Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter one thousand two hundred and eighty-three, complete death.

Lucifer nodded to Eagle Deep and urged Carla to ask.

Carla nodded silently and asked quickly.

"Then ask. Are you sure sleeping in the coffin of Illis is authentic Illis?

Lucifer then uttered no words and nodded to Eagle Deep earlier as well.

Carla received it as an affirmation as well.

"Right. Then ask on top of each other. Why did Iris die? Didn't mean your life expectancy ran out?

Then Lucifer laughed lightly.

"... right. Maybe, but I don't think we have a life expectancy."

In Lucifer's answer, Carla even asked without getting her hair in between.

"So who killed him? If you don't have a life expectancy, someone must have killed you.

Then Lucifer's grin shook a slight glimmer.

There's no way Carla could have missed that.

"... you. You're the one who killed Iris, apparently?

It was too direct a question of Carla, but Lucifer nodded quietly without any blame, affirming Carla's idea.

"... right. You get it, don't you?

Though Lucifer's tone was quiet, it seemed to Carla to have a slight mix of pity in it.

But Carla didn't feel the inevitability of saying it here.

For this reason, Carla did not touch the matter at all.

"... somehow. Apparently, you are the strongest of the gods... so I thought if I could kill the other gods, it would be about you..."

Then Lucifer nodded most likely.

"I see. Surely you are right, I am the strongest and most certain of God. Therefore, it is only natural to conclude that as a logical conclusion..."

Lucifer seemed convinced by Carla's remarks.

So Carla stroked down her breasts with her heart.

"By the way, was the death of Illis complete? Could it be that, like the Astarots, they are not just in a state of temporary death?

Lucifer then shook his neck wide and slowly to the side.

"... no, there can be no resurrection. So you're talking about a complete death."

"... Really? Clairvoyance by Gaius meant that a woman's body lay inside..."

Then Lucifer said, without putting in her hair.

"Yes, you're right. But there would have been a big hole in that Iris abdomen, wouldn't there?

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