Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 1,348: Two

"What Gaius was saying, Satan and Lucifer...... are Lucifer identical?

Carla asked, as she remembered.

Zira nodded greatly and replied.

"Exactly. Originally Lucifer was the highest archangel among angels serving God. But Lucifer grew to that and turned against God. As a result, he went to hell."

"Hmmm... is that still the case in that world... but in this world..."

Then Zira took Carla's words.

"There are two of us...... so"

Carla thought a lot.

But there was no way I'd get that answer.

"Zira, I want your opinion. What do you think?"

Zira slowly opened her mouth after much thought.

"... I've been thinking about this a little bit before... I honestly don't know. I don't even think I'd answer it if I asked him directly. It could be an eternal mystery."

"Wouldn't you answer me if I asked... I guess so. Neither Lucifer nor Satan seemed to speak of themselves."

"I guess so. It's a mystery."

"Okay. By the way, Lucifer in that world can become Satan and disappear into existence itself, right?

"Oh, I don't know if I'm right about being able to disappear. Lucifer will transform Satan."

"I mean the exact same existence. But in this world, it's completely separate... what do you think?

"So I don't know. I didn't hear that happened. Then there's still no answer."

Carla nodded at Zira's answer, as if she had no choice.

"... you lack the ingredients to think. If... I want to ask you other questions"

"Oh, I don't mind."

"So... Earlier Lucifer said he was an archangel in the service of God, but what is the name of that God?

Zira nodded greatly, laughing, just saying it was a good question.

"The name of God is... Yahweh or Yahweh..."

"Or what does that mean?

"There were originally only letters. Because it's like I was forced to read it. The truth is, we don't know the exact name."

"... That's a strange story..."

"Right. Does it sound strange from those who are in this world alone? I see."

"What about the other gods?

Then Zira looked difficult.

"Another god... to be there, but different religions"

"... oh yeah... different depending on religion... yeah? Is there no other god in a religion that believes in Yahaweh?

Zira nodded loudly, answering.

"Exactly. Yahaweh is the only god..."

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