Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand two hundred and seventy-six, weakness.

Then Lucifer shrugged his shoulders with his hands wide open like trouble.

"I don't know what else to do. Just wondering if Auglos' wisdom would mean anything to you, given your future."

Then Gaius said as he glanced at Lucifer with a glimpse of something frigid.

"Oh, thank you for your kindness..."

Though Gaius said something that was not in his mind, Lucifer seemed not to stop at all concerned.

"By the way, I left Satan alone for a long time. I'm sorry, Satan."

When Lucifer said this again in a way that was not in his mind, Satan also said it in a totally unfamiliar voice of emotion.

"I don't mind. It was an interesting conversation inside."

"Oh, really. It's a conversation between the original emperor Auglos and Gaius based on old and new peculiarities. I'm intrigued, too."

Then Satan said something unexpected.

"Hmm... So Augloss was also a singularity?

I answered Satan's exploratory inquiry with a grin that Lucifer had just said would be natural.

"That's right. What do you care?

Then Satan thought for a while.

"... right. I thought I couldn't recognize the singularity... was that a mistake?

Lucifer laughed niggardly at this Satan inquiry.

"What makes you think that?

"Now, only while Augrus was talking, I could recognize him."

Then Lucifer said without getting his hair in.

"That's probably because Augloss is a peculiarity of the past and not now"

"... Hmm, so while Augloss is on the table, Gaius' ability to be peculiar is lost?

We were all surprised by Satan's reflection.

Particularly surprising was once again Karla.

"Right! Though the flesh is the same, it is strange to think normally that its nature is lost when the Augloss is emerging. But in fact, Satan can only recognize Augloss during his appearance... that's what happens..."

Then Satan said with a mix of laughter.

"Funny. That's really funny. Lucifer, you are still a bad person..."

Then Carla reacted to this again.

"I mean, this... hopefully for Gaius, but the truth is... doesn't that mean he created some weakness in Gaius? What do you say? Lucifer!"

Carla's sharp questioning stuffing set Lucifer's slicing eyes quietly in horror.

"... well... the way you think is your own freedom."

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