Orochimaru, wearing an ordinary kimono, shuttled through the major towns of the Land of Water by himself with a playful look on his face.

Because of the scorpion, he did not leave the country of water as originally planned, and because there are almost no enemies in the country of water that he and scorpion need to deal with together, he did not stay with scorpion.

The turmoil in the fog has been going on for a long time.

And this turmoil almost exhausted all the vitality of Kiriyin. Several famous blood-sister families in Kiriyin, such as Kaguya, Xueyi, etc., were all destroyed one after another. Escape, scattered all over the place.

Fortunately, the country of water is located in a corner, and its neighbors Konoha and Yunyin are in the confrontation and negotiation, and they have no energy to take care of other things. Otherwise, it is unknown whether Wuyin Village can survive.

Suddenly, a strong man with a sharp blade stopped Orochimaru's path, with a fierce face: "Hurry up and hand over the money!"

Orochimaru stuck out his slender tongue, wiped it slightly on his lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "A fool who can't even feel the danger, it's really sad."

The strong man was furious: "You are courting death!"


Before the strong man could speak, the sharp blade in his hand slipped from his fingers and fell to the ground.

Looking down with difficulty, he suddenly realized that, at some point, a green snake with only the thickness of a finger bit his throat.

Orochimaru passed by the strong man, and his hands never left his pockets from beginning to end.

The strong man fell to the ground in a slump and lost his breath.

After wandering in the Land of Water for so long, very few people dared to find Orochimaru in trouble, because even the most insane ninja in the fog could feel the chilly aura on Orochimaru that no strangers should approach.

Only a pure civilian murderer like a strong man would go forward to court death foolishly.

It can also be seen that the turmoil in the country of water is not limited to the ninja class, and the lives of the commoners have also been seriously affected. The entire country of water can be said to be in chaos.

Walking around a corner, Orochimaru suddenly stopped, and his eyes were attracted by a garbage dump in the corner.

In front of the garbage dump, a child in ragged clothes was squatting on the ground, tearing up a small ball of blackened bread and giving it to a few thin wild cats. .

"Hey, what a good Chakra!"

Orochimaru licked his tongue and walked slowly towards the garbage dump.

The sudden approach of Orochimaru made the child feel terrified. He curled up and wanted to hide in the corner, but when he thought of the little wild cats under his feet, he gritted his teeth and opened his arms to protect the little wild cats.

Orochimaru glanced at the scrawny child in front of him, then glanced at the bread crumbs the child fed to the wild cats, and asked, "What's your name?"

The child answered cautiously, "My name is Bai."

Staring at Bai's pure and clean eyes, Orochimaru shook his head, then turned and left.

This child is as skinny as a wood, and he also distributes the little leftover food to the little wild cat. Even if he has a good chakra, such a kind child is not suitable for being a ninja, so he just looked at each other, and Orochimaru dismissed it and took it away. child's thoughts.

But after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped because he remembered the child named Chongwu.

Chonggo is a child who can absorb natural energy, and it is precisely because of this child that Orochimaru's research project has an additional experiment called "Curse Seal".

Looking back at Bai, Orochimaru murmured, "Such a pure child might be able to carry that kind of power."

At this moment, a figure fell beside Orochimaru. He was none other than Orochimaru's partner Scorpion.

Scorpion glanced slightly at the thin white in the corner, but without stopping, he turned to Orochimaru and said, "Let's go, the person I'm looking for has appeared!"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "Are you sure what you're looking for is a person, not a corpse?"

Scorpion gritted his teeth and said, "I will turn him into a corpse!"

Orochimaru rarely sees Scorpion so annoyed, so he pretended to ask casually, "Who are you looking for? I don't have time to run around with you!"

"A ninja of your Konoha!"

country of wind.

With the assistance of the grass ninja, after a month, Hyuga Kyou finally found the traces of the Loulan survivors.

After turning over a dune, Kasuga Ninja Ryulan pointed to the conspicuous oasis at the far end, and said to Hyuga Kyou: "The Loulan survivor you are looking for is there!"

Hyuga looked over and saw a circle of caravans parked on the periphery of the oasis. Sparse figures came and went in the workshop. Some were fetching water in the oasis, some were tending camels and sheep, and some were cooking fires.

Frowning, Hyuga Kyou asked suspiciously, "Why are there only so many people?"

The entire motorcade next to the oasis is no more than two or three hundred people, far below Hyuga Kyou's expectations. In his opinion, there may not be many Loulan survivors, but they should not be so small that there are only two left. three hundred.

A local guide recruited by Cao Ren hurriedly explained to Hyuga Kyou: "Since Loulan City was abandoned, these Loulan survivors have lost their livelihoods, walking, dying, and now that's all that's left."

Hyuga Kyou asked again: "Even if there is no town, their life won't be so miserable, right?"

Just as the guide was about to explain, he suddenly saw something, so he pointed to the far end: "Look at it!"

Hyuga Kyou looked in the direction of the guide's finger, and saw two ninjas who were hidden in the sand came to the oasis and negotiated with the Loulan survivors there.

The two sides seemed to be a little unhappy. After a quarrel, the two ninjas of Shayin left the oasis, and their figures gradually disappeared in the wind and sand.

Hyuga Kyou asked, "Why did Sandyin's ninja appear here?"

The guide said with emotion: "I heard that Sha Yin has been collecting taxes on these Loulan survivors. The two Sha Yin ninjas just now should be the ninjas who came to collect taxes."

After thinking about it for a while, Hyuga Kyou understood Sandyin's intention.

How much tax can a team of two or three hundred people collect?

When Sha Yin did this, he used this as an excuse to monitor the remnants of Loulan. Second, it may be the hope that through economic pressure, the remnants of Loulan will be completely surrendered to Shayin Village.

In this way, Sha Yin can justifiably possess the dragon vein.

For Sha Yin's small actions, Hyuga Kyou thinks it's normal, after all, with such a huge amount of Chakra sources like the dragon veins, if Sha Yin doesn't care about it at all, then it's really abnormal!

Long Lan of Grass Ninja asked, "Mr. Mu, do you need to go over and confirm who you are looking for?"

Hyuga Kyou shook his head: "No need."

Long Lan said: "In that case, what about our commission this time?"

Hyuga Kyou didn't say much, and directly handed the final payment to Long Lan...

First, ask for a recommendation ticket! In addition, I would like to thank [Ling Aijiang] [Advancer 3] [Dream of Drunken Life] [Book Friends 20181016085207207] for their rewards!

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