Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 114: The Circular Lake

Gaius had been flying over the streets at explosive speeds for nearly an hour after flying away from the inn.

Then in the distance it looked faint under the moonlight that the streets were second-hand split like snake tongues.

(... hmm?... Is that a split?

Gaius slowed sharply when he made sure the road was clearly divided into two strands.

And when I got in shape and landed fully on the ground, I saw the signs placed at the branch.

(Turn left here and go 1 KM (Kirkle)... finally a berth...)

Gaius started flying for Bath again, even as he felt darkened.

The road to Bath was surrounded by depressed woods on both sides, and Gaius' vision was rather narrow (if) because the street itself was crooked.

But after a while, my vision suddenly opened wide.

Gaius began the ascent by drawing a sharp curve in the void to see the whole thing.

Then the brake was applied where it rose about 100M (Merkle) and stopped perfectly in the hollow.

(... is it still a lake?... the moonlight looks like it's reflecting... but it's just too dark to look good...)

Gaius narrowed his eyes and gazed beneath his feet, but even though it was almost close to the full moon, the whole of Bath could not be looked at, as it was only beneath the moonlight.

For this reason Gaius performed his magic and illuminated his under-eye brightly.

Then at Gaius' feet there was no trace or other fine dust that was once a village, only the surface of the water glittering reflected by the moonlight and magical light.

(... Damn!... It's really going to be a lake...)

Gaius clearly recognized at this time that the story of the general was true.

And I thought of Abel, and I had sinking thoughts.

But although he confirmed that Bath had turned into a lake, he was still unsure as to why that had happened, so Gaius tried to sever his grief by shaking his neck wide and sideways to regain his cold perspective.

And he exhaled furiously and forcefully, once again looking down at his feet with a cold gaze.

(... an almost circular lake... is that still due to magic... or...)

Once Gaius stopped thinking there, he slowly began to descend.

And as he descended on the cut outer edge of the lake, he began to scrutinize it carefully with one knee attached.

(cut into sharp corners... soil, stones, and even hard rock masses... I don't know what force this is due to, but it just seems certain it isn't due to normal civil work)

Gaius stood up again when he finished the investigation and looked around slowly.

(... unfortunately, let's go back... nothing more here)

When Gaius decided his mind, he jumped right up into the air.

And now he looked down on his feet once and burned the view to his eyes, which was Abel's hometown.

(……… Abel…………)

Gaius almost cried considering the mood of his little companion, but swallowed tears all the time, leaving behind a comet-like tail (Tail) to leave Bath behind.

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