Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 895 The tails of the cranes of the year (seeking a monthly ticket!)

Early the next morning, the morning light had just pierced through the night, and the sky had not yet brightened. Sasuke was dressed neatly and came to the training ground agreed with Kakashi early.

But after waiting for a long time, Kakashi appeared yawning.

Sasuke said with a cold face: "Kakashi-sensei, you are late again!"

Kakashi replied casually: "I'm lost on the road of life..."

Sasuke looked Kakashi up and down with suspicion.

With his current insight into writing round eyes, Kakashi's hidden fatigue can be clearly seen, so he questioned: "Mr. Kakashi, after you finished teaching me every day, did you carry out additional training? what?"

Kakashi was startled, but said with a sly smile on his face: "How can it be, just dealing with you, this kid, has already given me a headache."

Obviously, Kakashi did not relax his demands on himself.

In the past four months, as a 'Hokage agent', he not only had to undertake various tedious official duties thrown to him by Hyuga Kyo, but also carefully guided Sasuke, so he could only use his rest time to fill the training time. , This led to the exhaustion of the body being seen by Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't bother too much about this, and said directly: "Mr. Kakashi, what are you going to teach me today?"


Looking at Sasuke with a look of anticipation, Kakashi secretly complained.

Now, apart from his own 'Flying Thunder God Technique' and 'Eight Gate Dunjia', what he can teach Sasuke has already been taught.

Thinking about it at this moment, even he himself thought it was incredible that Sasuke had only taken four months to make him, Konoha's number one technician, feeling absurd that he had nothing to teach.

Looking at Sasuke in front of him seriously, Kakashi has to admit that Sasuke has changed a lot in the past few months.

The most intuitive feeling is that Sasuke has grown up and lost his childishness and innocence, like a chick who has left the shelter of his parents, and has begun to learn to use his own strength to spread his wings and fly high.

For a ninja, such a change is undoubtedly a good thing.

It's just that this change is too fast and too abrupt. In just a few months, it seems like a few years, so Kakashi doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

And Kakashi, who has been guiding Sasuke, can clearly feel the hatred in Sasuke's heart is growing.

This hatred for the "God Organization" has been eroding Sasuke's heart, making him more and more gloomy and indifferent, as if he has lost the ability to laugh.

At the same time, Sasuke's pupil power is also increasing day by day.

Although Kakashi has lost the kaleidoscope of the left eye, his perception of the pupil power of the writing wheel has not deteriorated because of this, so he is most aware of the improvement of Sasuke's pupil power.

Even better than Sasuke himself.

"This kid may be the real genius!"

Kakashi laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart, he felt that compared with Sasuke, his so-called 'genius' was indeed a bit unworthy of the name.

Seeing Kakashi pondering for a while, Sasuke became impatient: "Mr. Kakashi, what are you going to teach me today?"

Kakashi returned to his senses and smiled: "In two days, the graduation exam of the ninja school will take place. You should adjust your state well in the past few days, review the content I taught you before, and prepare for the graduation exam!"

Neither the 'Flying Thunder God's Technique' nor the 'Bamen Dunjia' are ninjutsu that can be easily taught.

In particular, the "Flying Thunder God's Technique" is currently one of the top secret ninjutsu in the village, and it is also the only time-space ninjutsu that ordinary ninjas in the village can try to practice. Therefore, although Kakashi is a 'Naruto agent', he is not qualified to teach the 'Flying Thunder God's Art' to Sasuke without permission.

As for the 'Eight Gate Dunjia', it is not something that can be taught casually.

First, it involves Kai. After all, Kakashi's 'Eight Gate Dunjia' was taught by Kai. Second, Sasuke's identity is a bit sensitive after all, and the advisory elders are still hesitating whether to teach all the unique skills so early. .

Hearing Kakashi mentioning the graduation exam of the ninja school, Sasuke's face suddenly sank: "Kakashi-sensei, do you think I should care about that kind of thing?"

Kakashi smiled helplessly.

With Sasuke's current strength, the graduation exam of the ninja school is indeed a little bit of pediatrics.

Sasuke said: "Since you have nothing to teach, then I will practice it myself!"

"Sasuke, don't underestimate your fellow students. Their progress during this period is not small, especially Naruto, who has also undergone earth-shaking changes like you. If you take it lightly, you may be defeated in his hands."

Kakashi couldn't help reminding Sasuke.

Back then, when he was a first-time Jōnin, he didn't take his fellow students in his eyes at all. Influenced by his father's prestige, he only saw higher-level powerhouses in his eyes, and couldn't tolerate the miscellaneous tails of the cranes at all.

But now those crane tails of the year, one is stirring up the wind and rain in the ninja world, one has become Hokage of the fifth generation of Konoha, and one is in the race around Konoha yesterday, and he unfortunately lost. Come.

He asked himself, he seemed to be unable to beat any of those crane tails back then, and his life was utterly gloomy.

Sasuke looked back at Kakashi and said coldly, "Naruto? Hmph, he's not my opponent!"

After all, Sasuke ignored Kakashi and walked all the way towards the clan.

In Sasuke's heart, Naruto is just a friend who needs his protection, not a rival who can compete with him. Neiji is the same, and he doesn't care about it now.

At this moment, a figure flashed into his mind.

This figure is not someone else, but the one who humiliated him in the past, Junma Lu of Yinnin Village!

Looking back on that battle now, Sasuke realized how big the gap between himself and Junmalu was at that time, and that Junmalu didn't intentionally humiliate himself at that time.

It was precisely because he wanted to understand this that it was even more difficult for him to let go.

Compared with humiliation, it was more difficult for him to accept contempt. He can still recall the doubts when Junma Lu looked at him, and the doubts seemed to be saying: "Hey, why is the famous Uchiha so weak? ?"

Sasuke's anger boils over every time he thinks of Junmarou's expression.

"Hmph, I smeared the family back then, and I have to find this account myself! Junma Lu, I want you to understand the true strength of the Uchiha family!"

Sasuke firmly believes that he now has the power to defeat Junmarou...


The first one is more, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly ticket support!

The first one is more, ask for recommendation tickets, monthly ticket support!

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