Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Nine: The Origin of Armor

"... well, you can't be busy, can you? You can't move a step from here."

Then Satan laughed lightly again.

"You haven't heard? Sure you're right, my flesh is caught in this cage of permafrost, but my eyes and ears are free to fly around, right?

Then Gaius frowned, looking up diagonally to the left and trying to remember something.

"... oh, that sounds like he did say that..."

Then Satan laughed again.

"I was asking, but you seem to have forgotten me in anger and forgotten about that, too?

Then Gaius gently bit his lips off.

"... so you seem to want to say you're a child? ……

Then Satan said away without putting his hair in between.


Gaius chewed his lips harder than earlier, to remorse.

"... well, I've already admitted that I'm a child. You have to be persistent."

"Really? Steamed back is the singularity... wasn't it yours?

Then Gaius once again frowned and looked up diagonally to the left, while trying to recall an earlier conversation.

"... I don't care about that..."

Gaius remembered a memory that was inconvenient to him, so he immediately tried to switch the conversation.

"More than that, we just talked about it! Whatever rainbow armor may be, it's none of your business!

Satan laughed at Gaius desperately trying to change the conversation.

"You switched the conversation well, didn't you? It's a singularity. But it's okay."

Once Satan separated the words there, he laughed lightly with his nose and continued the conversation.

"Rainbow armor... I don't care about your naming sense at this point, but is it really you who came from that armor?

Satan asked the essence of the matter firmly, even as he gently dised Gaius.

Then Gaius looked at him reflexively when he was disguised, but he forgot about it in an instant, and rebuked Satan's words with a strange look.

"... where the armor came from?... That's up to me, isn't it? Because it came out of my body..."

Gaius couldn't even whine in a small voice because he wasn't sure.

Then Satan laughed.

Although Gaius happened to be a cock, he thought he would be grand again when he said it, and he was gleeful.

Then Satan laughed and said quietly.

"… peculiarities. Think about it. That armor probably didn't come from you, did it?

Gaius thought quietly with a serious look.

And he opened his mouth.

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