Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-three: Somewhere


Suddenly, against the Delkias who dared to assault, 'the third man' similarly attacked the two.

As a result, the three collided violently, almost near the center of what was once the great hall of the Astarot mansion.

As a result, an awesome blast broke out on one side.

The blast rolled up debris and blew it up to greatly magnify the damage to the already destroyed Astalotto mansion.

But the battle between the three did not end naturally with the collision, and one blast after another increased the scale of the damage.

Then there was the figure of a man who asked with a gaze from a place (...) where he could see the appearance.

It is Carla.

Carla, who was fleeing into different spaces, magically opened a window and watched the battle of the three.

"... well, for now, static... and so on... but what do we do after this... because that 'third' guy is a lot of trouble... I was going to ignore him and do it and wait even in this different space until Augloss, who would come out next, but at one point Augloss doesn't come out and there's not even any sign of coming out... well, what's going on..."

When Carla was so alone, she looked down quietly with a troubled look at the sight of the battle spreading beneath her eyes.


"Come on! Don't do it!

Delkia shrugged as she crossed and guarded her arms through the unleashed left hook of "The Third Man," but was gently blown away from the weight difference.

Soon afterwards, Karin flew beside him, and he just called out to Delkia.

"What are you so alarmed about!? He had Gaius' body once, didn't he? That means his total magic is infinite as well. Do you understand that? If you don't think about it and fight it, they're gonna do it, right?

Delkia then quickly objected.

"They don't say one thing about that, but I know it!

But, naturally, Karin disputed it even further.

"Liar to me. I never knew."

Delkia looked heart-wrenched at Karin's story.

"I'm telling you I know!?

"You know..."

At that time Karin tried again to disprove the frustrating Delkia statement, silently the 'third man' slammed into the two at an awesome rate.

They rushed away and managed to avoid the crisis of the clash.

Then "The Third Man" passed between them at a tremendous rate.

"The third man" looked back and said as soon as he passed through, he hung his brakes sharply and stopped in the hollow.

"Hmm, during your silly bickering, I put together something I thought I'd end both of you... I did a shame"

When the Third Person said so, he laughed niggardly and horribly.

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