Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 904 I must win this game! (Ask for a monthly pass)

Looking at the chakra escaping from the body surrounded by powerful cyclones, and Xiao Li, whose richness is almost visible to the naked eye, Sasuke's heart is full of warning signs!

Sasuke is no stranger to the 'Eight Gate Dunjia'.

He still remembers the battle between his father Uchiha Tomiyaki and Kakashi for the fifth Hokage campaign to this day.

In that battle, Kakashi, who used the 'Eight Gate Dunjia', forced Fuyue, who opened the 'Suzanohu', to a desperate situation under the attention of everyone.

Since then, Sasuke has had a clear understanding of the 'Eight Gates Dunjia' and understands that this is a technique that can rival the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye 'Susanoo'.

After opening the fourth door, the "Wounded Door", Xiao Li on the opposite side stopped and continued to open the door.

At this time, the skin on his body turned red, as if the blood had completely boiled, infiltrating every pore in his body, and the blue veins on his cheeks were bulging!

If it is said that the first three doors of the "Eight Doors Dunjia" only lift the restrictions on the body, then after the fourth door, the "injury door", it is truly entering the danger zone.

Likewise, with greater danger comes greater gain!

After opening the 'injury door', although the body's muscles, meridians, and even organs will be damaged to varying degrees, the increase in speed and strength will also be greater than when the first three doors are opened.

"Bloom, youth!"

Xiao Li, who clenched his fists, shouted to the sky like a declaration.

Seeing that Xiao Li could easily stir up a wave of air just by waving his arms, Sasuke's eyes suddenly became condensed, and his face became more and more gloomy.

At this moment, Xiao Li slammed on the ground.


With a loud bang, the ground beneath Xiao Li's feet collapsed, and his whole body shot towards Sasuke like a cannonball in the chamber!

Feeling the huge wave of air blowing towards his face, Sasuke's face froze, and his heart froze immediately, and he launched the writing wheel with all his strength to meet him.

He knows very well that if he is timid at this time, he will inevitably be in chaos and be defeated in an instant, so he can only choose to bite the bullet and attack head-on, attacking attack, using the advantages of his own dynamic vision of the wheel eye, in an unfavorable situation. Find a chance to win.

After all, the 'chidori' shining in his palm is not a vegetarian!




In an instant, Xiao Li and Sasuke dragged the long afterimages, carrying screams and sandstorms, and quickly attacked on the playground.

While using the 'Eight Doors Dunjia' to open the fourth door, while using the Thunderbolt stimulation method to stimulate the cells of the whole body, in the high-intensity confrontation, both sides broke through their own limits, showing that they were faster than when they fought before. speed!



Waves of air mixed with sand and gravel blew, causing the students who were watching the game on the sidelines to raise their hands to protect their eyes and observe the situation on the field with difficulty.

In the criss-crossing air waves, everyone could only barely perceive the afterimages of Sasuke and Xiao Li coming and going, and couldn't capture the details of their specific fight.

Not to mention the contemporaneous students, even the ninja teachers such as Iruka, who are strong in the ninja school, can't capture the battle between Sasuke and Xiao Li in detail.

At this moment, it can be said that Sasuke and Xiao Li Dan have reached the level of Shangnin in terms of speed.

They may be unsustainable, they may lack combat experience and skills, and lack rich tactics, but in terms of speed, they can indeed match the real Jōnin!

on the temporary stand.

Fuyue asked anxiously, "How is it?"

Having lost his eyes, he could not perceive every move in the field in real time, so although he felt that Sasuke and Xiao Li were fighting fiercely, the details of the battle were difficult to grasp.

Mikoto on the side stared nervously at the field, and said to Fuyue: "Not very good, Sasuke seems to be at a disadvantage!"

Sasuke's situation is indeed not very good. Facing Xiao Li who has opened the four doors, even if he uses the Thunder Dunning stimulation method, he also has a relatively obvious disadvantage in speed.

There was an outbreak of 'Thousand Birds', and the assistance of the writing wheel eye, but it couldn't hurt Xiao Li in the slightest.

However, Xiao Li, who had opened the four doors, gradually adapted to Sasuke's style of Taijutsu, and his offensive became more and more threatening, and even nearly broke through Sasuke's defense several times.

"Which of us won't be able to hold on first!?" Sasuke's mind flashed a thought, and then he dismissed the thought: "No, you can't just think about holding on, that's too passive!"


With just such a distraction, Xiao Li's straight punch almost hit Sasuke in the cheek.

Although he managed to avoid Xiao Li's straight punch, the air wave from the fist wind slapped on Sasuke's face, as if he had been slapped hard, causing Sasuke to feel pain in his cheeks. .

"Damn, you can't treat this guy like the tail of a crane anymore!"

The burning pain on his face made Sasuke wake up instantly.

He realized that if he treated Xiao Li as the tail of a crane that he could easily get rid of, he would make a fool of himself. From this moment on, he had to treat Xiao Li as a real rival in order to win.

With the adjustment of his mentality, Sasuke, after getting rid of his anxiety and embarrassment, quickly thought of a tactic.

bang bang bang...

At this time, Xiao Li, who seemed to be stepping on the air, moved quickly around Sasuke, looking for an opportunity to shoot.

Sasuke, however, gave up moving quickly, and seemed to be standing in the same place as if he was physically exhausted.


Xiao Li didn't miss the opportunity, and immediately launched an offensive, pounced on Sasuke's back.

on the podium.

Seeing Sasuke stop in place, Kakashi exclaimed in shock, "Damn it!"

He taught Sasuke the Thunderbolt Stimulation Method, so he was very aware of Sasuke's limits, and the series of fierce fights just now had indeed almost reached the limit of Sasuke's ability to withstand the Thunderbolt Stimulation Method.

A hint of suspicion flashed across Hyuga's face.

Unlike Kakashi, who cares about chaos, he has Tenseigan keenly aware that Sasuke seems to be planning something, and he is not waiting for death as it seems on the surface.

In just an instant, Xiao Li took the wind-shattering scream, bullied Sasuke's back, and threw a punch.

At this moment, Sasuke dexterously turned around, met Xiao Li's eyes, and resisted Xiao Li's punch with his left arm.


In the muffled sound, Sasuke's left arm was punched firmly and dislocated instantly.


There were many people's exclamations from the sidelines, because this was the first time in the whole match that Sasuke was hit by Xiao Li head on without a block.

With this one blow, Sasuke lost his entire left arm!

Xiao Li, who succeeded in the blow, did not hesitate, and once again threw a punch at Sasuke.

But just when everyone decided that Sasuke would definitely lose, Xiao Li, who was throwing his fist, suddenly froze, and the straight punch he threw abruptly stopped two centimeters from the tip of Sasuke's nose.

At this time, Sasuke slowly closed the spinning three-goose jade writing wheel eye, while breathing heavily, he muttered to himself: "I'm sorry, I must win this game!"


The second one is more offered. On Monday, I ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and a small effort, please everyone! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you!

The second one is more offered. On Monday, I ask for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and a small effort, please everyone! In addition, I would like to thank the students who rewarded yesterday, thank you!

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