Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 900 The reason why you can't lose! (Ask for a monthly pass)

Just as Neji looked at Hyuga Kyo on the rostrum, dozens of Naruto on the playground also looked at the rostrum and Hyuga Kyo sitting high there!

Like Neji, Naruto has a reason not to lose.

The disciples of Hokage should get the title of 'No. 1 in the same period'!

This very simple thought filled the hearts of Neji and Naruto, causing the two of them to focus on nothing before, as if everything around them had disappeared, leaving only the opponent in front of them.


Hyuga Kyou let out a sigh.

At this moment, he found that the momentum of Neji and Naruto had changed. These two boys seemed to have lost their impetuousness and jerkyness as students at the same time, and began to learn to fight like real ninjas!

Apparently, Hyuga Kyou was not the only one who noticed this change.

The three generations with a pipe in their mouth smiled with relief.

Jirai also sighed with emotion: "In such a short moment, I saw Minato's shadow on Naruto's body!"

Tsunade said: "It seems that Naruto's potential is greater than we thought!"

in the field.

Neji, who knew that if he continued passive defense, he would definitely lose, decisively gave up the tactic of defending himself.

bang bang bang...

Under the skillful soft fist of Ningci, Naruto's shadow clone was smashed continuously, and for a while, there was a constant muffled sound throughout, and white smoke bursts!

While tossing and turning, Neji did not forget his goal. He used the gap between the attacks to use his full power to roll his eyes and search for Naruto's true body among dozens of Naruto's shadow clones.

In the face of Neji's sharp physical skills, Naruto did not sit still.

He mixed his own body among the many shadow clones, and then paired them in pairs, and re-condensed the 'spiral pills'!

Neji, who once again faced the "spiral pill", was much calmer than just now.

This time, he did not choose to resist hard, but used his own eyesight, the sharpness of his soft fist, and the speed of his body to fight Naruto on the field!




Naruto's attack again and again was avoided by Neji, and the 'spiral pill' shot by Naruto smashed to the ground. A roar.

In the blink of an eye, the playground was full of potholes, rubble splashing, and smoke and dust everywhere!

on the temporary stand.

Rizai stared at the field intently, his hands clenched tightly, and a heart hung in his throat.

At this moment, Neji obviously found the right way to deal with Naruto, but the 'spiral pills' that used 'Hui Tian' to resist Naruto just now was too much of a disadvantage.

Not only was he slightly injured, but the chakra was severely damaged.

At this moment, his soft fist movements were somewhat deformed, and his speed was much slower, and he was almost hit by Naruto's 'spiral pill' several times.

It can be said that both sides have a chance of winning, but who can win depends on who has better toughness and perseverance!

The other end of the stand.

Itachi, who was sitting upright, looked at the battle situation on the field with a little regret on his face.

When guiding Neji, he discovered a weakness of Neji, or rather, a bad habit of Neji, that is, Neji has a kind of blind confidence in the soft boxing of the Hyuga clan.

This makes the tactics used by Neji habitually accommodate the soft boxing when facing the enemy, and are bound by the soft boxing routine!

Just like just now, because of his blind confidence in the defensive ability of soft fist, when he was besieged by Naruto's shadow clone, he did not give priority to thinking about how to get rid of the unfavorable situation, but habitually followed soft fist's static braking characteristics , let yourself be under siege, and hope to find the enemy's flaws in the hold.

As a result, he was caught off guard by a set of 'spiral pills' that Naruto played unreasonably. He used up more than half of his chakra for nothing, and even slightly injured himself, causing his body function to drop sharply. .

Such mistakes are undoubtedly fatal in actual combat!

Itachi didn't know who instilled this concept of "soft fist first" in Neji, but it was definitely not Hyuga Kyou who rarely used soft fist on weekdays.

As the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, it was inconvenient to comment too directly on the shortcomings of the Hyuga clan's soft boxing, so he just reminded Neji a few times, but the effect was not ideal.

And today Neji paid the price for his bad habits!

In the eyes of most people, the battle on the field may still be in a stalemate, but in Itachi's eyes, the outcome is already divided.

Not only did Neji's chakra wear out badly, but he also didn't quickly find a way to find Naruto's real body from the many shadow clones. On the other hand, Naruto seemed to have just finished his warm-up, and he couldn't see his fatigue for the time being.

And every time Neji finally solved Naruto's shadow avatar, Naruto would perform the 'multiple shadow avatar technique' again, and then the main body continued to mix into the shadow avatar.

Therefore, the number of Naruto clones in the field did not continue to decrease due to Neji's offensive, but maintained a huge number of dozens.

If Neji didn't have the previous consumption and injury, then the battle situation would be hard to say, but with the previous mistake, Neji's defeat was only a matter of time.



Naruto's 'spiral pills' offensive continued, one after another 'spiral pills' passed Neji, and then smashed to the ground with a roar.

Suddenly, a crushed rock the size of a thumb flew towards Neji by accident.

With Ningci's white-eyed insight, it is reasonable to say that such a flying stone can't hurt him, but Naruto's wave after wave of offensive is too violent, and his state is continuing to decline, so this broken flying stone. Stone became the last straw that broke the camel's back.


Fei Shi hit Neji's cheek impartially, distracting him, and at this moment Naruto's new wave of attacks came to him again!

"It's too late to hide!"

Surprised, Neji had to cast 'Return to Heaven' again.


Naruto's 'Helix Maru' and Neji's 'Huitian' had their second head-to-head duel today. With a huge roar, the two figures fell out together.


The shadow avatar that Naruto threw and flew out turned into a puff of white smoke.

Neji, who also fell and flew out, couldn't get up, because this second 'return to the sky' consumed all his chakra, leaving him weak and weak.

At this time, Hyuga Kyou on the rostrum stood up and announced, "In this game, the winner is Naruto!"

Following the announcement of Hyuga Kyou, the medical team who had been on standby immediately entered the venue and brought Neji to the sidelines to start treatment, while Sasuke, who was also on the sidelines, looked at the pits and pits on the playground and fell into thinking...


The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

The second is more, ask for a recommendation ticket, a monthly ticket! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you all!

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