Reincarnation Monarch

Episode one thousand two hundred and forty-four, Aura.

"I know you said you knew!!

Delkia still resisted violently.

But Karin also responded to the defeat.

"No! Absolutely! I never knew!!

"I knew!!

"I didn't understand!!

"I say I knew!!

"You said you didn't understand!!

"Come on!!

Here Karla finally entered into a barren dispute between the two with a loud voice.

"Damn, I want it to be a good addition. You don't know when and when Augloss will fall asleep again, do you? Be aware it's a precious time! Ready!?

Then those Delkias pulled back very hard.

"Okay...... sorry"

"Well...... it certainly would have been beneficial to have time to talk to Augloss. I'm sorry, Carla. Proceed with the conversation?

Then Carla nodded as she took a big, deep breath.

"Okay. Okay, Auglos, let me keep talking."

When Carla told him so, Augrus smiled and opened his mouth.

"Oh. Right. But you've noticed Gaius' aura's peculiarity a lot, haven't you?

Carla replied with a niggling grin to Augrus's question.

"Sort of. Sure looks pretty much the same. But his aura seemed to be releasing from his body to boil. It's hard to see because it's such a huge, thick aura, but it was clearly something different from our haunting aura."

"Right. Exactly. Gaius'... well, me too in my lifetime... I think Aura is pretty special. At least I've never seen a similar aura outside of us."

Then Carla nodded as well.

"Neither do I. How about Delkia and the others?

Asked by Carla, Delchia opened her mouth.

"I don't think so. I've never seen an aura like that before."

Karin then tuned in as well.

"Neither do I. I mean, isn't that different from making it in the first place? Can't you just say it's something else?

Then Augloss smiled zero.

"I agree with that opinion too. Probably, but if I were to call your stuff Aura, ours would be completely separate. Conversely, if you call ours Aura, yours are... right. It's like a magical metamorphosis."

Then Carla answered, exhaling deeply.

"Sure. Perhaps the latter would be right. I don't think ours can be called aura as far as that goes. I mean, it's just an extension of magic. But Gaius'... yes, I think it's the right thing to call Aura."

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