Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty: Mountains of Ice

"... it's time..."

I told Delkia to dive in and whine, unlike usual.

Carla felt something nasty about the way it looked.

"... is it time... is that what you mean?

Then Delkia nodded heavily.

"... oh yeah. It's time to see him..."

Delchia said so, tying her mouth to a single letter and pressing her silence.

From the look of it, Carla perceived how much of it belonged to those who would soon be in sight.

"... Gaius, don't be alarmed for a moment from here on out, okay? Honestly, I don't know what kind of hands they're going to get. When, when, and instantly, do you want me to open up a different dimensional space?

Carla pushed her voice to death and told Gaius.

Gaius, too, nodded as his usual outrageous appearance lurked the ringing and became a serious expression.

"... ok. I don't want to die yet, either, and I'm sorry I got caught. When you have to, don't hesitate to let them escape to different dimensions."

"Oh. Do that. I'll leave the timing to you. If you think you're screwed, jump into different dimensions without hesitation."

"Copy that. Take care of Carla and the others."

Then Carla laughed only slightly.

"Well, I don't want you to worry about me. Don't worry, I'll get my hands on you too."

"Oh, we talked earlier. Now they know. Doesn't seem like a hard time, does it?

Then Carla gently poked Gaius's chest with her elbow.

"Don't bother bringing up that talk. Why don't you, come on, fix that personality?

Then Gaius was smashed in the chest and said slightly.

"Even if they say so. I'm not going to fix my personality."

Gaius put out his true nature and set it aside a little.

Then Karin, who goes ahead, uttered a sharp voice, as if to blame it.

"I see you."

Then the servant Gaius also returned to a serious look.

And he stared at the front that Karin pointed to.

"... which?... Oh, is that it?... like that high mountain..."

Then Delkia looked back at Gaius and nodded.

"That's right. That's... Satan."

Delkia told me and Gaius looked seriously forward.

"... that's Satan... in that... in that pile of ice... is Satan there..."

Gaius moved ahead early, while suppressing feelings of deviation.

Then a mountain of high ice was seen clear with a reflection of light.

"... ah!... Yes... There's someone in there... Is that Satan..."

As Gaius walked early enough, he narrowed his eyes and desired a distant pile of ice, in which his heart trembled at the appearance of a permeable alien.

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