Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson one thousand two hundred and eighty-nine.

"Hey! Hey! Wait a minute! Five minutes! No, just give me enough time! I'll be ready!

But Carla did not condone it.

"It's no use. It's about you anyway. Five minutes later, no, it's enough."

"No, no, no, no, I'm not a kid who can't wake up in the morning, so I'm not saying that!

Then now Calm Karin said coldly as she put her arms together.

"You're lying. I would definitely say. You can call me."

Then Delkia just got in tune.

"Right. Definitely. Carla, I knew it was a hassle. Let's get you started."

Then Carla nodded loudly and looked up high over her head.

"That's why. Satan, can you do me a favor in a minute without question?

Then Gaius reacted violently.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Wait a minute. Ahhhh!

But a merciless voice echoed, ignoring the cry of his soul.

"Fine. I don't need preparation. Let's start with your signal."

"No, hey, hey! Wait a minute. Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Although Gaius couldn't stop screaming again, it didn't seem to reach Carla's ear.

"Okay. Then I'll give you my signal, so please."

Carla looked up at Satan overhead and said so, lowering her gaze and coldly discarding him to Gaius.

"That's the thing. Get your mind ready."

Gaius was in a hurry.

"Seriously. Ahhhh! Whoa whoa whoa! What should I do? Awwwww!

Then Carla advised him with utmost calm.

"It's just a good talk if you're ready. We only have forty seconds, by the way, okay?

"Wow! Time, time, time! We don't have time. No, no, no, no, no!

"Right. About thirty seconds, by the way."

Gaius cursed and murmured at Carla, who marked a cold time.

"Ghosts! Demons! No, no, no, no, no, no!

Then Karla laughed with her nose.

"The devil would be there. No ghosts, but no humans... well, maybe I'm not mistaken. You've got twenty seconds."

"Grrrrrr! Oh, no! Oh, no! What am I supposed to do? Ahhhh!

"So I'm telling you to be ready. Ten seconds."

"Goddamn it. Uh-oh! All right, man! I'll do it! I'll do it! Satan or whatever, I'll do it! That's all right!?

Carla laughed and nodded nicely at Gaius, who was finally ready.

"That's right! Then, Satan, get started!

And it came to pass that Carla's signal was finally given.

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