Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand two hundred and two, resume.


"... so what was my natural power like?

Gaius finally got up from the pain caused by Delkia's kick and asked Carla.

"Right. The release of enormous amounts of energy… etc."

"... you don't know very well. It."

"Hmmm... but I can't express all this in any other way"

"Right. But, you know, it seemed pretty powerful, right?

"Right. Pretty much."

To Carla's answer, Gaius became sinister.

Then Carla asked unexpectedly.

"Well, what kind of change of heart do you expect to see a sinister face instead of getting on with it?

Then Gaius answered, still on the tannic side.

"No, even though it's pretty powerful, it doesn't mean you have to be free to use it. Besides, I don't even remember that, do I?

Then Carla leaked a smile.

"Right. I'm sure you're right. It doesn't make any more sense at this stage than you can handle freely."

Then Gaius' cheeks cramped with pimples.

"... then I knew... is that it? ……

Carla grinned niggardly at Gaius's frightened inquiry.

"Right. That's it."

To Carla's mean full answer, Gaius' cheek was drawn to the full limit.

"I knew it... Really... I knew you were restarting special training..."

Carla's mouth angle was also up to the limit as Gaius peered into her uppercut.

"Correct. Let's get started. Be prepared."

Gaius nodded with a broken knee with Gakun for a sudden resumption of special training, even though he had expected it.


"From here. All right, stay conscious?

Karla and the others had each performed their own most powerful magic and were attacking Gaius to the point of being overwhelming.

"Damn!... it's too powerful..."

Gaius desperately took that attack, but was pushed back by the awesomeness of its power with every defensive wall to cheat.

Then the defensive walls of Gaius were destroyed one after the other, along with the sound of the glass breaking.

"Not good!"

Gaius screamed, rolling out new defensive walls one after the other where they were destroyed, filling the hole.

But the amount that was destroyed did not diminish, but on the contrary increased, making Gaius a feather that he would continue to make.

"No! Hey, he said he won't make it... hey..."

Gaius gradually became lightly panicked.

And finally, the strongest magic of the Carlas has entered through the hole of defense.


Gaius screams, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

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