Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Hundred Forty-Six Simulations


"Hmm, then you might really feel like fighting for a super long time..."

Gaius said with a slightly ungrateful look on his face.

Carla quickly scolded Gaius like that.

"Don't look disgusting right after that. By and large, you're the one who started talking about bringing them back to life."

"No, it is - I was just thinking a little more easily..."

"You really are a man who thinks things lightly... but okay, let's take a break here too. You're right, this is going to be a super long fight..."

"Copy that. I'm just a little tired, and I appreciate this break, too."

"Hmm. But you don't look very tired, do you?

"Naturally, my total amount of magic is endless."

"Well, that's all dependable"

Carla told me to mock him a little.

Then Gaius showed outrage.

"Wait a minute! What's that all about? There's something else I'm good at."

But Carla objected with a thin laugh at this.

"Well, besides this total amount of magic that can beat me, did you have it?

Although Gaius had his inner bowels boiling back, he couldn't see where he was beating Carla at the moment, so he chewed his back teeth hard enough to bear it.

"Doesn't that sound a lot remorseful, yeah?

I told Carla to provoke even more.

But Gaius turned his face aside and ignored it.

Carla left the room early, laughing lightly with her nose.

Gaius, left behind, was unwilling to take a break in the same room as Carla, so he opened another door and left.


"... other than the total amount of magic... regrettably it does... is there any other part that can beat Carla..."

As Gaius sat on the lavish sofa she had provided for her room, she began to ask herself.

"I've remembered all kinds of magic - I wonder what would happen if I really fought one-on-one right now"

In his head, Gaius began to simulate Carla and what would happen if he really fought.

"... yeah, you can't. This magic doesn't make sense to Carla... so next time..."

Using one magic after another he remembered, Gaius challenged Carla in his head.

"... Neither can this. There's no way we can get through this... with compound moves... yeah, I knew it wouldn't work..."

Gaius rebuffed the battle over and over in his head, but he finally couldn't name a single victory.

"... I can't help it. Do you have to be strong in the end with special training... Ha ~ Shindo"

Gaius drooled his neck forward, wondering if he had a rather ungrateful look on his face.

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