Reincarnation Monarch

Episode One Thousand Three Hundred Nineteen Stuffed

From there began a personal lesson by Satan.

Gaius, let's see what Satan told us. We'll try it with a look, but it didn't work.

But gradually he began to understand how to use his powers.

"... somehow, but I think I see the flow of power..."

Gaius mumbled with his palms open and a jizzy view.

The look was serious in itself, and just as Karla was impressed with this.

"Huh. Sounds like you're wearing a lot of it, huh?

Then Gaius said something out of the blue.

"Yeah, I think it's for awesome. I think it's better to teach. 'Cause it's totally different than before."

There was no way Carla and the others wouldn't be furious about this.

"What the hell!? It's like our way of teaching was bad. But you keep telling me!

Delkia, the SWAT captain, cut in first.

This was followed by Karin.

"Really! You're gonna be so rude! That's a little unforgivable!

The end is naturally Karla.

"You have good guts, Gaius! I didn't know we were gonna turn the three of us over!

All three were uniformly shaped by ghosts, with their hands on their hips and in a state of benevolence.

Gaius recalled and feared what he had said.

"... yes, no... well, I didn't mean to..."

Gaius' wolf waving was so unusual.

That was great pleasure for Satan.

For this reason, Satan laughed as he blew them out, talking them out of height.

"It's still funny, you guys. I never get tired of watching it."

With that said, I kept laughing a lot forever.

But that didn't matter to Karla and the others.

He did not respond to Satan's words, nor to his laughter, but merely continued to stare at Gaius in the shape of a ghost.

The opposing Gaius likewise did not care about Satan's reaction or anything, only to continue to be frightened of Carla's gaze.

"... oh, you know..."

Even though Gaius spoke in horror, Carla drank it.

"Shut up!"

Carla drank it and Gaius accidentally lagged behind.

Then Karla and the others stepped forward to match the move.

Gaius stepped back even further, fearful.

Then, naturally, Karla and the others took another step forward.

Gaius pulled his face apart, one step further, and one step backwards, but the distance between the two never left because Carla and the others came forward to match Gaius.

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