Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Six: A Call

"... well, I'll try..."

Gaius squirmed like he had no choice but to stir up his clothes and float.

And as he soared up and came to Satan's face, he stopped pitterly and quietly.

Gaius looked anxious there and, although he sent his gaze to the Carlas downstairs, he couldn't get any reaction, so he had no choice but to face Satan with a horrible expression.

"... well... I don't have a choice... then let's do it..."

When Gaius finally got ready here, he took one big, deep breath.

And with such expressions as rarity and seriousness itself, he finally tried to call on Satan.

"... and... thank you..."

Although Gaius just said hello for now, from the three people watching downstairs, it was an exhausting phrase, so Delkia, who rang with a short breath among them, ran out of butch like an indication.

"Are you stupid or what!! More shaky! Shaky!"

Gaius responded vividly and heavily to Delkia's anger.

Gaius gave a faint look to fear, but soon when he found out that the current anger belonged to Delkia under his feet, he exhaled a gentle sigh of relief and spoke to Delkia with a troublesome face.

"Um, come on, you should say hello first. Call in order. Come on."

Then a thunderous Delchian heat flew from underfoot.

"I don't want you!! Just wake up Satan!

Gaius complained with a bump and a whisper that didn't sound like Delkia as he gently pulled his cheeks.

"... at all, I'm not sure that they generally called me... I don't know Satan very well... I'd say hello first... Normally... Delkia doesn't have common sense in the first place, common sense..."

Then Delchia's fury just rang from underfoot.

"You, come on! I'm telling you to hurry up -! If you're ever mottled, I'll smash you to death -!!

Gaius looked up to heaven and gave him a rather frustrating look, but he had no choice but to resume his call on Satan because it was easy to predict that if he took any more time, this time the attack magic would fly rather than an anger.

"Ooh! Saturn, wake up!

Gaius called around the giant Satan eyebrow, with quite a loud voice.

But then Gaius could not bear the silence, because the silence covered the area freezing, and called out loudly again.

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