Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Chapter 575: All As Expected

Hey, I'm sorry.

"What, you!

I proceeded to sew between the soldiers with my knife cut. I thought I'd catch him, but the soldiers only shouted at me, and no one came to catch him.

Like Moses, the hedge breaks as I go along. And when I saw the gate of the Mansion, a man stood in front of me with his arms tied.

"... who are you?

I'm a passing man.

"The signs emanating from that body are unusual. What's your name?

"Um... that's it. That's it. That's not going down... um, my name is... Gombee..."


"Yes, my name is Nanacino Gombee."

"Nanacino Gombee... that's a strange name."

"Yes, because he's a jerk who's always mad at Cami."

The man keeps staring at me as if I were worthy, with a smelly look on his face. You don't trust me at all. She is pulling her left foot one step back. This means that if I make any strange moves, I am about to draw my sword and slash it.

I can see that. This man is a swordsman who enters a fairly high class in the army of the Grand Duchy of Foral. I don't know much about it because I haven't activated my appraisal skills, but fighting Matocal will make her suffer a lot if she doesn't win.

From the man's body, there's a twitch and a killing spirit. It seems better not to stay long. I woosh my index finger into the sky.

"Yes, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry to bother you."

I turn my back and walk toward Mae and the others.

Wait a minute.

Looking back, the earlier man is lowering his hips and putting his hands on the handle of the sword.

"What have you done?"


"You lied. What are you doing here?"

"No, let's get married...."


"I heard that this big building has boundaries. I'm here to see what it looks like. Apparently, however, there is no boundaries. No, I wanted to see what it looked like, but I'm sorry."

The man looked back with a surprise expression on his face. At that moment, I was walking towards Mae and the others on a little run.

Eventually the soldiers began raiding the Mansion. I encouraged Mae and the others to leave.

◆ ◆ ◆

"... it's completely gone"

Soon after leaving the Duke of Fantasic's Mansion, we were transferred to Agarta University on May's proposal. Needless to say, to see the friendly flowers I extinguished within the boundaries.

When May broke the bond, he took the elongated paper out of his pocket and slowly shaken it. Everyone was watching her move breathlessly. After a while, May stared at the elongated paper, but eventually, as she looked around at us, she said that the flowers of friendship were completely gone.

"This paper reacts to the Kunian enclosed in friendly flowers. If there are any friendly flowers left, the paper turns purple. But I won't react in this room."

That's what she takes out of her pocket an elongated piece of paper dyed in purple. They say this was taken at the Chamberlain's Mansion.

"But Mae, when time passes, flowers grow...."



May nods with confidence. Next to that, Sidi nodded loudly. These two are out of line. I'm sure there's no mistake.

"But the extermination here was a success, so why couldn't we exterminate it in Faal?

"That... must be investigated to the best of our ability."

"This is the bad feeling I felt..."

May is opening her mouth with her eyes shining brightly. The secret of this flower seems to inspire her intellectual curiosity. On the other hand, Sidi nodded many times as if she were convinced of her sharpness in completion.

"Nevertheless, it won't work like this. We have to do something about that flower that's blooming in Faal."

"That's right... If possible, it would be best to study it locally...."

Take May's word for it, and I'll glance straight at Gong.

"This should be in the Grand Duke's ear, but I haven't seen it directly, so I don't know what kind of emotions you have -"

"Well, I'm sure it's not a good feeling."

"Agarta is said to be untrustworthy and is likely to be banned from entering and leaving us -"

"Well, that's, ah, really..."

It was Cellulite who opened his mouth. She puts her hands together in front of her chest and continues her words as if she were praying to God.

"Oops, uncle... The Grand Duke... ah, trust Agarta... and come."

Her eyes did not seem to be lying. Those straight eyes were enough to keep me quiet.

◆ ◆ ◆

"... you just have to apologize."

It was Rico who was murmuring without telling anyone. She put her son's idea to bed, kissed his cheek as usual, and then came into my bed.

After that, I couldn't come to a conclusion right away, so I asked him to give me a moment to think, and I went back to the Mansion. Then I thought about what to do with the friendly flowers of the Grand Duchy of Faure. Should I send my best book and set the stage for it, or should I tie up a seemingly different boundary with Gong and May and begin to exterminate it immediately...? I was wondering what kind of hand I could use to get rid of it most effectively.

But Rico insisted first that he should apologize. I was thinking about it, but given the impact of my lowering my head, I didn't have the courage to do it. But Rico was completely clear of me.

"When you lower your head, I don't think it will make a big difference."

"... is that so?

"Rather, I think the Grand Duke will be honored and your reputation will rise, Linos."

I don't know.

"Think about it. Is Agarta's domestic experiment indeed a success? However, despite this, it cannot be exterminated in the Grand Duchy of Faure.... Then we should run an extermination experiment in the Grand Duchy of Faure. We should think of it as separate from Agarta's and Faal's without taking it back. Even if we find out, we are taking a step forward towards a solution. I don't think the Grand Duke of Faal would be angry about that, as Cellulite says. Rather, I think Linos will trust you even more by lowering his head."

"... okay, Rico. Tomorrow, I'm going to Fall."

"You should take Mei and Sidi with you. And Cellulite, too."

"Gong good?

"Of course I'm taking Gong with me."

Rico smiles gently. What a healing expression. It was a really good moment to marry this woman.

I hugged Rico gently.

The next day, I hurried to the Grand Duke of Taste. Suddenly, King Agarta came, and the Grand Duke's palace went up and down, but managed to meet the Grand Duke.

I apologized for not being able to exterminate Faal's friendly flowers, sent May and asked the Grand Duke to help me exterminate them in this country.... he grabbed my hand with tears, said hello, and wiped away the tears.

Everything went as Rico had expected. And we set out to exterminate friendly flowers in the Grand Duchy of Faal...

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