Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 197: Multiple Personalities

"Not at all... not at all..."

Gaius went on to bump and complain even more.

But Karla, who opposed him, also remembered what had happened earlier, and was seriously beginning to wonder if maybe it was as likely as she had said.

"... you, aren't you really a multiple personality?

Then Gaius rebelled.

"No! That's not true. Absolutely not!

"But there's no way to prove it?

Then this time he tuned in to Karla until Delkia.

"Surely Carla's more likely to say it, isn't she? Does that mean Augloss is actually one of the multiple personalities you created earlier?

Carla nodded, answering Delkia.

"Exactly. On second thought, I think a mere multiple personality is more likely than Gaius's argument that the personality of a previous life was asleep. I still find it hard to believe that Augloss's personality was asleep."

Then Gaius had a sudden seizure.

"Wait a minute! I have multiple personalities!? That's not true! That's impossible!

Then this time Karin calmly said away.

"It's impossible, isn't it? I don't care what Carla says about the possibility of multiple personalities."

"No, there isn't! Absolutely not! I'm not multi-personality! My personality was really asleep in me. I was looking at it in disgust!

Karla truncated Gaius' words with a bassari.

"That's why I'm saying it's the same as a multi-personality situation."

Then Gaius muttered with an anxious look.

"... no, that's... that's definitely from a previous life... but... no..."

Then I hit him earlier and told Gaius to change and Carla comforted him.

"Well, it hasn't been confirmed yet. But that's a lot of potential. You may be right in saying that the personality of previous life has emerged. But there's plenty of potential for what I said."

Gaius started whining with a bump in his vain eyes about whether he could no longer believe himself.

"... no... I... but... no, but... no, that's not..."

Carla looked at Gaius like that and shrugged her shoulders against the Delkias beside her.

Then the Delkias shrugged their shoulders, as did Karla.

And when Carla laughed bitterly, she murmured in such a small voice that it didn't sound like Gaius in the sky above.

"Has your moxibustion passed? But he'll be in good shape soon..."

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