Appeared, looked closely, and it really was the Hoover Dam.

This made Optimus Prime immediately.

A little more trust in Chen Bei: "I'm sorry my friend, I shouldn't doubt you, let me introduce my friends to you, and then we will immediately.

Go to the Hoover Dam!

Afterwards, the car people who followed Optimus Prime transformed themselves and introduced themselves to Chen Bei.

After everyone got acquainted with each other, immediately.

Transform into a car and rush to the Hoover Dam.

However, not long after the car people hit the road, Chen Bei released the power of thought, and suddenly found that several cars suddenly turned from another road and followed behind the car people.

Psychic power swept up the sky again, and several helicopters appeared in the sky, chasing after him.

Chen Bei frowned, these people were not Decepticons, but people from the seventh district.

In the original plot, they were... they chased after the Autobots as they headed to Hoover Dam to catch the Hornet.

I didn't expect to catch up again this time.

But soon, Chen Bei's brows stretched out.

It just so happened that I didn't want to break into the Hoover Dam with great fanfare, lest other reincarnation explorers discover the secrets inside the Hoover Dam.

Just use these people to lead the way.

With this thought, Chen Bei said directly: "Bumblebee, we are being followed, let Optimus Prime turn and take us to an open field where we can deploy.

Bumblebee heard this and immediately.

Send a message to Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime at the forefront, without a word, immediately.

Turning on a sparsely populated road, the last line of Autobots came directly to a wasteland and stopped.

The people from District [-] who followed, also knew that they had been discovered, and no longer hid their tracks, they directly chased after them and surrounded the Autobots.

The helicopters in the sky also flew over, hovering around, all kinds of firepower are ready, ready to launch at any time.

Finally, a thin middle-aged man in a neat suit stepped out of the car in the seventh district.

He is the seventh district agent Simon, specializing in the pursuit of alien robots.

Chen Bei also opened the Hornet door and walked out.

Seeing Chen Bei, Simon was obviously a little surprised: "There is still a human being mixed with an alien robot.

Chen Bei smiled lightly and said: "Simon, from the seventh district, introduce yourself, my name is Li Mystery, and now I need you to take me and my alien robot friends into the interior of the Hoover Dam and find the ...a huge Rubik's Cube!

Simon was shocked.

The Hoover Dam and the huge Rubik's Cube in the dam are top secrets in the United States. Except... the people in the seventh district, even officials at the level of the Secretary of Defense do not know.

How did the person in front of them know except among them... The traitor looked at Simon left and right: looking around his subordinates, his eyes were full of scrutiny, Chen Bei smiled again: "Now you have two choices, first, Take me into the dam, and number two, I'll make District [-] public, and I'll tell everyone, there's a traitor among you here.


:The second chapter today::::, 2 words, there are still three chapters to come, all of them are big chapters, and the total number of words today is still [-]+! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter [-]? The source of fire is in hand!Create the Decepticons! ! !

Simon's eyelids twitched wildly.

He could hear it.

Chen Bei is preparing to frame them.

The worst thing is that he has no countermeasures now.

Since Chen Bei knew the secrets of the seventh district for a long time, he could put the secrets elsewhere. Once Chen Bei encountered problems, the secrets would be immediately.


Once the secrets of alien robots in the seventh district are made public, world riots, political turmoil, and countless losses will all be a sure thing.

And if Chen Bei also said that there are traitors in their group now.

Then their group of agents will inevitably be arrested by the U.S. government.

In such a major leak, there is no need to identify who is a traitor at all, and it is a routine operation to directly put everyone in prison to death.

Even angering some big people, it is not impossible to execute them directly and secretly.

If the luck is a little bit worse, even family and friends will always be under surveillance, and if there is a slight change, they will return to the West.

The more he thought about it, the more shocked Simon became.

Then, when he looked up at Chen Bei again, his eyes were already full of fear.

Not only him, but all the agents present were extremely ugly, and they could also imagine the consequences of angering Chen Bei.

Seeing the changes in the eyes of Simon and the agent behind him, Chen Bei then smiled and said: "Of course, you don't have to be too nervous, I'm not here to cause damage, but the one you detained in the seventh district... The robot has called his companions to come to the rescue, think about how his companions will treat you

"You mean

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