Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 898 The seal of opposition (seeking a monthly ticket!)

In the center of the playground, Neji and Naruto stood facing each other, with the 'Seal of Opposition' formed on their hands at the same time.

Ningci's eyes gradually narrowed, and he said slowly: "Naruto, I'm really sorry, I have to win this competition, so I won't show mercy to you!"

Naruto also put away his smile and responded seriously: "Let the horses come over!"

"Naruto, you have to be careful!"

After exhaling, Neji opened his eyes and rushed towards Naruto.

Seeing Neji rushing over, Naruto immediately began to finish the seal with skill.

on the temporary stand.

Looking at the seal in Naruto's hands, Risai's face froze: "Naruto is going to perform the 'multiple shadow avatar technique'? Mirror taught him this forbidden technique?"

Hyuga Kyou's special training for Naruto belongs to the secret of the village.

In addition to the advisory group of elders, and people who are very close to Hyuga Kyou like Ling, others, including Rizai, only know that Hyuga Kyou has given Naruto special training in the past few months, but they do not know the specifics. content of the training.

Therefore, when Naruto wanted to perform the "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique", a forbidden technique that was extremely unbearable for Shang Nin, he was quite surprised.

Like the day difference, all the family members of the students in the temporary stand who recognized the seal formed by Naruto exclaimed in surprise.

The reason why 'Multiple Shadow Clone Technique' is listed as a forbidden technique is not because of how difficult it is to practice, but because of the hidden dangers of this technique. A lot, but not much used.

bang bang bang...

In an instant, Naruto skillfully completed the 'Multiple Shadow Clone Technique', and as the white smoke rose, one after another identical Naruto rushed out of the smoke and greeted Neji.

"A shadow clone?"

Seeing Naruto coming out of the smoke one by one, Neji's expression didn't change.

Even if he is besieged by Naruto's shadow clone, he is not worried. He has absolute confidence in his physical skills and insight. Even if it is one against five, and one against ten, he is not afraid at all!

bang bang bang...

However, the exploding smoke did not stop as he expected, but continued.

In just the blink of an eye, the Naruto in the field changed from five to ten, and ten to one hundred, filling the small half of the playground at once.


Neji froze, her brows furrowed tightly.

"So many... are shadow clones? How is this possible!"

Neji, who has white eyes, can identify at a glance that the hundreds of Naruto in the field are all entities, shadow avatars with flowing chakra, not avatars that act as blindfolds.

"It's coming!"

At this time, all the Naruto around shouted in unison.

And in this layer of shouting, hundreds of Naruto rushed towards Neji from all directions!

Looking at this scene in the field, whether it was the Ninja school teachers on the podium or the family members of the students on the temporary stand, they were all dumbfounded.

"So many shadow clones!?"

"How did that kid Naruto do it?"

"Hey, this is too exaggerated!"

"This level of fighting is just an ordinary graduation exam?"

In an instant, there was a lot of noise inside and outside the venue, and there was a lot of discussion on and off the stage.

The students watching the game on the sidelines also had different expressions at the moment.

Students such as Shikamaru, Dingci, and Ya, who were familiar with Naruto, had expressions of disbelief when they saw Naruto's performance in the field.

Such as Shion, Sakura, Ino, Tiantian, with nervousness and anticipation on their faces.

Hinata, on the other hand, clasped her hands tightly together. She hoped that her brother Neji would win, and Naruto would win. For a while, her face was full of entanglement and worry.

Only Sasuke's face remained the same, but his scarlet three-goose jade writing wheel eyes revealed the restlessness in his heart.

Undoubtedly, Naruto's performance also exceeded his expectations, which made him subconsciously open the Sharinyan, while observing the battle situation on the field, while thinking about how to solve Naruto's trick of 'multiple shadows'. Method.

in the field.




With every low muffled sound, a Naruto clone will turn into white smoke.

Neiji, who was besieged, did not lose his position. He responded to the enemy with the 'Bagua Sixty-Four Palms' of soft boxing. He shrunk the defensive circle to a minimum range of one or two meters around his body. The avatar of Naruto will be instantly defeated by his 'Sixty-Four Palms of Eight Trigrams' and dissipate like smoke!

Rizu on the temporary stand nodded and said to Rizai around him, "I didn't expect that Neji was so young, and already mastered the 'Sixty-Four Palms of Eight Trigrams'!"

Days difference smiled.

Seeing that Neji defended so steadily in the field, he was relieved. Even if Naruto was a nine-tailed man, it would not be enough to consume Neji like this.

After all, the consumption of shadow clones is far greater than the consumption of soft fists.

After defeating dozens of Naruto's shadow clones in a row, Neji panted lightly while searching for Naruto's true body in the field.

Although such a war of attrition is not a loss for him, he must retain enough physical strength to deal with the next Sasuke, so he knows that he must find out Naruto's true body immediately.

It's just a shadow clone, it's hard to identify.

Sasuke, who has rich experience in combat in the original time and space and has a six-hooked jade reincarnation eye, is also played around by Naruto's shadow clone, and it is difficult to recognize it instantly.

In the same way, after realizing that the shadow clone alone can't help Neji, Naruto stopped the useless consumption and shouted: "Ningji, I have to be serious!"

Ningci said solemnly, "Come on!"

Naruto stopped talking nonsense, and immediately cooperated with each other in pairs, and began to condense the 'spiral pills', and in a blink of an eye, dozens of 'spiral pills' lighted up in the field!

Neji was startled when he saw this.

This situation was obviously 'over-class' to him. He didn't know what those chakra groups condensed in Naruto's palm were, but his intuition told him that the small group of chakras contained extremely powerful chakras. energy.

on the podium.

Kakashi was also shocked, and said to Hyuga Kyou next to him: "Have you taught Naruto the 'spiral pill'?"

Hyuga Kyo nodded with a smile.

On the temporary stand opposite.

Feeling the violent chakra fluctuations in the field, Fuyue, who lost his eyes, frowned: "This is?"

Mikoto on the side explained, "It's the fourth generation of 'spirals'! Naruto not only learned 'spirals', but he released dozens of them at once!"

Fuyue said with emotion: "The Five Dynasties is really not easy. In just a few months, Naruto has been trained to this point!"

The other audience members, like Fuyue, expressed similar emotions. The appearance of these dozens of 'spiral pills' is more impactful than the appearance of hundreds of shadow clones just now!

Sasuke on the sidelines also changed his face at this time, and murmured: "This guy Naruto..."


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

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