knows about. That's all, so whether you can meet Naruto here depends on luck.

Shuttle in the country of grass, Hyuga mirror slightly restrained.

After all, the Country of Grass is a country with Ninja Village. Although Grass Ninja Village is not strong, and there are no shadow-level powerhouses in the village, if it is discovered, it will be a trouble.

After a long time, Hyuga Kyou finally came to the mountains in the northwest of the Country of Grass.

Hyuga Kyou looked up, and found that the mountain range in front of her seemed to extend all the way to the territory of the land of the land, stretching for thousands of miles, with no end in sight.

"Hiding in such a ghost place is really hard to find!"

Hyuga mirror pouted.

At this moment, a soft morning light suddenly lit up in the sky, dispelling the thick night a little bit, and bringing the light and warmth back to the earth.

"Is it already dawn..."

After sighing a little, Hyuga Kyou stopped delaying, and immediately rushed towards the mountains in a flash.


Not long after entering the mountains, Hyuga Kyou heard a roar like a tailed beast!

"This is...?"

Hyuga Kyou, who was suspicious in her heart, sped up her pace and galloped away in the direction from which the roar came from.

After climbing a few hills, Hyuga Kyou finally saw the owner of the roaring voice just now. It wasn't someone else, it was Yun Yin's eight-tailed rabbi, Rabbi Riki.

At this time, Kirabi, who had completely transformed into a beast, was fighting fiercely with the scorpion in the mountains.

In the outer circle of the battlefield, including Obito and Jue, there are quite a few members of the Akatsuki organization, but they all seem to be watching the show and have no plans to join the battle at all.

Because Hyuga Kyou was posing as Hyuga Aoki this time, and did not restrain her breath, Obito and Jue had already discovered him and greeted him from afar.

"How could Kirabi be here alone?"

With such doubts, Hyuga Kyou quietly came to Obito Kazue.

When Hyuga Kyou came over, he asked in a sarcastic tone, "How is it, is everything going well? The clan of the Hyuga clan will not have been slaughtered by you, right?"

Seeing that Obito and Jue didn't have any doubts, Hyuga Kyou breathed a sigh of relief, and then imitated Hyuga Aoki's tone, and replied, "There was a small accident."

"The little accident you're talking about should be referring to the fifth Hokage of Konoha, right?" He smiled, and Jue continued, "Your fellow clan doesn't seem to be simple, you specifically opened the 'box of bliss' to release' Wu', he solved it by himself!"


Hyuga Kyou continued to imitate Hyuga Aoki's attitude, snorted lightly, and looked around carefully.

In addition to Obito Kazue, who was beside him, and Scorpion who was fighting with Kirabi, the members of the Akatsuki organization present also included loquat tenzo, ghost shark, lotus flower, and dragon, the betrayal and forbearance of Wuyin.

But the target Naruto he wanted to rescue this time was not here, and he didn't know whether Nagato was still on his way back, or he took Naruto to another base.

Obito took over the words at this time, and said disdainfully: "It's just the dragon vein of the country of wind, and it's not a big deal!"

Jue smiled and said: "This at least shows that your informant is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is likely that he did what happened when the dragon vein was stolen."

Obito's complexion sank: "He was able to unlock the 'Dragon Vessel Seal' of the fourth generation, which is indeed beyond my expectations, but the tail of the crane is only the tail of the crane, and it is not worth it to become a Hokage by a fluke. Too much attention!"

Hyuga Kyou, who was observing the surroundings, couldn't help but glanced at Obito, and scolded: "Che, put on the skin of 'Uchiha Madara', and even don't even have a face. It's clearly ranked below me, but I'm embarrassed to call me. It's the tail of the crane!"

Jue said: "He is now Hokage. Those little handles we hold in our hands have no effect on him. I'm afraid he will no longer admit to being your informant!"

Obito fell silent.

In his opinion, when Hyuga Kyou became Hokage, he would inevitably come into contact with information related to the 'God Organization', so he did not want to give up the informant Hyuga Kyo, but now that Hyuga Kyou's identity has changed, it is no longer one or two Threats can be easily controlled.

Thinking of this, Obito turned his head and asked Hyuga Kyou, who was disguised as Hyuga Aoki, "Did you not meet him when you went to Konoha this time? Seeing that you are not dead, he should believe that you have a way to decipher the 'caged bird'. Bar!"

Hyuga Kyou replied vaguely: "I didn't meet."

"Really..." Obito didn't care too much, and immediately said with certainty: "As long as you hold this trump card in your hand, Hyuga Kyou will definitely surrender to you. Trust me, my judgment. It can't be wrong!"

Hyuga Kyou pouted, changed the topic, and asked, "What's going on here, why is Yun Yin's eight-tailed man Zhuli here?"

"There were four generations of Raikage interfering on the side before, and I didn't have time to subdue him. It just so happened that Scorpion wanted to practice his hand with him, so he simply released it and handed it over to Scorpion."

Obito said it very casually, and Yun Yin's perfect person, Zhuli, in his eyes, seemed to be a small role that could be solved easily.

Hyuga Kyou originally wanted to take the opportunity to ask Nagato's whereabouts, but then she thought that this question was too deliberate, and it might arouse Obito's alert, so she didn't say anything more, but silently observed the scene in the field. situation.

The battle in the field was very fierce. Perhaps because of the failure to capture the four-tailed man, the scorpion vented all the anger of the failed mission on Kirabi.

But Qi Rabi is not weak, as long as he doesn't encounter the 'Reincarnation Eye' and 'Wood Dun', his strength is very strong, even if the scorpion takes out the 'Xun Dun', 'Steel Dun', ' Ming Dun', 'Lan Dun' and Sharonyan's Peiliu Hu people puppet, can't take down the completely tailed beast for a while.

Suddenly, there was a change in the field.

In a completely liberated state, the eight tails swept all around with their tails, forcing the scorpion and the Beiluhuren puppet to retreat, and then there was no warning to condense the tailed beast jade, and it was aimed at Obito and Hyuga Kyou.

Seeing the Tailed Beast Jade attacking, Hyuga Kyo's eyes narrowed, and she quickly retreated to the distance.

Jue also swayed and shrank into the ground.

Obito didn't dodge or dodge, he just chuckled, and immediately activated his 'magic power', throwing the mighty tailed beast jade that could flatten a hill into the twisted vortex.

At this moment, Kirabi in the field actually released the tailed beast, returned to human form, and took advantage of the gap when everyone's attention was attracted by the tailed beast jade just now, and launched a breakthrough outside the field.

Coincidentally, the direction he chose to break out was exactly the area where Hyuga Kyou, who had just retreated far from Obito...


The first update is here. It's the end of the month, and there are only four or five days left in October. Please don't forget to vote if you have a monthly pass. Thank you!

The first update is here. It's the end of the month, and there are only four or five days left in October. Please don't forget to vote if you have a monthly pass. Thank you!

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