Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter One Hundred Ninety: Clairvoyance

"By real, you mean there are arguments other than deciphering ancient letters?

Gaius nodded loudly, answering.

"Oh, I was trying to see through it."

Then Karla narrowed her eyes sooo.

"... well. Can you use that magic now?

"Well...... my old memories are back a lot. In it..."

"Hmm, right. So you're the legendary archdeacon."

"No, no, no, no, that's not why... give me a break already..."

Then Carla laughed all the time.

"... So, what's next?

Gaius corrected his residence and resumed his explanation.

"Oh, so I peeked and saw... a hell of a lot of shitty guys were doing guard magic"

"... well. He's a bad guy... So you know who he is?

"... Oh, that's what's gonna happen..."

When Gaius put it that way, he became a vicious face as soon as possible.

Then Carla saw it and frowned further between her eyebrows.

"... and who is that about?

To Carla's question, Gaius answered once he chewed his teeth down vigorously.

"... Lucifer..."

Then Carla turned out stunned once again.

"... that it's Lucifer? Is that true?......"

"Oh, it's true. Definitely."

"Gaius, you said earlier that you knew the man who put guard magic on the coffin?

"Oh, you said it"

"Ask. Answer"

Carla cut the words there once and exhaled loudly before continuing again.

"You mean you know Lucifer?

Then Gaius shook his head wide and vertically.

"Oh, I know Lucifer"

That's just Carla's breathtaking response to Gaius.

"... does that mean in the memory of a previous life...?

"Yes, I remember a long time ago..."

"Right. So you also know the face of Illis, the same heavenly god?

Gaius then shook his neck wide and sideways this time.

"No, I don't know the face of Illis, and I don't know the faces of the other gods. All I know is Lucifer."

"... well, so even if we get clairvoyance, we don't know if that's Iris or not?

"Yes, I can't confirm whether it's him or not. But the truth is, Clairvoyance is half successful. I saw some pain in my eyes by guard magic, but I could see inside as I blurted out."

"Well... so, what did you see?

"... woman. I could definitely see a woman lying inside."

Gaius said so and narrowed his eyes softly.

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