Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 117 Prayer


Abel stepped downstairs with a neat look and a dazzling smile on everyone, though with a slight twist.

"Did you sleep well?

First Gaius spoke ahead of time.

Abel swallowed the word into herself to bite it and include it, put it down for a beat and thought it through before responding.

"Yeah. I didn't get much sleep. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. But I couldn't sleep at all. So... it's okay."

They all heard Abel's words as if they were going to stain their own guts without getting a word.

Then Gaius spoke again as the representative of this place.

"Yes. Just come here and sit down."

Abel nodded forcefully at Gaius' words, slowly moving forward and taking the time to reach next to Gaius, he sat around with a soldered smile.

Then the master of the inn gave Abel a basin with the dish in front of him.

Abel spilled a grin of amazement when she saw a truly luxurious basin in an oven roast of gelka beef with plenty of fat, a hot iron plate served with a sautéed creamy renge grass, a white bread that seemed as soft as a baby's cheek, and a dessert with plenty of sugar added to Abel's favorite Matthew tea, cooled and solidified in jelly form, topped with cream foamed with Camille goat's milk.

Your husband smiled a little creepy at that smile and said to Abel in the same unmistakable tone he had yesterday.

Don't hesitate to eat.

Then Abel nodded honestly and replied with a cheerful smile.

"I'll have it!

Abel says no, I just got to work on cleaning up the luxury food in front of me.

Gaius and his men often watched him with compassion.

Then her muscular husband lightly carried her meal on both hands one meal at a time.

"You eat, too."

Again, your husband said that in a bluff.

Gaius nodded lightly, looking at Rodemul and his face.

"I'll have it."

When they spoke as if they were united, they immediately started cooking.


"You're going to be careful. Be well."

The general gave a farewell greeting as she stroked Abel's linen hair with regret.

Besides, Abel replied with pleasure to her temper.

"Yeah! Thanks"

Even though it was only a short date for one day, the damsel, whose feelings had already shifted to Abel, had tears in her eyes.

When she saw it, her husband held the general with a well-developed Marutai-like arm.

"Now if you'll excuse me. Thanks so much for your help."

As Gaius politely thanked him.

"No, I'm sorry I couldn't make a big deal out of you."

Gaius waved a big, long time at the lady general's words.

"Terrible. Really well done. Thank you."

That being said, I looked back and signaled Rodemur once again to thank him deeply.

Then Rodemul held up with both sides of Gaius and put him on a horse that Abel had already crossed.

Then when Rodemur also thanked the couple in the inn, he cringed across to another horse.

"Well, thank you very much, my lord, my lady."

When Gaius said his final farewell, Abel said his final greeting as well.

"Thank you for your help.... See you later."

"You're really going to be careful. Then come back."

"Yeah! Bye!

Abel says no, Gaius kicked his horse belly hard.

Then a horse with Gaius and the others on board kicked the earth forcefully and began to run towards Thebe.

Rodemul then kicked his horse belly up hard as well, and the horse rushed forward with momentum, chasing after Gaius and the others.

Abel looked back than on the horse and kept waving at the couple for hours, and the couple kept switching hands again.

And finally, when the two horses were blind, a drop of tears (one shrug) fell from the general's eyes.

"I hope you're okay... that girl..."

"He was a strong kid. So I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I hope so..."

Then the general offered God a Dallas prayer with her right palm in front of her chest and her left palm over her forehead.

"Please, God... protect those children"

At that time, the sound of church bells announcing morning prayer hours rang across the town stained with morning sun.

But so much so that the general did not even realize that the bell rang, that she would continue to pray for Abel and the others with all her heart and with all her heart.

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