Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Three Hundred Eight: The Bitterness of Permanent Frozen Soil

When Satan told him so, he laughed even louder and higher.

Carla thought again with her mouth strongly pulled and tied.

(... is that true?... Is Satan really telling the truth?... I don't know... but if you knew, how did you know that permafrost would break just because you signed a contract with Gaius?... Though I don't think I have much knowledge of Satan's peculiarities?... No, is that fake too?... is it also a lie that you can't recognize the peculiarities if you are?... I don't know... this is too little material to make a decision...)

When Carla pondered in her heart, she raised her face again and asked Satan.

"So another question, what the hell are you going to do, escape the permafrost bite?

Then again, Satan made a big laugh.

"... Well, what do you want me to do... let's just get used to the body first?

Satan joked and said.

Carla said without changing one complexion.

"After that. Whether it's prep exercise, stretching or whatever. After getting used to your body, I'm asking you what the hell you're going to do."

Satan finally laughed and said to Carla's calmly settled mouth.

"Don't worry. This is something I also said to the singularity, but I, like all other high-ranking demons, can't get out on earth more than there is a guard of God. It's not a big deal when it comes to what you can do. So to speak, it's enough to relieve your stiff body..."

Saying so, Satan laughed mockingly.

Then Carla said with utmost quiet.

"Right. So you're staying in this hell, huh?

Satan also replied to Carla's push without showing any discomfort.

"That's the thing. But as always, my eyes and ears fly around the earth."

"Eyes and ears... does that mean that it strengthens?

"... well, you don't know that unless you try to unleash it"

"Hmm... right..."

Carla gave a subtle look, not sure if she was convinced or not.

Then, all of a sudden, a loud roar echoed around the area, and permanent frozen soil peeled off that had crept over Satan's face for years.

Satan slowly moved his mouth as he shimmered his eyes.

"... what a long time... my mouth, my throat, being able to play sounds, etc..."

Satan shuddered in emotion, trying to squeeze it out and whining.

Gaius felt true to the word and thought there was no lie.

(... but... how was the actual thing earlier?... Lie or Truth... Fulfill Satan knew or didn't know... Well, which the hell was it...)

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