Reincarnation in Naruto World (Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan)

Chapter 939 Two monsters! (Ask for a monthly pass)

It was still sunny at noon, but the lush tree canopy almost blocked all the sunlight overhead, only missing a little mottled light and shadow reflected into the forest, making the interior of the forest of death extremely dark, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling. .

While traveling through the forest, Shikamaru thought to himself while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

Before the start of the second exam, he had already discussed with his fellow students. Except for Naruto and Sasuke's team, the other teams agreed to join forces.

Therefore, his top priority right now is not to look for prey everywhere, but to meet up with his contemporaries as soon as possible.

Once the twelve contemporaneous students meet, the second exam will be stable.

Because among the twelve people, there are not only Neji and Xiao Li who are masters of physical art, but also Shion who is proficient in sealing, Yakumo who is good at illusion, Ya and Shino who are very capable of reconnaissance and tracking, plus one who has the ability to fly. Sai.

With such a lineup, even if they had the misfortune to encounter Deidara of Yanyin, they might not be without the strength to fight.

In fact, according to Shikamaru's original plan, if the 15 people who graduated at the same time act together, it is not impossible to sweep the second exam.

You must know that Sasuke, Naruto, and Neji are not only very strong, but also have a huge psychic beast that is unbelievably strong. If the three of them join hands, it will not be a problem to pass the second test. .


Thinking of this, Shikamaru couldn't help sighing.

Ino, who was beside him, said worriedly: "I don't know why, but I always feel that the gang of Oninin Village look weird when they look at Sasuke. Shikamaru, let's go and help Sasuke, shall we?"

Because he has been paying attention to Sasuke secretly, Ino keenly discovered that the ninjas of the sound ninja village seem to have an inexplicable hostility towards Sasuke.

Dingci also echoed: "Yes, if only the three of them act alone, it is really worrying!"

Shikamaru nodded, and then emphasized again: "But we have to join the other teams first, and then go to them, otherwise our own safety will not be guaranteed!"


Ino and Dingji nodded together.


At this moment, there was a deafening roar in the distance, and then, the ground beneath his feet trembled.


The three of Shikamaru all looked at the direction of the roaring sound with surprise...


On the battlefield where the roar erupted, two figures surrounded by lightning were fighting fiercely.

The speed of these two figures is as fast as lightning, and even their own screams when breaking the wind are faintly not as fast as theirs.

In the fierce battle, the sturdy tree, which could only be hugged by several people, was destroyed in rows and rows like dead branches and leaves in the aftermath of their battle.

The lightning ninjutsu they used was like sharp claws with claws and claws, and like strips of reckless electric whips, raging wildly in the forest, whether it hit trees, boulders, or mud ponds, there would be a burst of '' Crackling' popping sound.

The fire and smoke generated by the electric shock continued to spread, and the entire battlefield was gradually filled with an unpleasant scorching smell.

"Two...two monsters!"

Looking at the chaotic battlefield not far away, Shuiyue's face was full of fear.

There is no doubt that it is not the other people who are fighting fiercely, it is Hyuga Kyou who controls Lei Dun's clone, and the fifth generation of Raikage 'Lan Dun' blood follower ninja Darui of the future Yunyin!

Shuiyue thought that with the strength of the unicorn, it should be no problem to deal with Yunyin's few jaundice candidates.

So he happily followed Qilin to find Yun Yin's Darui team, but when he started, he discovered that Yun Yin, the black man who always looked lazy, was so strong!

"Mistyuki's shinobi is so strong!?"

Like Shuiyue, Xi and Samui, who were on the same team as Darui, were also surprised at the moment.

Through the previous turmoil at the gate of the ninja school, the candidates who participated in the competition knew that Kirin's unicorn was not weak. He was one of the seven members of the new generation of Kirin's ninja swords, and his personality was very arrogant. He not only dared to openly provoke the host as the host. Konoha, and even before the exam started, he bet the saber 'Shark Muscle' at the casino.

But despite this, they did not expect this unicorn to be so powerful.

To know the current Yun Yin, the swordsmanship is amazing, and he has initially mastered the whole-body thunderbolt stimulation method, and Darui, who has the blood of the 'Lan Dun', is Yun Yin's number one master other than the four generations of Raikage.

Raikage sent Darui to take the Chunin exam this time, just to let Darui sweep the other ninja villages and boost the morale of Yun Yin, who has been frustrated one after another.

Therefore, in the eyes of Xi and Samui, there is only one person who can truly be called an enemy in this exam, and that is Deidara of Iwain. As for the others, they have not paid attention to it at all.

Samui asked nervously, "Hey, who has the upper hand now?"

As a perceptive ninja, Nozomi shook his head solemnly: "It's hard to say now, the chakras on both sides have not been significantly weakened, and the battle is still in a stalemate!"


Samui pulled out the short knife around his waist, turned his attention to Xianglin and Shuiyue, who were also watching the battle, and said, "It seems that this Wuyin team is more troublesome than we thought, let's solve the other party's remaining problems first. The two trash fish that came down, and then go to help Darui to deal with the unicorn together!"

Xi nodded immediately.

Looking at the blond, tall Samui looking at herself, Shuiyue didn't care about admiring the beauty, and said nervously to Xianglin: "No, they're going to do it!"

Xiang Phosphor was also a little nervous.


At this time, Samui launched the 'snapshot technique' and directly slashed at Xianglin with a short knife, while Xi quickly formed a seal and launched a thunderbolt ninjutsu to attack Shuiyue.

Aware of Samui's intentions, almost at the same time Samui launched the 'Blink Technique', Xianglin jumped and hid on the branch of another big tree.

"Lei Dun again?!"

But Shuiyue's face was bitter, and she didn't dare to resist, she directly dodged the opponent's Thunder Ninjutsu, and fled into the dark forest.

Xi did not hesitate, and immediately chased after him.

As Shuiyue and Xiyi escaped and chased away, only Samui and Xianglin were left in the field.

Putting the short sword in his hand horizontally, Samui, who looked at Xianglin, said: "If I guessed correctly, you should be the perceptive ninja in your team, right? To be selected to participate in this Chunin exam, I want to come to you. You should also have some skills, but unfortunately, finding us is the biggest mistake you made!"

Feeling the strong fighting spirit on Samui, Xianglin became more and more nervous.

"Let me come!"

At this moment, a voice entered Xianglin's mind...


The first one is here, I'm a little late, I'm very sorry!

The first one is here, I'm a little late, I'm very sorry!

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