Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Hundred and Twelve: Remembering

"You were reincarnated as an adult, but you're twenty years old spirit in your baby's body..."

Carla rebelled what Gaius said.

Then Gaius nodded greatly.

"Yes, yes. Like that. So, I guess it feels like it's going to grow quite a bit after that..."

"Does that mean you're over twenty? It's not just the body, it's the spirit, right?

"Exactly. The flesh grows. Definitely. My body grows older and older. But my heart... my spirit hasn't changed much and I'm loosely changing from being around twenty to being an adult... that's what I feel like."

"Then isn't the spirit dragged by the flesh?

"Uh-huh... because I'm unsure of my memory - I can't tell you how clear I am... I'm actually perfectly old right before I reincarnate"

"... I mean, when the flesh is young, it's supposed to have an adult spirit pulled into the spirit of about twenty years old. And when you're about twenty, you're not getting very old this time, but you're pretty old by the time you're reincarnated...... you mean?

"Yes, like that. I'm supposed to be about fifty years old in my baby's body, dragged by the youthfulness of my body, and I'm about twenty years younger, and then, with my flesh, I grow to some extent, and at the end of the day I'm pretty old... it's like that."

"Hmm... that's odd. But... right, now your flesh is about twenty years old. That means there's gonna be a change after this, right?

"I don't know. Maybe it is. After this, it may age appropriately... so suddenly aging accelerates somewhere... maybe that's what it will look like..."

"Hmmm... you can't tell where it is around here by comparing it to your memory, can you?

But Gaius shook his head wide aside.

"Yes, thank you. It's all over the place."

Then Carla turned into a vicious face.

"... do you think that's intentional?

Then Gaius nodded heavily without getting his hair in between.

"Definitely. Lucifer did it."

"Well... maybe that thing around there is poking some kind of core?

"Oh, I think so, too. You go out of your way, you must have some kind of secret. Something I don't want Lucifer to understand..."

"Hmm... that's an interesting talk inside. So, you gave me that talk because my flesh was rejuvenated?

"Yes. Carla said she was deliberately changing her language because her flesh was young, didn't she?

"Oh, it's too disproportionate to talk like before in this figure. Until I switched to the right language for the year."

"I have no objection to that. Because if you talked like before with that look, everyone you heard would be surprised. That's why it's okay that I changed the way I talk. But..."

When Gaius said so, he looked soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"But... I guess, Carla, I feel like I'm young, too"

That's what Gaius said and waited for Carla to respond.

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