Because it was only announcing the exam rules, the assembly disbanded shortly after.

On the way back to the hotel, Hyuga Kyou still thought about the Kusanagi who smiled at him before, and felt depressed for a while: "Why do I always meet him every time I want to do something!"

There is no doubt that the grass forbearance is Orochimaru in disguise.

In the original time and space, Orochimaru also pretended to be a ninja from Kusanagi Village to participate in the Chunin Exam. While observing Sasuke's performance in the exam, he looked for an opportunity to carve a 'curse mark' for Sasuke.

In this time and space, Orochimaru actually made the same choice.

It can be seen from this that he is still stubborn, thinking about Uchiha's Shaker, but he has learned from the past lessons and knows that Uchiha, who is too reluctant to deal with Kaleidoscope Shaker, is easy to miss, so he locked the target on the Awakened kaleidoscope Sharinyan, but with extraordinary talent, Sasuke with the name of 'genius'.

At the same time, this also explains why Junmalu showed killing intent to Sasuke just now!

Obviously, this was deliberately arranged by Orochimaru, because Hyuga Kyou knew very well that Orochimaru used to use the most direct and cruel way to test whether a ninja had value, and let Junmalu test Sasuke, the genius of Uchiha. Condition is a basic operation for Orochimaru.

In this regard, even Hyuga Kyou was actually greatly influenced by Orochimaru.

"It was already chaotic enough, but now there is another Orochimaru, hey, what a headache!"

Hyuga Kyou sighed secretly.

Because of the flaws in "Reincarnation without Corpse", Orochimaru's spiritual body is not only weaker than that of ninjas of the same level, but its combat power has always been in irregular fluctuations.

But today's situation is a little bit special.

At this time, Orochimaru resides in the body of the pharmacist in the form of a spiritual body. It stands to reason that in this form of sojourn, the spiritual body of Orochimaru needs to suppress the spiritual body of the original owner of the body in order to freely control the body.

But the problem is that the pharmacist pocket is willing to give up his body, so the Orochimaru not only does not need to expend strength to press the pharmacist pocket, but can use the body of the pharmacist pocket without any scruples, and even borrow the spiritual body of the pharmacist pocket when it is weak. strength.

In addition, because there are two spiritual bodies in the body, the situation of Orochimaru at this time is somewhat similar to that of the perfect human Zhuli. Even if he accidentally falls into some kind of illusion, the spiritual body in the medicine pocket can also wake up the human Zhuli like a tailed beast. , awakening him from the illusion.

Therefore, at this time, he has mastered various forbidden techniques such as 'reincarnation of filthy soil', 'the art of eight Qi', and can instantly enter the 'immortal mode', which can freely control natural energy. Orochimaru is very difficult to deal with. Under Deidara!


At this moment, two dark tribes of Konoha came to Hyuga Kyou and said to Hyuga Kyou and Xianglin: "I'm sorry, temporary inspection, please take off your masks!"

In an instant, the ninjas from various villages who disbanded from the playground all turned their attention to each other, and many of them were also curious about the faces under the masks of Hyuga Kyou and Xiang Phosphorus.

After all, spying on intelligence is an instinct engraved into every ninja's genes.

Glancing at the two Anbu in front of him, Hyuga Kyou said coldly, "Temporary inspection? Hmph, I've never heard of such a thing!"

As Hokage who participated in the formulation of the rules of this Chunin Exam, he knew very well that the village did not design any temporary inspection links at all.

Because the essence of this chunin exam is to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the five major ninja villages, even if there is doubt, it will be investigated in private. The disguised identity became suspicious, and the temptation was temporarily arranged.

Anbu stepped forward and said, "Please cooperate!"

The ninjas from the villages on the side also stopped to watch the excitement.

In the face of Anbu's persecution, Hyuga Kyou smiled: "Of course there is no problem with the inspection, as long as you can beat me, you can check as you like!"

"The little devil of Wuyin, don't be too arrogant!"

Anbu's face sank, he didn't expect Kiriyin's Genin to dare to provoke himself as a special Joinin.

Looking at this scene, the black soil of Yanyin not far away pouted: "Wuyin's guy is so crazy?"

Deidara on the side also looked over casually. To be honest, even he had a little interest in the masked Hyuga Kyou and Xiang Phosphorus.

another side.

Shayin's Kankuro smiled and said, "Haha, there's a good show to watch!"

Temari glanced at it: "I'm really curious about how strong the new Kirigaku Ninja Swordsman, the seven people who made a big bet on Konoha, who bet on the 'shark muscle' as soon as he came to him!"

Kunmaro and Sasuke, who were glaring at each other, who had just walked out of the playground, also noticed Hyuga Kyou who was facing Anbu in the distance, and their eyes shifted.

A tree in the distance.

Kakashi and several other guides were also watching the confrontation in front of the ninja school.

Seeing that Hyuga Kyou did not accept the inspection proposed by Anbu, Asma smiled and said: "This is just right, Anbu can take the opportunity to test their strength!"

Hong was a little worried: "After all, it's just a few Kiriyin's shinobi. Would it be too much for Anbu to test them?"

Kakashi said: "Don't worry, the other party will definitely not be an ordinary shinobi, and I have already greeted Anbu, they will show mercy and will not hurt the people of Kiriyin."

Mute smiled and said, "How long do you think the three Wuyin's lower tolerance can last?"

Asma said disdainfully: "The guy who even bet the ninja sword in the casino, how strong can he be, I think at most ten breaths, Anbu can subdue the three of them!"

Red also nodded.

The two have special strengths of Joinin, and experienced Anbu battle against the mere three Jainin, ten breaths are already overestimating each other.

The gate of the ninja school.

The two Anbu looked at each other and nodded to each other. Their mission was to test the Mirigakushi trio, so low-intensity battles were not excluded.

Because only fighting is the best and most real temptation!

Slowly reaching out to the long sword on his back, the two Anbu lowered their bodies and prepared for battle.


At this moment, Hyuga Kyou disappeared in a flash.


Seeing Hyuga Kyou disappear in front of her eyes, both Anbu were taken aback.

"Hey, where are you looking?"

A faint voice came from behind and poured into the ears of the two Anbu.

The expressions of the two Anbu changed, and just as they were about to dodge and jump away, there were two muffled sounds of 'bang bang' in succession.

At this time, Shui Yuecai smiled gloatingly: "It's not good to offend anyone, you have to offend him..."


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