Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Five: During the Battle

Gaius' body shook all the time at Karin's expression and words.

"... uh... what the hell does that mean? ……

When Gaius asked him to manage to squeeze it out, Karin laughed nicholly cutely and creepy.

"It doesn't make any sense. It means the same thing."

"... I don't know what it means..."

Even though Gaius asked overlapping, Karin didn't try to answer just by smiling Nico.

"… and………"

As Gaius, scared to death by Karin's smile, spoke, his mouth pinched as if Kara were going to give him a help boat.

"Well, get him around there. Gaius seems to have figured out some of your fears."

Then Karin finally uttered the word.

"Right. Then let's go around here."

Karin said that again with a cute smile, walking ahead with Stasta.

Gaius, who was left, couldn't move because he didn't think Karin's smile was anything cute until now and he felt so horrible.

And Gaius shook his body again at the horrors of Karin.

Then he saw it and Carla spoke with a bitter smile.

"You've been watching Karin sweetly for a long time, haven't you?

Then Gaius admitted lightly.

"... yeah. Honestly......"

"Is it still true? But you finally figured it out, didn't you? That scare."

"... right. But..."

Gaius said it was out of fear for Karin.

But Carla nodded, prompting Gaius to go ahead.

"... maybe Karin hasn't ever been serious in front of me before, not just in an earlier fight?

Then Carla drooped her cocoon and little neck.

"Exactly. And it's the same with Delkia."

Then Gaius' eyes widened a little.

"... I see. Really..."

"Oh, yeah. They don't let their anger take them seriously. If you do that, you won't be able to use your powers when you have to."

"... what does that mean?

I couldn't measure the meaning of Carla's words, and Gaius asked.

Then Carla knocked her neck down gently to the side and said in a quiet tone with her hands on her hips.

"They don't mean it no matter what. Because if you let it out, it will diminish your power. I mean, they're always building up their strength."

"... is building strength..."

"That's right. Over the years, carefully and carefully..."

"Could that be..."

When Gaius noticed something was coming, he asked Carla.

Then Carla laughed and said, creating a harsh atmosphere.

"Yes. It's time for them to fight the gods they need to come."

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