Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 120: Alexandra Central Hospital

On his way to the hospital, Gaius walked away from Rodemul and asked Hiccup to ear to Carla.

"By the way, hospitals are magically cured by healing magicians, right? Then we'll all be cured in an instant, won't we?

Answered Gaius's question as Carla made a fool of herself.

"Don't you know that? Trauma can be a healing magician with arms, but if it's an internal illness, it's going to have to be healed slowly."

"Oh really? Then I'm talking about Lombardo being able to use healing magic..."

"Hmm. That's the only healing magic he's got there. This is where I trained, which means I'm not talented."

"You don't use drugs or anything?

"I'll use it. It just doesn't do much good. Well, it's kind of secondary."

"I see. After all, medicine is weak in this world."

"The world over there is definitely developing something like science... right?

"Yeah. Science is developing instead of magic being completely unusable over there. This one probably didn't develop science because magic could be used."

While Gaius was hissing with Carla, the line arrived at its destination.

"Apparently, you're not mistaken here. And if you look close, it's a big building."

Gaius looked up at the white tower standing in front of him and leaked his admiration.

Then Carla took a step forward and said as she rubbed the marble slab that said "Royal Alexandra Hospital of Dallas".

"Now what do we do? Honestly, you're not gonna tell me where I said I was looking for survival in Bath Village, and hey."

Then Gaius gave me a look that seemed unexpected.

"Am I? 'Cause if that rumor is true, you're telling the traveler who stumbled through it to take him to this hospital, right? So you're not hiding anything?

"I think so. But at that time, he may have just come out with his mouth shut. And then the case became an important confidential, and survival became an important reference...... oh my god could it have been?

"I mean, at first, you really meant to go and investigate, and you said you discovered some kind of confidentiality?

"It could be... I can think of as many other possibilities as I want. I can't do anything wrong."

"In other words?"

"You may be alerted as soon as you name Bath Village."

"... then what? You think you can do what you want to find without even giving the name of Bath Village?

"I can't."

Carla said without putting in her hair.

I thought Gaius made fun of that and shouted out loud unexpectedly.


Then Carla raised her mouth and laughed invincibly.

"What, you just have to make an ally... an ally"

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